Brutal Honesty - What was the final straw?

Was there anything specific in your life that happened to cause your new journey towards health and well being? Was there an event, something embarrasing or even medical to finally get you to begin to take the needed steps to losing weight or at least reevaluate things?

For me, I recently took a series of airplane flights and low and behold, I couldn't get the damn belt buckle to close and lock. It didn't reach! Oh for the love of god, how could I get this big that I couldn't buckle up. I looked left and right at other passengers, noticing the 6-10 extra inches of belt after they buckled. I couldn't believe myself. My hips were hurting because I was rubbing between the metal arm rests and just generally very uncomfortable. I sat on my buckle during the flights, making it appear I was buckled up.

I have another flight coming up in a few weeks and have made it my mission to lose enough before then to at least fit in the buckle. How about you?

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  • cabaray
    cabaray Posts: 971 Member
    Watching my husband ride the rides at an amusement park with my girls because I was too big to ride with them was the final straw. I look forward to the day I can ride the rides. I look forward to the day that I don't have to sit between my daughters at the theater for fear a stranger will sit next to me and be crowded. I look forward to the day I can fly again. I haven't for years out of fear of having to buy an extra seat. My day is coming!
  • Ninaad
    Ninaad Posts: 28
    Mine was a bit different-- My friend said to me "I am gonna lose 30 lbs before my birthday." I said, "That's great. I wish I could lose weight like that." And he simply said to me, "Why can't you?" That made me question myself as to "why can't I go for it too?" =]
  • loki3981
    loki3981 Posts: 249 Member
    My husband, a type 2 diabetic, was placed on insulin. We started eating better then. But, it took a few weeks for me to go enough is enough.
  • thejackswild79
    Mine was when I was offered an incredible opportunity to spend three weeks in Scotland and France. It was a once in a lifetime trip but I was immediately overwhelmed with anxiety: plane seats, tour bus seats, walking/climbing/hiking everywhere, PHOTOS. I wanted to enjoy this trip to the fullest and I realized that even though I was very active at 285 lbs I was limited. And if I was this limited on a once in a lifetime holiday, then I was limiting my life and it had to change.

    I made the change and it was worth it. My trip was absolutely incredible. Not only was I comfortable in planes, trains and taxis but I felt confident in pics, had loads of energy and even finished a hill race in Oban. And I am not done yet. ;)
  • KCharron20
    I went to the doctor's with my 16 year old daughter and when she got on the scale she broke down into tears. She weighted 198 pounds. We decided that it was time to get back to the gym. When my husband and daughter went there to sign up the gentlemen who signed us up was a health coach. He encouraged us to try a trainer. That first trainer was what made the difference for us. Now the 3 of us train 2x a week and work out on our own another 4 times a week. My husband has lost 100 pounds, I have lost 92 pounds and my daughter has lost 50 pounds. We've tried many diets before, but this time we met the right people and that made all the difference. It's a year later now and we've never looked back. Our lives are totally different and so much better! My daughter has so much more confidence, it's amazing!
  • Priincess_Natalie
    Priincess_Natalie Posts: 367 Member
    Mine was different. I was unhealthy in a different way...not from weight but from smoking and bad lifestyle choices including a poor diet. I was 31 and couldn't even stand to cook dinner without feeling like I couldn't breath. What had I done to myself?!?!?

    I finally quit smoking 10 months ago. That lead to joining a gym 10 months ago. From there I quit pop and sugary drinks 6 months ago and last month I started to eat clean and pay attention to the foods I'm fueling my body with. Now I have very serious health goals and feel better than ever.
  • AnnettLynn
    I just started my journey to kick off the new year. Alot of things over my lifetime made me want to change, but I never had the willpower to keep at it more than a few weeks.

    When I was younger, my mother once told me when I was at about 180lbs that if I didn't lose weight, I would die. Of course hearing that didn't feel good, and in the end it only caused me stress and made me eat even more and put on more weight. Others would pick on me for my weight, which only added more to my stress and even my weight. The more i was picked on, the heavier I got.

