

  • I have been doing really well. I think I have gone over calories by 100-200 calories on a couple of days. But not the usual 2000 calorie blowout that I seem to manage once or twice a week. :bigsmile:
  • Into my second week of Beta. STARTING Weight 63.6kg Chest 86 cm Arms 27.5cm Waist 70.5cm Thigh 57.5cm Hips 85cm Week 7 (second week of Beta Weight 63.8 Chest 86 Arms 27.5 Waist 70 Thigh 58.5 Hips 83 Only major change is hips, down 2cm.
  • How are you going, Kritney? How do you like Beta? I admit, I love the speed 2.0 workout as well as the Rip't Circuit and Upper Focus. I really dislike Core Cardio. I hate those planks. Ugh.
  • I like to hide or sneak food to binge. Sneak into the kitchen when the kids are downstairs. I have been eating peanut butter by the spoonful lately. I eat until whatever it is, is all gone. I eat until I am so full I feel ill. I eat, yet my brain is screaming NOOO!
  • Hi all. :smile: Binge eating has been the bane of my existence since hitting maintenance this time last year. I did so well to lose the weight (25kg)and then BAM hello binging! :grumble: So I have been frustratingly dealing with this for a year or so. I am up from my goal weight by nearly 3kg and the binge is the reason…
  • I did Color Run here in our city 3 weeks ago. It looks like a very similar thing to Color Me Rad. I had a waterproof camera, but everyone else who took their phones had them in Ziplock bags. Yup 2 of the color stations were spraying coloured water. We had 6000 people in our Color Run, so it wasn't really a huge race or…
  • Could you try a different type of yoga perhaps? Or a different teacher. I do love my yoga teacher, but I find it nice for a change to go to a different teacher every now and again. Could you perhaps take your teacher one week, then a different teacher the week after? All the best Sandra
  • Last week of Alpha. Not much has changed. STARTING Weight 63.6kg Chest 86 cm Arms 27.5cm Waist 70.5cm Thigh 57.5cm Hips 85cm WEEK 5 Weight 64 Chest 86.5 Arms 27.5 Waist 70.5 Thigh 58.5 Hips 84
  • This is it! My last day of Alpha. To be honest, I am glad, I think I know the dvd off by heart by now and sometimes Sean T irritates me. On to Beta on Wednesday. It makes me kind of nervous. I haven't looked at it yet, but I can only imagine it is going to get harder! :noway: My stats haven't been anything to write home…
  • How is everyone going? :happy: I am up to my last week. Week 5 starts tomorrow. 3 lots of total body workouts, it will be a tough one. Take care everyone :heart:
  • Hmmm, not sure what my favourite workout is in Alpha. I don't mind Total body, but really I hate the walking planks in it. I just cant do them. I just did lower focus this morning, it is not too bad. I had a good Ab Curcuit the other day. Tough, but felt good, IYKWIM. Sandra
  • It been 3 weeks, not much has changed. STARTING Weight 63.6kg Chest 86 cm Arms 27.5cm Waist 70.5cm Thigh 57.5cm Hips 85cm WEEK 3 Weight 63.4 Chest 86.5cm Arms 28.5 Waist 70.5 Thigh 58 Hips 84 Not too concerned. I do feel stronger, not strong enough however to do the pushups without modification yet :laugh: I will get…
  • I did my second Total Body Circuit this morning. Still modifying, especially with the push ups. As for the cardio, I find I have to modify cos I am too uncoordinated!!! :laugh: Keep it up everyone.
  • Sounds like you are just about ready to get pumped. Good luck on your first day tomorrow. Let me know how you go... Cardio!!!! Sandra
  • Hello all :smile: I have gotten mine and have done the first 2 days. Feeling the pain right now. Just a tad sore. :ohwell: I know I am a couple of days early, I hope I can stay. I must say, that I thought I was reasonably fit, running 3xweek but this leaves me seriously out of breath and sweating bucket loads. Cheers Sandra
  • Hey Laura, I wouldn't worry about what size you are doing yoga. I have lost 25kg (55pounds) and I still cant straighten my legs in down dog. I have been doing yoga for nearly 2 years! ha ha. There is a 'curvy' lady in my class and she kicks my *kitten* at yoga. Keep up going 2-3 times a week and you will make great…
  • I am. Been maintaining since Nov 2012. I have been finding it a bit of a struggle recently. Not that I find my weight is creeping up too much, and it comes back into check ok, but man I find it stressful. Why cant finding and maintaining that balance be easy! I found losing the weight to be way easier. Glad there is this…
  • AGE: 36, female HEIGHT:165cm SW: 88kg CW: trying to keep it under 62kg START AND FINISH DATE: Started October 2011, goal reached December 2012 STRATEGY FOR REMOVING WEIGHT: I counted calories (numbers given to me by Calorie King), exercised and drank my water. Find an exercise you love doing and eat foods you love. Heck if…
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