Brutal Honesty - What was the final straw?



  • knurse1987
    knurse1987 Posts: 93 Member
    Looking in the mirror for one...I couldnt stand to see myself...Now I look just to see my progress!

    My boyfriend also was a big motivation...I want to weight less then him...I was scared I would be bigger then him...I wasnt quite, but I was headed there...Now I can gladly say he weighs MUCH more then I do!! :) And I wanna feel confident around him. My previous body was not confident in any manner...I'm glad to say I am getting there!
  • pucenavel
    pucenavel Posts: 972 Member
    The day I hit my goal weight (which will be soon), I'll post all the details, but more or less, about five years ago I nearly died due to my own destructive behaviors. I decided to change my life and about a year later I realized (and made the conscious choice) that I wanted to not only remain alive, but I wanted to LIVE my life.

    Getting healthy was just sort of a side effect really. I joined MFP a few months ago because I wanted to get back to the weight I was on the day of my near death experience, but this time be at that weight because I was HEALTHY, not because I was near death.
  • oldphotography
    Well, first it began with "my Hollister jeans don't fit." Those jeans were my absolute favorite; they did wonders for my butt. (sorry if it's too much information) And knowing that they used to be sorta loose on me, I knew I was gaining weight. I threw them aside, wore my other jeans, and continued eating my usual fast food. Then my work pants which I had to wear a belt to keep up started getting TIGHT. Yet, I still kept eating and wearing these tight work pants. Recently, I've been through a lot of emotional distress, which involved losing some really good friends of mine. I decided that I could work off of my emotions and gain the confidence and self esteem that I have lost lately because of recent events. Otherwise, my emotions are going to cause me to keep "emotionally eating" and get to an extremely high weight where nothing of mine will fit anymore.
  • Juliette320
    Juliette320 Posts: 144 Member
    Had a picture taken at bass pro shop and I didn't regonigze the fat girl in the picture. When I took my own pics I could turn a certain way and look just "thick" but when I seen the picture from bass pro shop I said that was it and I started small by just drinking just water and milk no cold drinks then added exercise and 6 months in and I'm 30
    Pounds down. I'm so happy I started my journey with MFP
  • BioQueen
    BioQueen Posts: 694 Member
    For me it was the combination of having my tight jeans, and realizing that my favorite store didn't go any higher in size. I also hated how tight my jeans were getting, especially sitting in the car and driving. I didn't really like how they bit into my stomach haha.
  • JAllen32
    JAllen32 Posts: 991 Member
    Last Christmas I got on the scale and was 196lbs. I couldn't believe that I was almost 200lbs!! Shocking! And then a few weeks later I came upon some pics of me in my Halloween costume at work. I was a football playing because that is all I could find to fit me. At the time, I thought I looked cute. Turns out, not so much! Those work pics really showed just how hefty I was, and like a pp said, I didn't recognize myself at first. I thought, whoa I don't remember another football player at the party. WAIT. Thats ME!! ::mortified:: This Halloween I could wear just about any costume I wanted! It was an amazing feeling! I felt amazing and sexy for the first time in a looooong time! lol I still have a ways to go, and I can't imagine how great I'll feel when I finally meet my goal.:happy:
  • kaetra
    kaetra Posts: 442 Member
    The final straw for me was the day I watched my husband weigh himself and realized (without telling him) that he weighed less than me. I quickly went to the bathroom and sobbed silently into the hand towel for a long time. I started walking and trying to eat healthier that same day.

    Not long after that I got the results from a cholesterol test I had taken a couple months before the last straw moment, and the numbers were extremely bad. That was when I started looking for health apps on my smart phone and I found MFP. Thank the Lord for this wonderful place! There's no way I would be doing this well without the awesome tools and all the beautiful people here.
  • cthoma70
    cthoma70 Posts: 228 Member
    Tired of adding girls names to that list that didnt go out with me, maybe, because I was fat. And thats the brutal honest answer.
  • KateEMD
    KateEMD Posts: 101 Member
    My final straw was the day I had to go to my boyfriend's work party. I had find a dress in my closet and none of them fit me well. I remember him waiting for me and I was just standing in my closet crying. I have never been super skinny but I have never felt so fat before. I am going through a lot of changes in my life and I decided right then and there that I was going to take control over my body.

