Sisterhood of Holy Crap I fit into these pants! Week 24

Hi all,
I know our attendance has been in the pits lately, due to too much summer fun, vacations etc. So if someone is reading this and think that because it's week 24 you can't join, well you're wrong. We have people all over the board in this group, so feel free to join.:bigsmile:

I got to thinking yesterday that as a mom (sorry for those of you who aren't, but just stay with me:wink: ) I'm a total hypocrite. I stress over what my daughter eats all the time. I get frustrated when she only wants to snack on gold fish crackers and not pieces of fruit or veggies. I go so far as to make my own crackers so I can slip in extra veggies so I feel better about her eating it. Why then can't I say "no" to myself when I pick up a handful of chips to go with my lunch? The saying is soooooo true that mommies put themselves dead last. Well I think it goes a little further than just mommies, I think it's women in general (and yes sometimes men). We put everyone else first and end up with the quick grab junk food. Well personally, I'd like to be around for my daughter. I'd like to be able to show her how I played volleyball in High School. I'd like to be fit enough to run a few miles everyday and show her that it can be done. I'd like for her to see me hop right up on my horse and not have to take a few hops cuz it's too hard to get my fat *kitten* in the saddle. I don't want to be her fat mommy that sits on the beach all covered up and won't play in the sand or water with her. This might sound selfish, but I'm going to be first. I'm putting myself first. Then, by doing so everyone benefits. Let's face it, if I kick off right now, my hubby is screwed without me.:laugh:
I challenge you to be your own mommy. Don't be afraid to tell yourself NO. Put you first, because you ARE worth it.:flowerforyou:


  • PunkinHeadsMOMMA
    BTW -- I've broke that 178 barrier (for what like the third time?:grumble: ) down 2 pounds. I also went shopping and needed a new pair of capri pants due to always pulling my old ones up. And yes, Holy Crap I fit into these pants. I'm sitting in a pair of size 12 capris. So I'm down 2 sizes.:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :blushing: :bigsmile: A bit of good news after yo-yoing between 175-180.:bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • PunkinHeadsMOMMA
    Bump for my peeps:laugh: :laugh:
  • sudzie88
    sudzie88 Posts: 185 Member
    hey guys! i am at 152, up a half a pound from my week at the beach, but i'll take it! i did the shred every day but i knew that i was eating a lot... i have 2.5 weeks until i leave for guatemala so i hope i can make them count...
  • pepamint83
    pepamint83 Posts: 444 Member
    o kacee im so proud of U happy dance & yay about the capri (pics?) sudz sometimes during the summer these things happen enjoy the beach (cough jealous)

    to answer ur quest about my toes in previous thres i fractured 2 toes sat, cause i slipped on the treadmill instructions falling toes straight on (with flip flops on) into the headboard of the treadmill. if it wasnt so sad i would laugh and say its a sign from my dad a doc says i cant walk on it for a few days cause they are def fractured black and blue and taped together and i may not be able to use it like i did for 4-6 weeks if they are feeling a little helpless casue he wants me off my feet for a feew day and i cant really do cardio espcieally not my walk which dare i say i miss, feel like im gonna gain weight back. (i can do strength but we all know cardio burns the calories) he says i can bike i dont think he understand how to bike since hes only done it three times but i sort of need to put my foot down to peddle (he says cant u peddal with one foot omg) i cant put pressure on the front of the foot it hurts too bad. we have an eliptical im gonna give it a try but dont know if i can do so much but i guess every little bit helps.

