Brutal Honesty - What was the final straw?



  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    This picture. Until I saw this picture in my minds eye I was smaller then the other girls. When I saw this picture I realized how big I had gotten. (I am in the green)
  • Elf_Princess1210
    Elf_Princess1210 Posts: 895 Member
    When my husband rubbed my belly and asked "Are you gonna work on this sometime soon?"
    I was devastated and cried for days.

    Ouch! I might have slapped him up side the head

    "yeah honey, I want a divorce and everything including the house car and dogs"
  • anxiety_bunny
    anxiety_bunny Posts: 17 Member
    For me, the last straw was when I looked at my thighs and realized that I could grab handfuls of fat. :( That was when I realized how much I hated how heavy I'd gotten.
  • _VoV
    _VoV Posts: 1,494 Member
    My brush with brutal honesty was shopping for family (not group) health insurance a few months ago. Despite having no serious health problems, my weight alone meant many companies excluded my entire family from consideration. This, even though we were never uninsured. Our previous company was just increasing our premium 25% a year until it became unaffordable. There's a happy ending to the story--We did get reasonably-priced health insurance for a great rate, but the process of qualifying for it was frustrating and scary. Thank goodness for our wonderful insurance agent who intervened and persisted until he succeeded.
  • alikat5544
    alikat5544 Posts: 86 Member
    My mother dying in Feb 2011 of cirhosis of the liver. I don't want to be the person that dies because I didn't take care of myself. Those around me are worth the effort and so am I.
  • MelissaAnn1983
    MelissaAnn1983 Posts: 149 Member
    Its kind of dirty and embarrassing but in the end I saw the point. An ex of mine absolutely loved it when I would work out. He always asked me if I worked out today and if I did it for him. It was nice and comforting to know that I had someone who showed that he loved it when I worked out. It kept me motivated. One day he asked me to take pictures because he hadn't seen me in over months. It took a lot for me to actually do it. But I decided to do it and I did. When I saw the picture I sat there crying for almost 30 minutes before I actually sent it. Seeing all of the rolls on my back made me decide that enough was enough and it was time to eat right. I tried counting points before and it worked but after a few months it just got boring. I was tired of being hungry every day. I got tested for diabetes. I was very close to being diabetic and my doctor wanted me to walk an hour everyday. She wanted me to loose 15 lbs. I ended up having muscle spasms in my back and wasn't able to do any exercising. I gained more weight because of this. At my highest weight of 170 I decided it was MORE than enough. So I found this app and decided to try it. What I found was an amazing thing. Christmas hit so I got set back. I tried to exercise but it hurt my back and I lost my motivation to keep exercising. I recently talked to my uncle who I haven't talked to in probably 20 years or so and found out he was diabetic with knee and back pain. I to have a bad knee and back pain. He is my dads twin. My dad has been diagnosed with diabetes for over 5 years at least. Diabetes is all over my family. Reading this topic made me remember the picture. I have my second zumba class in the morning and I am also going to try a ease into fitness class. Thank God its my best friends parents studio. They know my problems with my back so they are helping me out.
  • wildkatt7
    wildkatt7 Posts: 163 Member
    simply put I want a baby and I went to the ER Feb 14 2011 with severe pain and learned I have fibroids on the uterous and that has influenced my weight... when I got on my scale and they said I weighed 387 I was in shock... on top of it having a baby at that weight could have killed me.... through it all I have overcome my overeating, I have learned a lot, and have laid out a book idea... and I am over halfway to my first major goal... I am hoping by Feb 14, 2012 I will be under 300 pounds for the last time...
    oh and the pain is less and I am sure the fibroids are gone (I sure am hoping)
  • MommyTKD
    MommyTKD Posts: 61 Member
    When I realized that my 2nd degree black belt that I had worked so hard for had been loosened so much that the top letters of my name were missing. I earned having my whole name show, darn it! :happy:
  • rydanip
    rydanip Posts: 62 Member
    This is such an awesome post. I will say my last straw was because I was (and still am) completely uncomfortable in my skin. I can remember wearing jackets all day even in summer because I didnt want people to look at me. i find myself trying to draw as little attention to myself as possible because I am always scared of their attention being drawn to my body. I got sick of feeling insecure with the opposite sex and feeling like I had to overcompensate by being a people pleaser because of my weight. There have even been times when I didn't stand up for myself because of the lack of self esteem. When I realized all of this was linked to how I felt about my body and just how HUGE of an impact I had let it hinder me, even in my career. I am currently trying to work on that mentally and physically. There's been a lot of pain
  • AlaskaStone
    AlaskaStone Posts: 4 Member
    I have literally been over weight for as long as I can remember, I was a skinny kid but when I hit 10 I steadily started gaining weight and by the age of 15 I was wearing size 16 clothes. I just kinda accepted being fat as all my family are, with my Mum having very distructive eating patterns and passing them on.
    I realised that I could actually loose weight when I started working full time and cycled to work each day, without changing much I was able to loose 2 stone in about 3 months. Once I started Uni and my exercise dropped I gained again, but haven't gone back up to my heaviest.
    Now I am just sick and tired of being the fat one amongst my friends, I'm actually a really active person and I know I can do so much more if I lost the weight. I'm really disgusted with my body, I want to change it I want to feel confident in front of people, especially my boyfriend. I just want to know what it looks like to have a flat belly.
  • BioShocked89
    BioShocked89 Posts: 330 Member
    One day, I was sitting in the car with my boyfriend Nich and I don't remember how we got onto the subject of it but I broke down in tears about my weight. I was about 285 at the time. I was so terrified of cresting 300 lbs...which due to pregnancy did eventually happen. We must have sat in the car in freezing snow and cold for an hour and he just sat holding me, assuring me I could lose weight if I wanted to and that he'd lose some with me.

