My Trainer Approved Meal Plan (and modifications for 21DSD)

My trainer approved meal plan is:

Meal 1

3 whole eggs

Meal 2

4 oz chicken breast
1/2 cup quinoa

Meal 3

1 can tuna
12 oz cantaloupe

Meal 4

1 oz almond
1 scoop UMP protein powder

Meal 5

large salad consisting of romaine, bell peppers, onion, avacado
4 oz chicken breast

Meal 6

4 oz of tilapia
2 cups broccoli

Additional food items in very small quantities:

sugar free gum and candy
True Lemon products
store bought salad dressing

Here is the plan I plan to use while doing the detox:

Meal 1

3 whole eggs

Meal 2

4 oz chicken breast
1 cup spaghetti squash

Meal 3

1 can tuna
1 green apple

Meal 4

1 oz almond
2 hard-boiled egg whites

Meal 5

large salad consisting of romaine, bell peppers, onion, avacado
4 oz chicken breast

Meal 6

4 oz of tilapia
2 cups broccoli

Additional food items in very small quantities:

oil/vinegar dressing


My trainer approved meal plan may seem very restrictive but we're focusing on getting my body fat down and being low-carb seems to be working.


  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
    #1 why 6 meals? Not that that's wrong just curios what your trainer said.

    #2 why detox? At least you will be eating food.

    #3 how many calories / macros are you aiming for.
  • DenyseMarieL
    DenyseMarieL Posts: 673 Member
    The first thing I did notice was the lack of carbs, then saw your comment at the bottom. I would DIE without carbs. But, I guess do what works for you. Might be hard to maintain in the long run.
  • laserturkey
    laserturkey Posts: 1,680 Member
    There is no way I could stick with that. I don't think I'd even make it through the first day. Seems unnecessarily restrictive to me.
  • Six meals works for me. I don't get as hungry as when I eat three larger meals.

    I'm "detoxing" because I want to see how my body responds to less sugar. Trial and error.

    My trainer approved meal plan is about 1700 calories. More than he likes to give women at my level but 1700 is where I don't get hangry [angry+hungry].

    This isn't a forever meal plan - just until we get my body fat down. My trainer is all about clean eating so eventually when I get to maintenance - I'll just eat clean (when and what I want) within a reasonable amount of calories.

    Eating whatever I want doesn't work for me... being told what, when, and how much does. We're all different and mentally I can't just stop at one piece of chocolate so its best I don't have any.
  • A_Warrior_Princess
    A_Warrior_Princess Posts: 344 Member
    Looks very healthy but I don't know how long I could follow it. I love variety with my food. How long ar you supposed to follow this?
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    I'd kill myself somewhere between eggs 2 and 3 of meal one... But each to their own, good luck!
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    Every day? Variety is the spice of life....
  • PLoveElliott
    PLoveElliott Posts: 114 Member
    Good luck! I think that everyone has to figure out for themselves how to live in the real world, eat properly and get in our workouts. And let's just call it as it matter what we all say you are still going to try this and you probably will get results. However, what happens when you get off this eating plan and start adding in things that you had restricted? I tried something similar to this eating plan mid last year and I had several problems with it; 1) I was bored before day one was over 2) I freaked out when I had plans to go out to dinner...what could I eat? 3) it didn't last long b/c it isn't sustainable.
    I moved away from this type of eating b/c I wanted to get myself on a good path that was sustainable. My way might have slower results.....but I found I liked it better. I don't want to feel like I am torturing myself but that I am enjoying the journey. As I mentioned above, we all have to figure things out for ourselves so I wish you luck Do keep us posted.
  • Looks very healthy but I don't know how long I could follow it. I love variety with my food. How long ar you supposed to follow this?

    Right now, I've been doing it for two months.
  • weightliftingdiva
    weightliftingdiva Posts: 522 Member
    Six meals works for me. I don't get as hungry as when I eat three larger meals.

    I'm "detoxing" because I want to see how my body responds to less sugar. Trial and error.

    My trainer approved meal plan is about 1700 calories. More than he likes to give women at my level but 1700 is where I don't get hangry [angry+hungry].

    This isn't a forever meal plan - just until we get my body fat down. My trainer is all about clean eating so eventually when I get to maintenance - I'll just eat clean (when and what I want) within a reasonable amount of calories.

    Eating whatever I want doesn't work for me... being told what, when, and how much does. We're all different and mentally I can't just stop at one piece of chocolate so its best I don't have any.

    This doesn't make any sense. What toxins do you have that you are trying to eliminate?

    When you go back yo normal eating, what makes you think you won't gain the weight back?

    Eat 150 meals a day, it doesn't matter. I know it's mental for some people.

    Just because your trainer approved doesn't mean it's right.

    This isn't really healthy because it's not normal and it's not helping you learn and establish eating in the real world.

    It appears that you are going for a weight loss bang. You want to lose, then later you'll figure it out. Later is now. Figure it out now. Eat at a deficit. Stop blaming sugar or carbs or toxins that don't exist. Just eat food at a calorie deficit and you will lose weight, and not temporarily, but for the rest of your life.

    Your an *kitten*. Just so you know. There are more right ways then just yours!

    This poster actually gave you so pretty solid reality checks. Being blunt doesn't make someone an ***, it just makes them an honest person.
  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    Looks very healthy but I don't know how long I could follow it. I love variety with my food. How long ar you supposed to follow this?

