Chinese food is THE WORST!
5'5 155 size 8 womens and medium to large in shirts
I'm planning a wedding and could use money to help pay off our maxed out credit card. I'd rather do this than get new dishes. The cash will also be a great help and added bonus to things on honeymoon.
I'm a SAHM too. 3 kids 10, 8, 9 months! Welcome!
Lookin Good!
Replaced batteries just now. It went up four more pounds but I have also ate/drank already. I will try again tomorrow morning. At this point I really hope it is just broke :-(
When I was pregnant, only 2 people asked when I was due. I knew most didn't want to just incase I wasn't. That's when I realized just how much I had gained.
I'm 5'5" and I would love to be 130. However I am currently just trying to get to 140, and then will go from there.
you look amazing!
Amazing results! Fantastic!
Working out always lowers my appetite, not forever but long enough to hold me over for a while at least!
I too am doing 30DS. I had to take a break because of knee pain. Please watch your knees! It was awful. I now do turbo jam as a warm up for 15 minutes and will switch to her. Her warm ups are not enough with all the squats and lunges she has you do. But I have seen results! Should have measured!
You or anyone can add me also! My friend who was supoose to get fit with me has bailed already, but I am going to keep strong! I am new to dieting/ working out, and could use pointers as well as encouragement! I would love to do the same for everyone too!