South Beach Diet

has anyone been on the South Beach diet - what were your results?

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  • hiddensecant
    hiddensecant Posts: 2,446 Member
    We normally hear good things about that one actually.
  • jenzimmer
    jenzimmer Posts: 300 Member
    Yes. I have done it a couple of times. I think I lost about 10-15 pounds. It is VERY hard though. Read the book if you are going to do it. It makes more sense.
  • LeanLioness
    LeanLioness Posts: 1,091 Member
    I prefer Atkins because low fat products leave me hungry and that is what South Beach did to me, where as Atkins I can eat the fat on my steak, use butter on my veggies and full fat cheese and yogurt. I feel fuller longer and lose weight easier...........

    Just my experience. A lot of people like South Beach though.
  • pepamint83
    pepamint83 Posts: 444 Member
    i did it my first time lost about 40 pounds im on it this time modified and luv luv luv it....basically the no sugar or carbs or fruit i did first 2 weeks and then i allowed low carbs like brown rice and whole wheat tortillas and some fruit cause i luv fruit so far 13 pounds lost and i feel really good.....i do the modified cause last time i stayed on the first 2 weeks part for 7 weeks then had trouble allowing myself to get to the second part which is slowly introducing that stuff back (stupid since thats where i over indulged) and then i crashed cause im a carb lover. which is why this time around i am allowing carbs but like i said low carb and whole wheat any questions please ask
  • casamelsmom
    I have been off and on it for the past 3 years. It is really easy. You get a bit bored of the same foods and it is difficult to "eat on the run", but results are worth it. You can eat at any fast food resturant and still stay on the plan. I lost 30 lbs. I am stuck right now trying to lose the last 12, but I cheat more than when I was on it "strickly". Today I had McDonalds burger and fries, which are a NO NO, but tomorrow I will start with eggs for breakfast and go from there.
  • havingitall
    havingitall Posts: 3,728 Member
    My sister-in-law was put on it because she was having some problems with reflux. She feels great and has lost over 12 lbs on it. I had a salad from the reipes she got and it wsa amazing.
  • dclarsh
    dclarsh Posts: 364
    I did an experiment with it about a month ago... as a vegetarian. It wasn't that hard, actually, you just have to be creative. But, I quit after a week because I was not making it through my runs anymore. It didn't make sense for me to stick with a diet that made it so difficult to work out, even if it was for one more week. I didn't lose any more weight than I would have if I were just doing a regular diet. But they say that vegetarians typically wouldn't because the protein content isn't as high.

    Two things that I learned though... eggs for breakfast keep me fuller than most other foods. I still eat them about three to four mornings a week. Also, low carb vegetarian food is EXTREMELY low in calories. For the week I was on it, I had a hard time getting my calories in.

    Also, it made me pay very close attention to what I was eating, which is a definite plus. And, I wasn't hungry the whole time I was on it.

    If you are interested in doing it, I would say go for it.
  • dianainreno
    Thanks for your input - I agree that eating eggs for breakfast keeps me full, and I don't get that shaky feeling like when I have a protien smoothie. I am realizing the more sugar I eat, the worse I feel. I am going to try the phase 2 part of the SB diet - more carbs. I am having a hard time getting all my calories too - I always end up with a lot of sugar, too much protien and not enough carbs. What type of diet do you follow?
  • dianainreno
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  • hollychristine
    hollychristine Posts: 124 Member
    I love the South Beach Diet! I read the book about 3 years ago and followed it exactly as it said. I was NEVER hungry, and I lost 15 pounds the first WEEK! As a general rule I don't rely on the number tho, but I didn't gain it back. I also lost 5 inchess off my waist. I never finished all the phases, but I've been off sugar and white carbs since then and I feel great.
    I had a hard time because I had a crazy schedule. It got hard to stick to it for me. I have stuck with the general principals of it and I am so greatful for the education I recieved from that experience. I also found it difficult to workout tho.
    I just picked up the new book, South Beach Diet Super Charged. He added a fitness routine to the plan and updated alot of info and added new recipes. BTW, even if you don't follow it, the recipes are to die for! I'm a vegetarian now, so I'm going to read this new book and give it another go. I'm also unemployed now, so I don't have to worry about eating on the run. I guess thats a plus lol
  • dianainreno
    Thanks for your input - I will look for the new SB diet book. I agree the recipes are great. I am following it pretty good except for not eating any fruit. I have to have my fruit! I am also unemployed right now so there is now excuse for not eating right and exercising. Good luck with your diet!

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