    Right now, I've been doing it for two months.

    What are your results so far?
  • Wetcoaster
    Wetcoaster Posts: 1,788 Member
    Six meals works for me. I don't get as hungry as when I eat three larger meals.

    I'm "detoxing" because I want to see how my body responds to less sugar. Trial and error.

    My trainer approved meal plan is about 1700 calories. More than he likes to give women at my level but 1700 is where I don't get hangry [angry+hungry].

    This isn't a forever meal plan - just until we get my body fat down. My trainer is all about clean eating so eventually when I get to maintenance - I'll just eat clean (when and what I want) within a reasonable amount of calories.

    Eating whatever I want doesn't work for me... being told what, when, and how much does. We're all different and mentally I can't just stop at one piece of chocolate so its best I don't have any.

    This doesn't make any sense. What toxins do you have that you are trying to eliminate?

    When you go back yo normal eating, what makes you think you won't gain the weight back?

    Eat 150 meals a day, it doesn't matter. I know it's mental for some people.

    Just because your trainer approved doesn't mean it's right.

    This isn't really healthy because it's not normal and it's not helping you learn and establish eating in the real world.

    It appears that you are going for a weight loss bang. You want to lose, then later you'll figure it out. Later is now. Figure it out now. Eat at a deficit. Stop blaming sugar or carbs or toxins that don't exist. Just eat food at a calorie deficit and you will lose weight, and not temporarily, but for the rest of your life.

    Your an *kitten*. Just so you know. There are more right ways then just yours!

    He was not being an *kitten*. He was giving you constructive advice.
  • MJC360
    MJC360 Posts: 368
    Looks real good. Six small meals a day works best for me too, but I found the hardest part is finding time to prep and pack my food.
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    Rather you than me, but to each their own.
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    Six meals works for me. I don't get as hungry as when I eat three larger meals.

    I'm "detoxing" because I want to see how my body responds to less sugar. Trial and error.

    My trainer approved meal plan is about 1700 calories. More than he likes to give women at my level but 1700 is where I don't get hangry [angry+hungry].

    This isn't a forever meal plan - just until we get my body fat down. My trainer is all about clean eating so eventually when I get to maintenance - I'll just eat clean (when and what I want) within a reasonable amount of calories.

    Eating whatever I want doesn't work for me... being told what, when, and how much does. We're all different and mentally I can't just stop at one piece of chocolate so its best I don't have any.

    This doesn't make any sense. What toxins do you have that you are trying to eliminate?

    When you go back yo normal eating, what makes you think you won't gain the weight back?

    Eat 150 meals a day, it doesn't matter. I know it's mental for some people.

    Just because your trainer approved doesn't mean it's right.

    This isn't really healthy because it's not normal and it's not helping you learn and establish eating in the real world.

    It appears that you are going for a weight loss bang. You want to lose, then later you'll figure it out. Later is now. Figure it out now. Eat at a deficit. Stop blaming sugar or carbs or toxins that don't exist. Just eat food at a calorie deficit and you will lose weight, and not temporarily, but for the rest of your life.

    Your an *kitten*. Just so you know. There are more right ways then just yours!
    Wow, that's rude.
  • beckerkra
    beckerkra Posts: 80 Member
    Six meals works for me. I don't get as hungry as when I eat three larger meals.

    I'm "detoxing" because I want to see how my body responds to less sugar. Trial and error.

    My trainer approved meal plan is about 1700 calories. More than he likes to give women at my level but 1700 is where I don't get hangry [angry+hungry].

    This isn't a forever meal plan - just until we get my body fat down. My trainer is all about clean eating so eventually when I get to maintenance - I'll just eat clean (when and what I want) within a reasonable amount of calories.

    Eating whatever I want doesn't work for me... being told what, when, and how much does. We're all different and mentally I can't just stop at one piece of chocolate so its best I don't have any.

    This doesn't make any sense. What toxins do you have that you are trying to eliminate?

    When you go back yo normal eating, what makes you think you won't gain the weight back?

    Eat 150 meals a day, it doesn't matter. I know it's mental for some people.

    Just because your trainer approved doesn't mean it's right.

    This isn't really healthy because it's not normal and it's not helping you learn and establish eating in the real world.

    It appears that you are going for a weight loss bang. You want to lose, then later you'll figure it out. Later is now. Figure it out now. Eat at a deficit. Stop blaming sugar or carbs or toxins that don't exist. Just eat food at a calorie deficit and you will lose weight, and not temporarily, but for the rest of your life.

    Your an *kitten*. Just so you know. There are more right ways then just yours!

    He was not being an *kitten*. He was giving you constructive advice.

    This. Constructive, if a little blunt at most. Blunt does not = needing name calling.
  • hazardouskys
    hazardouskys Posts: 16 Member
    Is there a reason he is including so much protein in your diet? Are you working out aggressively? If not it seems like it may be a bit much. I do weight lifting 5-6 days a week and mountain biking on my day off and I don't even think I take in that much protein. Is your trainer a nutritionist or dietician? If not he really isn't supposed to be giving dietary advice. I would add in more fibrous vegetables for your in-between meals but that's just my opinion. If you want a meal plan made by a nutritionist try He offers them at no charge
  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member
    Just reinforces my opinion of the the majority of 'Trainers'