Brutal Honesty - What was the final straw?



  • ashlee2012
    For me I can't place a finger on the specific straw that broke the camel's back. It was a combination of things. I was diagnosed with PCOS, a condition that can greatly impede the ability to have children, especially when overweight. Along with that diagnosis came the pre-diabetic warnings. I still didn't listen to the warning signs, though, and I let myself get to a point of complacency. I don't pretend to speak for all overweight people, but I know for myself, I got to a point where I had nearly convinced myself that I was happy as I was. Sure, it sucks having to shop on the plus size rack, but I'm not as big as some people, so who cares...

    In the tail end of 2011, I made a drastic career move. I took more than a 50% pay cut in order to get into an industry and career path that is so RIGHT for me. Immediately I was happier, less stressed, and more excited about all that life has to offer. As the year ended and I continued training and getting "ramped up" in my recruiting job, I started thinking: "I'm so much happier now, happier than I've ever been...but I am so unhealthy that I can't truly enjoy my life as I should be!"

    I ultimately decided that if I could make such a frightening decision as I did with my career, and have it actually pay off the way that it has, then I owe it to myself to get healthy once and for all. Weight loss is my primary focus because of all of my current health risks, but this is not a fad diet/force exercise and water down my throat/going to get sick of it inside of a week type of a journey. I'm in this for the long hall, slowly transitioning myself to an overall healthier lifestyle. Some goals for the next year include: beginning on my weight loss journey to lose 128 lbs (I don't expect to reach this total goal in the first year, but I definitely want to make great progress), get and stay more active (both with exercising and just doing more of the things I love), adopting healthy, well-balanced eating habits, quitting smoking, and making more time for me!
  • ashlee2012
    StinkyBug: I can definitely relate! I am pre-diabetic and terrified of not making these changes quickly enough to fix the damage I have caused my body. But on a more superficial note--My family was planning a trip to the Harry Potter park at Universal, and I refused to go after reading an article about the ride restrictions for overweight people. I am such a gigantic Harry Potter nerd, I was devastated to think that if I went to the park, I wouldn't even be able to fully experience it because of my weight! That is the ultimate reward when I reach my 128lb weight loss goal: a trip to Harry Potter to ride the rides and indulge in all of my nerdy glory!
  • CaitlinFrost
    For me it was a couple of things.

    I was standing naked in front of the mirror, scrutinizing my every flab, fold, bulge and impurity. I noticed I had more then just the silvery/reddish stretch marks, but I also had a really deep purple one on my stomach. I cried.

    On the first family holiday my whole family has ever been on, I had to stand and take pictures, pretending I was scared of the ride as I had already been told I was too big, as the rest of my family lined up.

    Recently, my younger sister (12) was being teased at school, because her older sister (myself) was a 'fatty'.

    And finally, I was wearing black jeans and looked in the mirror. I had what looked like an extra huge, bulge of fat in the front (Like an apron I call it). Absolutely disgusting and gross. Never again.

    I won't get to the point where I am too heavy for the scales, and I was only 11 kilos away this time one month ago.
  • Nikita8733
    The last straw for me is when I went to the doctor and the scale read 306lbs. That is my heaviest weight in my entire life.
  • thekacks
    thekacks Posts: 146 Member
    It was years of verbal abuse, rejection, my marriage ending because I was fat, being hit with type 2 diabetes, that caused me to finally kick it into overdrive and become human again.

    Good for you but damn tell the ex wife from me that she's friggin STUPID!!! lol You are gorgeous!
  • baypathgradLyns
    baypathgradLyns Posts: 639 Member
    I went to the doctor's with my 16 year old daughter and when she got on the scale she broke down into tears. She weighted 198 pounds. We decided that it was time to get back to the gym. When my husband and daughter went there to sign up the gentlemen who signed us up was a health coach. He encouraged us to try a trainer. That first trainer was what made the difference for us. Now the 3 of us train 2x a week and work out on our own another 4 times a week. My husband has lost 100 pounds, I have lost 92 pounds and my daughter has lost 50 pounds. We've tried many diets before, but this time we met the right people and that made all the difference. It's a year later now and we've never looked back. Our lives are totally different and so much better! My daughter has so much more confidence, it's amazing!

