Just Joined

Just joined today, started Monday on a 12 week weight loss plan through work, but I want to not only lose the weight, I want to be able to keep it off. I need to lose about 60 pounds to get to my goal weight. My first goal though is to get under 200 lbs. I am startiing to work out today. My inital goal is to work out 30 minutes a day doing cardiovascular. Glad to be hear and hopefully to stay motivated to work out and eat right.


  • gameovergt
    gameovergt Posts: 502
    welcome & good luck
  • cvsosa
    cvsosa Posts: 4
    I also just joined! I'm glad to have something to track my calories. I want to lose 50 pounds! Good Luck and keep moving!
  • mmallory1
    mmallory1 Posts: 40
    I just joined in the past couple weeks, from a recommendation of a friend! I wish you nothing but the best in your journey!
  • missy1970eb
    missy1970eb Posts: 1,209 Member
    hi welcome and gd luck
  • jlcampbell2008
    :smile: Welcome! This is an amazing tool that I love because I can have it on my phone! When I get that crazy temptation for a Sonic hot dog, I just punch it in and it reminds me that it is 450 calories! I love how mobile it is! You will do great. And remember that you are doing this not as a diet but as a lifestyle change that will allow you to enjoy the latter years of your life!
  • Harleydiva68
    Harleydiva68 Posts: 50 Member
    Welcome and good luck on your weight loss journey. I was over 200 pounds when I started to diet and lose weight bout a year ago. Since then, I have lost 43 pounds. It has been a long and rough road. I am lucky to have my hubby to help me out through this. He is my coach at the gym and here at home. Sure, I crave chocolates and sweets, but I do eat them in moderation. I used to eat a whole candy bar. Now, when I crave a candy bar, I get it and eat half of it and give the other half away or I just get some fruit. Chewing gum will also help. Again, good luck. We are here for you!!
  • kountrygrl27
    kountrygrl27 Posts: 107 Member
    Welcome this is such a great site!! If you need any encouragement please feel free to add me, ican use all the encouragement I can get...lol
  • scmcgee
    scmcgee Posts: 165
    Thank you everyone! The gum suggestion does help by the way and it is only 4 calories. :smile:

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