

  • Since joining MFP in November I have learned better portion control, am more exercise conscious, have been brave enough to get back on roller skates. I have led my hubby onto MFP and I have lost 16 pounds resulting in 2 clothes sizes lost! I have lost enough weight and redistributed my measurements to fit into a dress I…
  • My family eats together every day, but I wanted to add that when I was young, my father worked construction and was a way a lot. Some of my best memories are of our "Friday Night" ritual which involved (yikes!) bologna, cheese, pizza, chips and soda. (And the Dukes of Hazzard and Dallas, of course). It certainly wasn't a…
  • Got this one down pat! And, the kids don't need carseats anymore. Because I buckle up, they do too, without even thinking about it anymore.
  • Gave up the artificial sweeteners months ago for Stevia. I now provide it at the church where I attend, too. Hoping more people will make the switch!
  • gave up paid TV of any sort in 1990. You'd be amazed what all you can accomplish without one!
  • traded in my ice tea mix for a glass of water with lemon juice and stevia!
  • I did 50 before the knees started feeling stressed. Cardio was fine, I just didn't want to collapse in a heap needing medical attention!
  • Love this challenge-I'm all about early to bed and early to rise!
  • Let's start with this website! It's excellent for keeping me on track.
  • I don't drink soda on a daily basis; however, I had already opened one when I read the challenge this morning. :(
  • Filled container with my own well water to carry to work today (the water here is treated and tastes like chlorine). No plastic water bottles in the landfill today!
  • I'm a little late in looking at today's challeng (10:06 pm) but can happily say that I organized the canning cupboard in my basement this afternoon and de-cluttered the coat closet. It's time to make room for all the coats, hats, scarves and mittens!
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