

  • So happy for you!! :) feels good don't it??
  • I have the same prob. Logging in foods. We eat a lot of homemade stuff. caseroles and what not, foods mixed in to make a meal, how do you enter that? Like last night, leftover mac&chees, turkey, mixed veggies,mixed to make one meal. How do I enter that? I really hope someone replies to this to help US out some. btw--…
  • Congrats on your daughter's wedding!! Mine is getting married in Oct. :bigsmile: I feel the same. want to look good for her. (and feel better about me) Welcome and you will find good freinds and lots of support here. I havent lost any pounds yet, but have lost a few inches here and there in a month that ive been here, so…
  • greesy, salty things, big down fall for me, if i start eating anything like chips, fries and whatnot, I will eat them till I get sick~ literatly. So I avoid them. Not even in small portions anymore. (I do like the "baked" chips tho, those I eat in portions)
  • Thanks everyone-- would rather have a hang-over!! least I know THEY will go away!! lol
  • funny-- you would think that losing weight would make you all happy and all!! Me? wonder if i will notice the difference when i start to lose, im moody all the time anyway. :huh:
  • Is it too late to join? would love to do this! need motivation for this time of year. :wink:
  • i did real good. Ate till i was satified, not stuffed. my DD future in laws have 3 diabetic ppl in the family now, so the dinner was a lot for them, sugars and salts and stuff like that were not on the menu. If you wanted salt, salt it yourself kinda thing. and it was good, I was good. I was proud of myself :happy:
  • congrats!! you look great! pretty and young. :happy:
  • Hi, Im new here too. a week i guess, so I am asking a lot of questions too. I do have to agree tho about the protien and fruit & veggie intake. I know I should do more about that myself, and I am trying. :) Maybe we can help eachother out here? I requested you as a freind. Hope you accept. :)
  • Just remember ~~ and I firmly believe this~~WHAT GOES AROUND- COMES AROUND! She will get her's someday. hopelfuly she will gain 200 lbs just to know how it feels. (Is that wrong of me to hope someone GAINS weight???)
  • Yes-- I do understand that dieting is different from diabitic-- I just didnt understand about the sugar difference in the 2, and now I do. That is why i asked, I didnt understand before and i wanted to know. For some reason, when my friend tryed to explain it, i was not understanding it. Thanks for explaining it to me.
  • Ok I think I understand his way of thinking now-- thanks for the explaining. So if your a diabetic like he is, very "red-zone" , any sugar is harmful to you, even fruit. He does eat fruit, just has to be very careful of what and how much. Thanks, for some reason he couldnt explain it to me. Or maybe i wasnt listening??…
  • a year ago today-- learning to walk and theropy for a broken knee-- second time for this knee. Feeling very sorry for myself and my family giving me anything i wanted and more! And after EVERY theropy session, my dh would get me some M&Ms with peanuts, a pound of them that i would just eat till they were gone. My comfort…
  • If your clothes fit better, lay off the scale for a while and see what happens. Keep doing what your doing and you will be very surprised with the results, and very pleased the next time you do the scale. I had to do that for a while, Just relied on my clothes fitting better, next time I stepped on the scale at the Dr.'s…
  • very little milk-- i really have to watch it. cheese-- very little of that too-- but eggs? no can do any of that straight, even just the whites-- tried it before. Cottage cheese is good, havent had a problem with that so far. unforutunally my dh does most the food shopping, he will get what i want, but then he comes home…
  • that bites! I know men that loves "large" women. I had a friend that was 300+ lbs . She came into work one day high as a kite cuz she lost 20 lbs!! I was so happy for her! The next day she came in crying saing that her BF said if she looses anymore weight, he would leave her!! a few mths later? SHE LEFT HIM!! She lost over…
  • lol-- IF i dont gain any-- i will be happy!! but my goal for the first is 5 lbs lost. That would be a GREAT way to start the new year for me! (and a job for my DH) Please-- wish us both luck?
  • follower -- fur sure. even my dog knows this! (trying to "fix" that with her at least-- lol)