hazardouskys Member


  • Well I upped my caloric intake to 2300 for the past week and it seems to be working perfectly well (more energy, no more weight loss) Thanks for all the advice!
  • Is there a reason he is including so much protein in your diet? Are you working out aggressively? If not it seems like it may be a bit much. I do weight lifting 5-6 days a week and mountain biking on my day off and I don't even think I take in that much protein. Is your trainer a nutritionist or dietician? If not he really…
  • It's been about a month now. I started going back to the gym regularly at the same time i increased my calorie consumption. I'm glad i'm not the only one having this problem.
  • When i was originally trying to maintain weight at 130 I wasn't working out but was eating healthy such as you stated but even at 1800-2000 calories I was still losing weight. Right now i'm eating whatever I can grab at lunch (fast food) but after looking back at my logs i'm eating well into 2000 calories a day. Are MFP…
  • Who could say no to such a cute smile.. if that was my kinda thing.
  • Thank you these are all very helpful. I go out to eat all of my meals right now so I believe they are fairly accurate on the logging portion. I am extremely fidgety though so maybe I should be calculating that in to calories burned? I'll definitely try all of the recommendations out. I'm trying to get back up to at least…
  • I am! I'm seriously eating 6 times a day. Am I maybe underestimating the calories I'm burning during the day and in my workouts?
  • This site offers a few posts on the fundamentals of designing yourself a meal plan but if you are wanting more help it is run by a nutritionist that does free consultations which can include meal plans. http://peoplesnutritionist.com/2013/12/21/the-base-diet/
  • Maybe lower the amount of calories in your alcohol? Vodka/water with lemon isn't too bad and you should only need a few. Other than that exercise is definitely great. Biking is good for burning calories and stress relief. If you aren't an outdoorsy type you could always buy a stationery bike (probably pretty cheap on…
  • I agree with a lot of these. Overnight Oatmeal is the bomb. I add 1/2 cup old fashioned oats to 1/2 cup unsweetened original almond milk and set it in the fridge overnight. I'll take a portion of frozen berries out and put them in a plastic baggie and set them in the fridge as well and by morning they are thawed perfectly.…
  • "Sources of insoluble fiber include grains such as wheat bran, barley, and brown rice and vegetables such as leafy greens, broccoli, and celery. Sources of soluble fiber include oatmeal, beans (legumes) and fruits such as apples, pears, and strawberries." I found this at this site...…
  • I've always been a "naturally thin" person but I agree with a lot of the comments. My mom was diabetic so I was raised to eat healthier so my typical meals are relatively healthy but I do have binges of eating terrible without seeing any significant gains. I'm also very fidgety (always shaking my legs and wiggling around…
  • I do a combination of the two. I pre-log my lunch that way I know exactly how many calories i'll be taking in since I usually am having to eat out for lunch but for breakfast and dinner and snacks I tend to log as I go just in case something changes so I don't forget to edit it.
  • I've always had the same problem. My workouts always worked for me but i didn't know what to eat. I found a site that offers nutrition consulting for free and he walked me through what a good amount of calories would be for my goal and suggested foods and substitutions. It's worked for me so far... his site was…
  • Here are just a few suggestions. Try having a meatless day. Cut down on Gluten (It will bloat you and slow down weight loss) Always have water on your person and drink a glass before your meals Make sure you are constantly changing up your cardio and exercise routines. Eliminate sodas and alcohol completely…