    Your story is so great!!! thanks for sharing :)
  • baypathgradLyns
    baypathgradLyns Posts: 639 Member
    For me it was two bigger things, and a bunch of little things:

    1) In September 2010, I had an OBGYN annual exam, that determined an abnormal pap (abnormal cells) that would require a follow up exam and possible biopsy every four months until it went back to normal, and my doc told me the only way to fight it (and reduce the risk of it turning to cancer) was to eat right and exercise (to boost my immune system).

    2) In October 2010, we had our engagement pics done, and I looked horrid in a few of can totally see the extra weight around my waist, my double chin, etc etc.

    Now, I can happily say, after having to go to the OBGYN every four months since September 2010, and having a biopsy done EVERY time, my last appt was in October 2011 and she said my cells are back to normal!!! (I have lost approx. 87 lbs since September 2010). So, I am happy about that, and hopefully it will stay that way! :)
  • BaconMD
    BaconMD Posts: 1,165 Member
    I looked in the mirror and saw Hurley from LOST. I decided that day that I had to either cut my hair or lose some weight. So I took the harder route.

    While that is true, it wasn't the actual catalyst for me.

    I have always wanted to get healthy, and tried and failed several times. The seriousness of this time was realized when I was getting winded going up one set of stairs to go to bed or to the bathroom... How pathetic. And my weight had been off the charts (well, off the scale, which tops out at 330lbs) for years.

    Finally, I decided to try something again. But I expected to fail, yet again. However, I'm down at least 49lbs now (I can't say how much for sure, since I didn't get properly weighed in when I started working out) and I feel, for the most part, better than I have in my entire adult life. I credit EA Sports Active 2.0 with helping me stick with it, at least for the first 6-ish months, before I started expanding my workouts into other areas, like treadmill and freestyle stuff. Eventually I'd like to use some of my wife's workout DVDs, but they're intimidating. Anyhow, I still have a long way to go, but I'm well on my way.
  • kiters
    kiters Posts: 60 Member
    Seeing pictures with family over the holidays. I didn't like what I was seeing at all. And I'm usually the first to jump in a picture....NOt anymore.....not until I am comfortable looking in the mirror again.
  • Scorpioangel
    Scorpioangel Posts: 951 Member
    For me it was when my cholesterol was high and my blood pressure was 171/110. My Dr. said I'd have to get on meds if I couldn't get it in check.
  • busyPK
    busyPK Posts: 3,788 Member
    I feel blessed in many aspect of my life - wonderful husband, two healthy pregnancies resulting in two handsome sons, great executive job at a young age, own a house by age 22, loving and supportive parents and extended family, but I never focused on my health. After having two children in two years, my body changed and it was harder for me to hide the extra fat. I knew my husband could tell all the weight I've gained (not from kids, but just through the 6 years being together - about 40lbs) and tried to talk about it with me and I broke down crying everytime. For almost a year I skated away from the subject with him because I was in denial of what I let myself get to. My husband never pushed me, but he wanted me to do it for me and now I am. I am so happy with my progress in the last 2.5 months and so is he. :smile:
  • samantha196
    Things have been building for a year. Missing my old clothes, out of breathe all the time, two close friends got diagnosed with diabetes, not getting pictures taken because I hate what I look like etc. But really what did it was my three year old son. He had a nightmare and wanted me to sleep in his bed. His tiny plastic Buzz Lightyear bed. I was so scared I was going to break it. The next day I joined this site and really got to work on what I need/needed to do in order to get healthy again.
  • Jeshkah
    I've never felt confident enough to wear a bikini without a tanktop and shorts over it. I'm getting married this year (Sept 15th), and I want to look & feel the best I can possibly be. It would also be nice to be healthier since I'm only 23 and I'm out of shape (which is really unacceptable). I am motivated to do this! I really want this motivation to stay...even though it's only been a few days. I want to see results and feel confident again :)
  • CNG223
    CNG223 Posts: 127 Member
    Every time my husband left for a deployment, school, or long training, I would manage to lose 15 to 25 pounds. The last time he deployed, I had managed to instead gain weight.
    When he came home for R&R, I was so dissappointed in myself and felt so unattractive that I let it affect my relationship with my husband and I almost ruined the precious 2 weeks I had with him before he had to go back to Afghanistan. The day he left to go back, I vowed I would lose a minimum of 20 pounds before he redeployed.
    I started out by eating a little bit healthier and exercising 30 mins, 4 times a week. After 3 months I had only lost 10 pounds. With my husband coming home in 5 weeks I decided I needed to try harder. My daughter told me about MFP, so I decided to try it and I upped my workouts to 1 hour a day, 6 days a week.
    The day my husband was back home safe, I had managed to lose 21 pounds.
    We had planned on renewing our vows for our 20 year anniversary, which was in 4 months, so that gave me the drive to keep at it. I lost 50 pounds by my vow renewal party.
    Now, after one year on MFP (today), I have lost 72 pounds. And after I lose another 4 pounds, I will be at the weight I was before my husband and I got married.