    After I had lost 15 lbs, we found out we were pregnant with our daughter. As my weight increased the doctors were warning me about blood pressure and c-sections. Twice while I was pregnant I went to the emergency room. Both times because I had barely walked for 20 minutes at a very slow pace, and my heart accelerated like I was running 25 miles per hour. All through out the pregnancy I thought how badly I wanted to lose weight.

    After our baby Scarlett was born, I quickly dropped from 343 to 304 within 2 weeks due to breast feeding and losing all that water. I had the spark to lose weight, but that was the rush of oxygen that made my weight loss goal into a fire.
  • angelakeagan
    When I got married 7 yrs ago I would wear my husband t-shirts as a long PJ. Recently he made fun of me and he tried one of my jeans, not only they did fit him, they looked better on him than me, more leg space, overall much better. I wanted to cry, it was a very bad feeling. After trying my pants on he wanted also to be brutally honest and asked for a divorce. I realized then that in order to be a better single parent I need to lose the weight, gain my self esteem back. I want to stick around longer for my son and be with him hopefully another 20 years. I want to be able to run with him and be able to play with him outdoors a lot not just sitting on the side.
    Please add me as a friend if you have a similar story and you need more people to help you out thru this journey.
  • spim
    spim Posts: 31 Member
    The various lumps in my back that cause me sometimes(most times) excruciating pain when I sit/stand/lay in the same position for more than about 20 minutes.

    My doctor thinking its okay to hand out opiate painkillers like they're candy, without even giving as much as a clue how I should go about losing this extra weight.

    I don't want to be my dad.
  • alishuman
    Final straw? That's difficult to say, really, because there are so many factors involved.

    Health reasons are probably #1 on the list, indirectly. Over the summer I had a serious issue that, after blood tests, ultrasounds, physical examinations, and much more probing and prodding... She couldn't determine what was causing my symptoms, exactly, so she said it was likely a manifestation of depression and that I should see a counselor. She also said I probably had a hormonal imbalance, but because of risk factors I have, she couldn't treat me for that the way she normally would. And that was that.

    I felt very alone. I felt as though I wasn't taken seriously. And that did lead to depression, so I did nothing. My anxiety increased to the point where I was afraid to leave the house.

    When it got to where my husband wanted to take me out on a date, and I didn't want to go because 'people might see me,' I knew it was time to change. Add to that a family history of high cholesterol and heart disease, high blood pressure, and diabetes, as well as lovely other problems like hemochromatosis and celiac disease, and the chronic pain I have from a badly healed broken pelvis... The fact that all of my siblings and my mother are overweight and unhealthy...
  • Brandicaloriecountess
    Brandicaloriecountess Posts: 2,126 Member
    My cousin "tagged" me in a fb picture. I had obviously seen pictures of myself before that but for some reason that one hit me like a ton of bricks. I also booked a cruise that say weekend and decided that I didn't want to go on that cruise as the "big girl"
  • Stinkybug
    Stinkybug Posts: 61 Member
    My final straw was a couple of things. The biggest reason was that I became diabetic because of my weight. I was also having pain in my hip and back that the DR said was due to my weight. The other reason was an embarrassing one. I went to an amusement park that I had not been to in years and had to sit by myself in a two person seat on one of the rides and I had to sit on the "big person" seats on some of the others. It is embarrassing when the ride attendant has to ask you to move to the "big person" seat.
  • forgtmenot
    forgtmenot Posts: 860 Member
    Being embarrassed last summer to walk around the pool at our apartment complex in a bikini really did it for me. I have vowed not to feel that way again this year!
  • annemw82
    annemw82 Posts: 97 Member
    There were so many things. The impending diabetes that runs in my family, weighing more than my husband (who is pretty big guy himself), getting winded by one flight of stairs. But what stuck with me the most was just being so incredibly uncomfortable all the time. It didn't matter how loose or tight my clothes were. I felt like my skin was too tight and my body was at maximum capacity. It was such a miserable feeling that I never want to experience again!