Newbie, looking for friends with a busy household

Hi I'm new to this site. I work full time and a mother to four, three which are under the age of 7. Looking for support and to be supportive to others like me. Trying to lose 40 or more pounds and praying MFP can help me do that. I'm optimistic because it's going really good so far.

Created by - Free Calorie Counter


  • jlcampbell2008
    Feel free to add me. I am a mother, a full-time grad student, I work full time and I have four children as well. Welcome! I LOVE MFP! Since I've been back on I've lost 4lbs! (Being sick helped!) :happy:
  • LRH64
    LRH64 Posts: 199 Member
    Welcome to MAP! While I only have two kids, my husband works nights, so the stress of taking care of the kids (Homewok.dinner, bedtime.....) falls on me. I to have hypo thyroid and an autoimmune disease. Love to be your friend.