

  • You looked beautiful before and you look beautiful now. Keep up the great work, it is quite a transformation and makes me want to keep going. Thank you for being brave and sharing.
  • I know exactly how you feel. How about this: Do you have any friends that you could borrow for a couple hours 3x a week? Why not find someone who needs a little extra cash and have them sit with the kids while you go work out. You know what else? When I say I'm going to work out, my kids always ask if they can do it with…
  • It's going to take a few for me to get the ticker and stuff, but I want to do 20 miles. This is my first time for this, so I don't know if I can, especially with shift change coming at work. BUT, it gives me a goal to work towards.
  • I once read a saying: "Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a pauper." Now, when you break it down it makes a whole lot of sense. Eating more calories in the beginning of the day will get your metabolism going AND you will burn off a lot of those throughout the day! The lunch and dinner is only to…
  • I do not exercise when I am ill. I usually get really nasty upper respiratory infections (URI) though which limit my air flow capacity. I was sick with the stomach bug last week which was promptly followed by a URI and I tried working out this morning and I started to sweat much faster than I usually do, so I know I'm…
  • Feel free to add me. I am a mother, a full-time grad student, I work full time and I have four children as well. Welcome! I LOVE MFP! Since I've been back on I've lost 4lbs! (Being sick helped!) :happy:
  • I'd love to join! CW-215 GW-205 Weight 5'10" 10lbs by X-mas!
  • I have the same idea as you for Thanksgiving! I'm NOT going to fall off the wagon. I'm acutally alredy having visualizations of how I am going to handle things, what my plate is going to look like and how I'm going to respond to people. The only thing that I can think of is my absolute weakness for pecan pie. We shall see…
  • Yet another day of me being under my calorie goal! WOOT!!!!
  • Okay my young one's first and yes I would be robbing the cradle: 1.)Taylor Lautner (I could do VERY bad things to him!) 2.) Robert Pattinson Now: 1.) vin Diesel 2.) Nicolas Cage 3.) Gary Dourdan My female eye candy: 1.) Eva Longoria 2.) Jennifer Aniston
  • Just a quick tid bit. When my husband was in baseball the trainers had them doing situps/crunches 3x a week. Much of the power in runners is not just in their legs but their abdominal muscles as well. With my daughter who does cross country they did strength training 2x a week (she's in 8th grade) which included core…
  • WOOT!!! Big thumbs up!
  • Someone mentioned this to me on another post because my right knee is killing me and I am just getting into the Dr. this Thursday. (Been in pain for 4 weeks now.) Anyways, they said that chair aerobics are great! I was watching some on youtube and they seem like it would be easy on the knees. Something you might want to…
  • First off let me congratulate you on your weight loss! That's an amazing amount! I only need 37 lbs or so to go. You know what, I LOVE those veggie straw thingies! I also love popcorn, but really shouldn't eat it for 2 reason, braces and it tends to fill me up with gas. As for my depression I am on 150mg of Effexor (which…
  • Thanks everyone!
  • Thanks to all of you for the wonderful suggestions. I will definitely be looking into these. You guys rock!
  • Great job! Thanks for the motivation.
  • I had Nutella at IHOP a couple of weeks ago and was really disgusted with the taste which is odd because I like Hazelnut and Chocolate. I do however, love the all natural Jiff peanut butter.
  • Think about this, if you are working so hard at the gym, there is a huge possibility that you are putting on muscle mass. Once your body adapts to that, then it will start kicking the fat off. Keep working hard, keep your end goal in sight.
  • I'm a mom of 4 and was successful in losing about 35 lbs last year. Still have 35 pounds to go. I fell off the wagon for about 6 months and am really hoping I can stay on this time and get to my goal. I would love to be one of your supporters.
  • Absolutely amazing! You look B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L!!!! Keep up the great work. You are an inspiration to me! I'm even going to show your pic to my husband and see if he can see it is possible! (He's around 380 and has type II diabetes) Thank you so much for posting!
  • Did you stay within your nutritional goals? - Did great until hubby brought me dinner not from home, but from Arby's. Did I reach yesterday's personal goal? No What did I do yesterday that I am proud of? Ate great for 2/3 meals and had a healthy snack. What would I have done differently? Given my dinner to someone else and…
  • Keep trying. I know how hard it is. I was down to 205 about 6 months ago and life got in the way because I let it and I'm back up to 218ish. I'm discouraged but I'm going to keep trying. You have a great approach. Don't know if you've done this or not but look into these: 1.) Cut out any type of caffeine (even decaf coffee…
  • Welcome! Keep up the good work and you will get to break that barrier!
  • Hello Gabe, Good luck to you! I wish you the best. I totally understand about on the go, I used to dispatch Fire/EMS and police and I know that there are days where you can never stop to eat something at all and if you do it's usually not good for you. If you are interested, I have a way to get you in contact with a…
  • :smile: Welcome! This is an amazing tool that I love because I can have it on my phone! When I get that crazy temptation for a Sonic hot dog, I just punch it in and it reminds me that it is 450 calories! I love how mobile it is! You will do great. And remember that you are doing this not as a diet but as a lifestyle change…
  • :happy: Sounds a lot like me! I can't seem to get it just right! Either I'm right at my calorie goal or 600 calories under. What I would recommend is finding your absolute favorite foods and cut the portions down if you have to, and eat them up. I really like smoothies and they are just right for a meal replacement from…
  • :smile: Way to go! Great start!