learning2fly4 Member


  • Glad it went well and now you have new goals! Competing is always fun and you def learn a ton about yourself. Keep it up! <3
  • Just have Fun! Dont care where you place as long as you put your full effort. Its you against you, just like it is any other day in the gym. Good Luck!!!
  • YAh its crazy, Halloween was cancelled for like 3 years in a row here, so some of my friends kids have never had a halloween!
  • Check out WodFollow, we use it at our gym. my coach charges 45/mo for outsiders but there are plenty of free ones and ones that are cheaper as well.
  • take a look at the macros you are eating for each meal - carb, fat protein. You might want to consider altering to have your meal before crossfit workouts to be more carb intense, and post to be more protein, and even include a protein shake post workout.
  • top 3: cleans - any kind Deadlifts squat - any kind except OH bottom 3: wall balls thrusters snatches/OH Squats
  • Our gym offers the Crosstfit workouts for General and competitors, and the a powerlifting/strongman program, people switch in and out depending on their goals and upcoming comps. Maybe theres a different box to check out, or ask your coaches for additional programming.
  • I usually just cook proteins on Sunday, and use frozen veggies with it for lunch or dinner. So i pack it all Sunday and by like today, the broccoli is unfrozen and a minute in the micro yummy lunch.
  • Amanda 31 domestically coupled with a cute redheaded child - see profile pic Accountant by day Coach youth girls lacrosse as well in my spare time I've been doing crossfit for almost 2 yrs, but since October of last year been mainly on the powerlifting/strongman programming. My gym has evolved more to that style as people…
  • Agreed with everyone above. Go for it! on the muscle ups you can show technique on something like rings that are hung for ring rows. Actually makes it easier as people can watch you more closely, instead of flying through the air... our coach does that mostly just to breakdown the parts of it more easily.
  • just to clarify - i made myself finish that WOD out of selfish anger at myself for sucking at thrusters so badly. So yah took me 45 minutes, the class moved on and i was able to do what i needed to do. The point i was trying to make is, my gym is not a 1 hr start to finish and you have to get the F*** out, because we have…
  • use mywod and we are now using WODify at the gym. Both are fine and serviceable, but i also use paper.
  • Agree with everything above. one thing to add maybe take a step back and look to make sure with the amount of workouts you arent eating too few calories - believe me i have some weight to lose, but i was inadvertently eating way to little even though it was mostly clean good food. Now that im eating enough, 2lbs fell off…
  • Just started last Monday - I dont track calories burned just what I eat - Friend me and you can see my dairy if you like - I have shorted mostly Carbs on days I dont work out. Down 2 lbs after week 1. Here was an article my coach sent me that i found helpful. http://www.doyoueven.com/2013/01/iifympart2/
  • Fortunately no. One time, I even took 45 minutes to complete a WOD with a 20 minute cap once that included thrusters and running, and sobbed through the last 25 minutes. Our coaches make us finish even if time is up. Our gym doesn't make us move out for the next class, so we all just happily work around each other. Sorry…
  • IF i had the space I would totally do that!! you can def find some good used stuff online. We are using WOD Follow at our gym now, and my coaches program is 45/mo, and there are plenty others out there as well. My gym owner also tries to sell old stuff as they get new things
  • We are in the midst of something similar. Our Coaches/owners broke up, and they have muddled through the business aspect, and one decided to stop coaching there. Is what it is sometimes, but the programming we have is far superior than most of the other gyms in the area, so its tough to bail. Fortunately he lowered the…
  • Just posted the same thread...LOL GMTA Agree its a reasonable WOD for #1, though i am still against the whole scaling thing to collect an extra $20 from people. knee raises from a judging standpoint feel vague.
  • Second the above, you can do modified movements for most everything. Also curious about your surgery, what did you have for the cubital? Was told i needed it and said no thanks at the time. I choose to deal with the pain and mostly numbness as it comes.
  • Yikes, Karen is one of the few girls i can do, but would skip that day...lol I am so bad at anything with wallballs and thrusters it would take me days. We had a 75 wallball and 800M run buy in one night. And all the people running were in before i even finished the wallballs. fortunately i was proficient in the amrap part…
  • My gym just made a weekday during the day "Soccer mom" class. He fit it around their schedule and now these ladies are recruiting more of their friends to come. Also @Allan is right. In an area like that, sport specific hours and bringing in say the football team for workouts. Our owners do that as well with sort of an…
  • We just found out we had heat after a gas leak at the gym, but we havent turned it on. Been in the 10-20F here in NY Metro. Temp inside the gym is 50-60. I wear a tank.
  • Hi All- Doing a Crossfit Total Comp at my gym on 2/7 so my goals are all pretty much short term right now. My Goals are: 1. Deadlift 300+ 2. Squat 200+ 3. Strict Press 100+ Also for 2015 - Compete in a Strongman comp I will re-evaluate for the Summer on, which may include a Dr visit for my back, that seems to get seriously…
  • 100% agree to make more money. one of the bigger reasons my coaches dropped their affiliation. We did the open workouts if you wanted to, was just an option for our programming, but we also had 2 girls who were submitting scores and one looking to be legit competitive, and barely missed regionals.
  • We do alot of double girls. Helen meets Grace is probably my fav. where you get just get a slightly longer cap for the two. i actually enjoy those days. better than just doing Eva IMHO. ::barf::
  • There is but its not the greatest timing for my work schedule currently. IF we switched to the new time schedule, it would work. I am typically going to the 730 or 830 pm classes, the open gyms are early in the morning, like 6 and 7am or 430-530pm timing, which leaving work on time at 530 is a stretch 99% of the time. I…
  • On turf it was positively awful, ended up covered in turfies and black rubber, then had to deadlift 95# 50 times, sprint 50 yrs and do 50 ring rows. by the end i was literally just letting my body fall down forward after the jump. Worst is if when you broad you fall on your butt. No good... lol
  • Hello, not a mile, but 50 yds in a competition was pretty much torture. I would suggest practicing broad jumps prior, the farther you jump, the less burpees you do. Good luck!
  • Good thoughts all. We actually have 3 training programming Competitor, Gomad, and GPP. Competitor is for the RX people for sure, including our one female who has won a number of comps in the northeast, and is hoping to make regionals this year. Gomad is supposed to be the PL/SM, but it hasn't changed over yet, and gpp is…