cmoe25027 Member


  • Great question but it has probably been asked a million times on this board. Use the search function to find the multiple threads where this is discussed. Having said that, I feel like Polar is your best bet but there are so many models that you need to do some research to find what will fit you best. Good Luck! Cheers,…
  • Yep, I have put them through the wringer. I have run with them, I lift with them, and use them when I do yard work, we have a couple of acres so they get put through quite a range of motion. The weightlifting and the yardwork are what made me buy these, traditional buds kept getting caught on things and getting yanked out…
  • I got these or a version of these about 2 years ago and love them, good sound, good connection, and no wires to snag! They connect easily to your phone also, I have used them with Iphone 4 and 4s, and also my galaxy s4. I will never go back to corded earbuds again! Cheers, Collin…
  • Harvard Medical School has a newsletter type thing that I came across, this is one of the articles, makes for interesting reading... Having said that, I take vitamin D and an aspirin daily. Cheers, Collin
  • Check out the Jason Eaton Band- Satellite is a decent beat to work out to
  • 2 recommendations 1. Bear spray, can get in most god camping stores, bigger bottle and longer range spray than most self defense sprays, and in theory will cause a bear to find something else to do. 2. If you go with any spray deterrent, wear some form of eye cover, trust me on this one, but remember that even with glasses…
  • Depends on the activity. If I am strength training and don't feel like I need a rest day than I am not pushing myself as hard as I should. On the same note, all of the muscle building takes place during rest periods, not during workouts. Cheers, Collin
  • I use muscle milk chocolate. It is more of a meal replacement than a straight protein supplement. Main reason I use it is it actually tastes good, even when just mixed with skim milk in a shaker cup, but if you blend the powder with milk, ice, a scoop of peanut butter and a banana, it tastes like LOVE! Cheers, Collin
  • Look up couch 2 5k, will give you hundreds of options. My favorite was a couch to 5k app for my iPhone that utilized my own playlist and the phones gps. Good luck, hope you see your goals soon! Cheers, Collin
  • You can't put much stock in BMI on a personal level. It is not appropriate to use on individuals(even though it does), it is meant to be used to measure populations, but because it's such an easy formula it gets over used in too many areas. Cheers, Collin
  • Alli can be very...unpleasant, if you consume too much fat. I have known people who have used it successfully but it is mostly because you are terrified that whatever you put in your mouth will come out surprisingly quick and messy. I don't have much experience with the other pills but most of the ones touting super fast…
  • The 8 glasses of water rule is a myth. Drink when you are thirsty. Signs of dehydration are easy to recognize: dry mouth and dark pee are the most common. Just about any non alcoholic beverage will keep you hydrated, even ones with caffeine, so drink what you want. That being said, I stick to water for most of my fluids…
  • I never use another scale other than the one in my home(other than when I go to the doc), and I always take my "official" weight directly after rolling out of bed and using the restroom. Scales are imperfect and very different from each other, even a professionally calibrated big bucks scale won't help you if you don't…
  • You should get tons of responses on this one, but here is my opinion. Focus on compound movements such as squat, deadlift, lunge, dumbbell rows, good mornings, bench press and military press- look them up on the Internet and make sure you use proper form! 3 sets of ten is fine but you want to use enough weight that you are…
  • Lol, sorry ninerbuff, apparently my quoting skills are lacking!
  • The Swiss ball crunch has been recognized as one of the best, if not the best core strengthening exercises you can do. Plus it's prolly cheaper and you can do a wide variety of activities on a Swiss ball. Just make sure you buy the proper size for your height. Hope this helps! Cheers, Collin
  • I just started the new rules of lifting program by Lou Schuler and alwyn Cosgrove. I am using their book that has a year long program with several 4-6 week phases: break-in: 1 section, fat loss 3 sections, hypertrophy 3 sections, and strength 3 sections. It's worth a read if you are interested in changeing things up, I've…
  • Polar ft60 here, love it! STAR program is really cool! Cheers, Collin Ps you can expand them with gps or the foot pod for runners, haven't used either though
  • The ft60 is my second hrm, my first was a few years ago and it was a bare bones reebok model. It worked fine for what it was but the ft60 blows it out of the water as far as extras. The body bugg sounds really cool, I have looked into that before. The main difference between the ft40 and ft60 is the STAR program and I…
  • Polar and Suunto are both leaders and pioneers in the hrm business. I just recently purchased the polar ft60($120 on amazon) and am loving it so far. It has a ton of features, and it's easy to use. The STAR training program is really cool, it takes a baseline fitness measurement and gives you a goal for each off the 3 hr…
  • "trying to tone and tighten my stomach" is almost an exact definition of spot reduction. The first reply is correct. Unfortuneately, one of the body's favorite places to store fat is the abdomen so it is the last place you will be "toned". If you are talking six pack abs you need to get your body fat down to 5-15%…
  • To the OP, I just started working out again after a long (3-4 year) hiatus. I am doing mostly weight training and planning on adding in a couple of hiit sessions as soon as I acclimate myself back in to the weight program. I try to thoroughly research any big life change I plan on making and getting fit again is no…
  • I logged too, just used a generic 820 cal turkey dinner. Would have been fine if we didn't have to go to 2 dinners! Pretty sure I was close on the count. No bread, no seconds, no dessert and stuck with water to drink. Ended up with 95 to spare after breakfast, 2 dinners and a couple pieces of chocolate before bed. Cheers,…
  • Avenged Sevenfold Clutch Korn Those are just some I like that I didn't see listed