    sudz how u doing with the shred?
  • sudzie88
    sudzie88 Posts: 185 Member
    ari - just did day 12, although i didnt move up to level 2. at the boyfriends and tehre's no real place for me to do it and level 2 requires a lot more room. im staying at level 1 (it still buuuurns so im not worried) and just trying to stay with the more advanced girl. when i get home i am going to move up to level 2 and hopefully having done level 1 well and a lot will make level 2 not quite such a shock. i am pretty proud that i have kept it up through day 12 regardless though :smile: :smile: :smile:

    sooooo sorry to hear about your toes! that sounds SO painful! hopefully they arent broken and youll be up and walking soon! dont push yourself:wink::smile:

    kacee congrats on the capris! thats so awesome!
  • TaeKonDomama
    Hey everyone,
    Pepamint 83, so sorry to read about your toes. I broke a bone in my foot last May and was in a walking boot for 6 weeks. Even had it going around a theme park. I was SO glad to be out of it. Even though I didn't get active until October. Maybe you could do some stationary biking until those toesies heal. Ask your doc, dad about that. it may be that you can't do it for a few days, but you might be able to handle a bike better because you are not on your feet per say.
    Hey Sudzie, I like that picture. Pandas are so cute.
    Pumkinheadsmomma, WONDERFUL job on the pants. It feels so good when you can go down sizes, Yes with the s on the end.
  • junkgypsy
    junkgypsy Posts: 217
    Can I join y'all? :)
  • sudzie88
    sudzie88 Posts: 185 Member
    junkgypsy - of course you can! we weigh in on tuesdays (look for a new thread on those days, started by momma) and tend to check in every day or so for support. feel free to ask if you have other questions!

    tkdm - i know! pandas are my fave! haha...
  • PunkinHeadsMOMMA
    Ok Ladies FYI -- I'm going AWAL (absent without authorized leave:laugh: ) till prolly Monday-ish. Going to go see my family in CO and go camping. I'm not too worried cuz there's plenty of trails to walk/jog on and plus all the fishing requires a bunch of walking:laugh: . I'm sure the food won't be the greatest, but at least I don't have to worry much about fast food. I can control the ingredients since we'll be doing our own cooking. Plus my skinny-***** :laugh:sister (I love her, she's not a *****, she's my best friend:love: ) will be there and she's kinda a health nut (prolly why she's skinny?:ohwell: ). So all that added together might not mae it so bad. I did pack some extra clothes, sports bras and shoes so I can get some exercise in. Plan for success, not failure!!!

    Hope everyone has a wonderful 4th!!!

    Junkgypsy -- welcome!!!! we do have more members, some are on vacations, some are expecting babies and some are busy with summer activites and kids!!! Don't be surprised if you see new people radomly popping in and out:wink: Great to have you! Any questions or anything just holler and someone will answer!
  • PunkinHeadsMOMMA
    btw -- I got on the scale this morning (I don't normally weigh more than once a week) just to keep track before going on big trip to see how I do.....I'm 174. That means I can change my ticker!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • PunkinHeadsMOMMA
    Holy crap man, I just changed my ticker and the last time I was able to change it (for the postive) was on 4/11/09. That was a hell of a plateau. Glad to break through it, even if it is just for a day!!!!:laugh:
  • pepamint83
    pepamint83 Posts: 444 Member
    Hey everyone,
    Pepamint 83, so sorry to read about your toes. I broke a bone in my foot last May and was in a walking boot for 6 weeks. Even had it going around a theme park. I was SO glad to be out of it. Even though I didn't get active until October. Maybe you could do some stationary biking until those toesies heal. Ask your doc, dad about that. it may be that you can't do it for a few days, but you might be able to handle a bike better because you are not on your feet per say.
    Hey Sudzie, I like that picture. Pandas are so cute.
    Pumkinheadsmomma, WONDERFUL job on the pants. It feels so good when you can go down sizes, Yes with the s on the end.

    my dad in his infinite wisdom thinks i can bike outside cause its sitting and i "dont really need to use both my feet....i may to the eliptical may do the stationary right now it hurts a lot

    sudz thanks yeah it hurts hes not sure if its a hairline fracture a complete fracture he thinks complete or broken but says theres no point to go to er cause all they will do is tape it so thats what he proud of 12 days with the shred stay on level one as long as u need to.
    junk welcome...