    It took a while for me to find a plan that worked for me. I am finally on a path to what I want now. On my profile I have a picture of myself in a pink dress. That is me at the party the day I broke down. I use that photo for inspiration any time I don't want to work out or I just want to order a pizza.
  • tomomatic
    tomomatic Posts: 1,794 Member
    Swim suit photo.

    For whatever reason, I always thought I looked better than that. I've seen myself in photos before and there were a lot of them that I didn't like. But that photo was the final straw.

    I want to look good in my pictures and I want my kids to remember me as strong and fit.
  • auticus
    auticus Posts: 1,051 Member
    It was years of verbal abuse, rejection, my marriage ending because I was fat, being hit with type 2 diabetes, that caused me to finally kick it into overdrive and become human again.
  • deftanker
    deftanker Posts: 105 Member
    I ran out of clothes :/ And I realized (even if she didnt/doesnt) that thedre is no reason why my love of my life should be with someone who cares so little about his health. And my daughter said she couldnt touch her hands when she hugs me. and last week I was banned from riding one of the water slides on a family trip, not to mention the exhaution of getting to the top of them.
    I think thats it...
  • TiffanyDawn79
    TiffanyDawn79 Posts: 201 Member
    My scrubs for work were getting to tight, and they have a draw string!
  • samantha64118
    I've been big forever, but I always said, I'll look good in time for my wedding. I'm getting married a week from today, and I'm not in the body I want to be (just started my weight loss journey a couple weeks ago). So being big at my wedding was one big factor. The next thing is that I want to have a baby in the next year, but I don't want to put myself or my baby at risk being morbidly obese and pregnant. The final straw was just realizing that I have complained & been upset about my weight my WHOLE life, but I've never really done anything about it. So I finally decided to DO something. I've only lost 5 pounds so far, but I WILL lose the rest of the weight :)
  • lilyvale68
    lilyvale68 Posts: 96 Member
    My motivation was not a negative thing. Well...I guess maybe some would see it as one. My moment of change came when I decided to leave my marriage back in 2007. I had been miserable in a loveless marriage for 16 years. When I decided to leave it, all of a sudden I had hope for the future. With that hope came the decision to remake my life...remake myself. It took me a year to lose 90 lbs. I have maintained that loss for over three years.

    The past few years have been so much better than the previous sixteen. I would like to lose another 20-30. Hope for an amazing future...happy about who I now still my motivation.

    Best wishes to you all!
  • erxkeel
    erxkeel Posts: 553 Member
    Me not being able to tie my shoes without holding my breath.
  • SmujnZ
    SmujnZ Posts: 47 Member
    some amazing and heart wrenching moments - its just plain painful isn't it? I think we spend so much time lying to ourselves and justifying the weight gain. I was always relatively active and fit even at my heaviest so I justified I was just a big boned - except I'm really not. I'm around 5'5 and now that I've lost a small person (lol - 49.5kgs - 108.9lbs - only the last 7odd kgs since joining mfp) and I can SEE my bones structure again I realise just how disgustingly dismorphic my body was before.

    For me the final straw is a bit hazy - but I remember waking up and just decided that if I only lost 2 kgs a month, in a year I'd be a lot lot lighter..... as it happened within 6 months I went from being too heavy to ride my ridden gelding (full size horse) to light enough to ride my very little and refined pony stallion - that was a HUGE motivation, because horses are my absolute passion....... That initial weight really just fell off, and it was closer to 2 or 3kgs a week at first... MUCH slowed down now of course!
  • myvinny
    I had the same thing happen to me the last few flights that I took. I must say that it is embarassing to ask for a seatbelt extender! Good luck on your journey. Hope next time you fly, you will hear the "snap".
  • mogadad
    mogadad Posts: 41 Member
    My 94 year old mother went on and on at Christmas about how fat I was. (I'm 15 pounds over my HS graduation weight but I no longer carry it well and for better health I need to change my ways. And,,,,,,,my belt buckle cutting into my new found gut
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    Was there anything specific in your life that happened to cause your new journey towards health and well being?

    1. A picture where I looked like a bloated Walrus
    2. My wife said I was unattractive as a fat man.