    My final straw was similar, when my husband got back from Afghanistan this time, I realized I had gained about 20 pounds(on top of the 20 our first year of marriage). Looking at the homecoming coming pictures from his deployment to Iraq and then looking at the ones from Afghanistan, I didn't even recognize myself. He is in amazing shape and has never once mentioned my weight. Turning to food to cope with missing him, bad idea. So I started made a change right then to be more healthy. I gave up caffiene, soda, and fried food. I lost 10 pound right away. Then I found MFP and am working for the next 30. It's funny how photos will wake you up instead of just the mirror sometimes.
  • yesthistime
    yesthistime Posts: 2,051 Member
    Waiting to board a connecting flight and being called up to the help desk and asked if I had to buy a second plane ticket on the previous flight. It's the type of thing you hear about, but when it actually happens to you...
  • Dwillig
    Dwillig Posts: 18
    When I was pregnant, only 2 people asked when I was due. I knew most didn't want to just incase I wasn't. That's when I realized just how much I had gained.
  • scott1080
    scott1080 Posts: 109 Member
    for me it was the fact if i didnt drop the weight i was about to lose my job and of course with the job market out there and im the main sourse of income of a family of 7 i went into panick mode and all the years of tring the newest fad out there and my weight going up and down but couldnt lose more than 10-15 lbs i decided that was enough and went to a dr and got put on a great program and i am now within the weight i need to be to keep my job but still a little ways to go
  • lrichardson2360
    lrichardson2360 Posts: 225 Member
    I always had up and down weight issues, but I hit my highest weight after the birth of my 2nd child. After she was born, I was pushing 300 and my knees hurt anytime I used the stairs. I developed plantar fasciitis in my left foot which was due to my weight and very painful. My whole body hurt and I could no longer keep up with my older son. I'd had enough. I started eating healthy and excercising. I'm down 50 lbs, but still have a ways to go, but my knees don't hurt nearly as much, the plantar fasciitis went away and I can run 2 miles without stoppping to walk. I'm loving it!
  • clairification
    clairification Posts: 71 Member
    There have been a lot of little straws...

    -Spending my birthday in tears because I was reminded I wasted another year as an extremely sub-par version of myself.
    -Having stretch marks and needing to buy "mom jeans" but not having any kids.
    -Feeling like I cant be outgoing and bubbly because people will see me as the loud fat girl.
    -Realizing my goal has been to be invisible rather than to stand out.
    -Going to the doctor for a follow up visit..only to find I'd gained 30 pounds since my last visit....I went right home and found the MFP app and have been here every day since. No looking back!
  • HealthyHoney30
    HealthyHoney30 Posts: 43 Member
    I was tired of struggling to breathe, being ashamed to take pics with my daughter (and seeing how heavy I was in them), and just feeling uncomfortable in general. I had worked so hard to lose weight before I got pregnant and I let depression take over after she was born. I want to be healthy for me and for her so that I can actively participate in her life and be around in general.