    kacee :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: so proud i want to change my ticker again hopefully soon my deadlines coming up quick theres 2 more i set (my trip then my bday) and i want it bad....have fun on ur vaca so jealous but enjoy

    feeling fat today want to cardio want a change in weight how can clothes fit better but no change in scale?


    frustrated snail
  • pepamint83
    pepamint83 Posts: 444 Member
    i know where a few have gone (vacation) but im wondering where the rest of the group went?
  • sudzie88
    sudzie88 Posts: 185 Member
    sorry at the boyfriends so i dont have that much access to a comp... i started level 2 of the shred yesterday - OH MAN IT IS SO INTENSE!!! i am on day 15 total also so that means halfway there!! and i have only taken 2 rest days! i am very happy that i have stuck with it. i also have a couple of her other dvds and im excited to try those at some point (they are a little longer, like 40 mins, so i dont know if ill be able to do them much).

    pep how are the toes?
  • pepamint83
    pepamint83 Posts: 444 Member
    sorry at the boyfriends so i dont have that much access to a comp... i started level 2 of the shred yesterday - OH MAN IT IS SO INTENSE!!! i am on day 15 total also so that means halfway there!! and i have only taken 2 rest days! i am very happy that i have stuck with it. i also have a couple of her other dvds and im excited to try those at some point (they are a little longer, like 40 mins, so i dont know if ill be able to do them much).

    pep how are the toes?

    so porud of u havppy dance (in my head) toes are looking better. yesterday i attempted to put foot flat on ground see if i could walk not happening but soon. i miss my walks so weird to say. mother said she would walk around th block with me tom slowly may take a couple of hours but i want to try

    happy 4th of july everyone
  • PunkinHeadsMOMMA
    So I'm back and since we have like no one checking in, I don't think we need to start another thread for this week. I got on the scale this morning and it said 175, up 1 pound from last week. I'm not freaking out though due to greasy campfire food. I did get a bunch of walking in. I wasn't able to jog, 10,000 feet in elevation slows ya down a bit!!:wink: I'm not stressing over it.:happy:

    How did the walk go Pep?
    jess -- I like level 2 better than 1. I have no idea why, it's all torture in my book!
  • pepamint83
    pepamint83 Posts: 444 Member
    So I'm back and since we have like no one checking in, I don't think we need to start another thread for this week. I got on the scale this morning and it said 175, up 1 pound from last week. I'm not freaking out though due to greasy campfire food. I did get a bunch of walking in. I wasn't able to jog, 10,000 feet in elevation slows ya down a bit!!:wink: I'm not stressing over it.:happy:

    How did the walk go Pep?
    jess -- I like level 2 better than 1. I have no idea why, it's all torture in my book!

    good plan...theresa says hi to all she will be back just not yet busy with home and kids. wasnt able to do the walk put foot flat down and its feeling better so my mother is gonna attempt to go around the block with me. soooooo good kacee u got in walking i miss it so...glad ur not fretting over the pound i feel like something is in the air dont know wat it is though.

    report back later.

  • Livi_Loves_Pink
    Hi guys! I'm back home now, and just got back 'on the wagon' yesterday. Though, I'm pretty sure I lost a couple pounds while I was away.

    I'm not going to weigh until this Sunday, though.

    I hope everyone is going well! I'll try to be around more often now. =)
  • Johnnyswife
    Johnnyswife Posts: 1,447 Member
    Ok, I am so joining in, just cause I like the title. lol I can weigh in on the JuneStarters on Tuesday as well. Pepamint, I had to tape my toes and stay off them before. I used a stationary bike because the pedals were small and had straps on them, so i was able to dangle my injuired toes out of harms way. I HATED having them taped up! So uncomfortable. I hope you feel better soon.
  • sudzie88
    sudzie88 Posts: 185 Member
    did we start a new thread yesterday?? i cant find it...

    im back at home and feeling like i fell off the wagon, i gained 2 pounds this week... someone kick me in the butt???????