    The first day of the new year, I woke up to a phonecall. My partner said that he cheated on me and he was sorry, but it still hurt quite a bit. I suppose that is what made me decide to lose weight this time around. Maybe it's not the best reason to get healthy, who knows. I just hope I can stick with it this time.
  • rsouthland
    The fantastic thing I've found in the past few weeks on this site is that everyone is so incredibly supportive. If you make MFP part of your daily routine, I know you'll stick with it. It's nice to have so much accountability and support in one place.
  • megannicolex33
    For me, all it took was looking in the mirror one day. I mean REALLY looking at myself. I stood there for at least 15 minutes, just wondering when the heck I got so big! I have these ugly stretch marks on my inner thighs and my hips, my stomach is big, I have cellulite all over my butt and legs... I just knew right then that I needed to lose weight. Especially considering this all happened over the course of 3 years - I weighed 130 pounds just a few years ago and now I'm at 185. What happened?! Anyway, that's what did it for me. I was so disgusted with myself, and I really want to be back at a healthy weight, so on New Years Day I decided to start going to the gym and eating healthier. I have a long way to go but I'm excited! :)
  • Pookylou
    Pookylou Posts: 988 Member
    My weight was slowly creeping up and up. When sitting in my work trousers was uncomfortable, I knew I had to do something. I was in a larger size and would have to go to my boss and request an even bigger size be ordered. The thought of that humiliation got me started, and once I weighed in the fact my BMI was in the obese category I fully committed to getting healthy!
  • Andrealeah32
    Not recognizing myself in a picture -- i was mortified!
  • lilibean01
    lilibean01 Posts: 68 Member
    My last straw was in 2009 after I had my 2nd son. My back pain was so bad that I couldn't take care of my newborn son or my oldest son -- I couldn't sit, stand, or lie down without debilitating pain. One day I got off the couch so I could put my newborn to bed for his nap, but I fell over on all fours in severe pain and had to have my 3 year old get the phone so I could call my then husband to come home from work. I was stuck, frozen on the floor in pain. Thankfully, I hadn't picked up my newborn yet or he would have fallen to the floor.

    It was then that I decided that I had to get the additional weight off. I felt like I was suffocating under my own neck fat at night when I tried to sleep, I was in pain all the time and could hardly walk, and I didn't want my life to be spent watching my sons from a bench somewhere. I wanted to be the mom that ran and played with her kids, went hiking, did crazy things like run races & complete triathalons. I wanted to feel like I could do the things I once dreamed of -- better yet, I wanted to REALLY do them and quit dreaming of them. And on a slightly more fickle yet budget-minded note, I wanted to be able to find clothes easily and not have to pay extra to get the things I liked in a plus size.
  • lilibean01
    lilibean01 Posts: 68 Member
    BTW, great topic! Sometimes the reminder of the last straw is the only thing that can motivate me to keep going!
  • mochaphobic
    mochaphobic Posts: 92 Member
    I hit my highest weight ever and decided that I was *not* going to buy the next size up in pants. So a friend who lost over 50 pounds pointed me here and I started journaling and my new way of life. I've lost 16 pounds so far (was more until Christmas hit) but need to keep going. Right now I'm waivering and I heard this morning that it takes over a month for new habits to become a way of life so I guess I just need to start a great new habit. I have to admit that I like the way I look now with those pounds off and while I don't want to gain, I'm afraid actually to keep losing and have to go shopping to buy all new clothes. And that is sabotaging me bigtime! I might need another "final straw."
  • budgetqueen79
    budgetqueen79 Posts: 310 Member
    The stewardess embarassing the daylights out of me about a seat belt extender!!
  • ahinescapron
    ahinescapron Posts: 351 Member
    I went to the doctor's with my 16 year old daughter and when she got on the scale she broke down into tears. She weighted 198 pounds. We decided that it was time to get back to the gym. When my husband and daughter went there to sign up the gentlemen who signed us up was a health coach. He encouraged us to try a trainer. That first trainer was what made the difference for us. Now the 3 of us train 2x a week and work out on our own another 4 times a week. My husband has lost 100 pounds, I have lost 92 pounds and my daughter has lost 50 pounds. We've tried many diets before, but this time we met the right people and that made all the difference. It's a year later now and we've never looked back. Our lives are totally different and so much better! My daughter has so much more confidence, it's amazing!

    This touched my heart and made my day! What a gift you have given to your family and especially your daughter!
  • cherigurl
    cherigurl Posts: 184 Member
    Mine actually started when my boyfriend and i were just wrestling play wrestling around and he grabbed a handfull of my belly. made me want to cry, he did not mean anything by it he loves me the way i am but, it was then that i knew i needed a change, plus I have a 10 yrs old who is on the big side, i want her to see me eat healthy so she will as well.
  • Atarahh
    Atarahh Posts: 485 Member
    Seeing myself heading towards 400 lbs! Wanting to be happier. Tired of how life treated me for my weight. People definitely discriminate against heavy people. I'm not as heavy as I was but I still get mistreated and judged. Looking at photos of myself, almost to the end of the in-store plus size range. Couldn't see myself being a 5x or 6x or not being able to shop anywhere for clothes. Would have been bad, really bad. After size 32, the clothes seem to get frumpier and frumpier. You have to buy sweaters with cats on them, twinsets, solid colors, no style at all! Catherine's is the WORST clothing store. They turn plus size women into grandmas, and they are TOO expensive.
  • Priincess_Natalie
    Priincess_Natalie Posts: 367 Member
    The fantastic thing I've found in the past few weeks on this site is that everyone is so incredibly supportive. If you make MFP part of your daily routine, I know you'll stick with it. It's nice to have so much accountability and support in one place.

    I agree. You are actually one of the most supportive friends I have on here :) and thank you for that!
  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
    Seeing my bro in law ballon. I said no way I'm ending up like that.