

  • Hi, all! I'm new to HCG and I've lost 6.4 since starting on Monday, which I'm not sure about. What concerns me is that my body fat has increased .1 and my hydration level decreased .1. I am hopeful that the claims that HCG burns body fat are true. Does anyone else have a body fat scale that is showing a decrease in body…
  • there a Couch to Running 5 Minutes Without Stopping Plan? I was kicking around the idea of returning to running today, so I will pledge to motivate you and start the Couch to 5k plan to get up to speed with you if you'd like. My fastest was a 35:05 5k when I stopped running last year. And you're doing great, by…
  • A couple of my favorite things: Pastaless Primavera - chop and steam some fresh vegetables and add 1/2 cup of your favorite tomato sauce. Or take Trader Joe's eggplant and zucchini and top it with tomato sauce if you're in a hurry. I also add half a bag of spinach to a can of vegetable soup to up the calories and the…
  • You look great! You have such pretty and defined cheekbones, too!
  • I am really proud of you! And good for you to see that you needed to figure out what is at the root of your eating. This is awesome. I will friend you and I will try to keep encouraging and motivating you!
  • First of all, congratulations on your wedding! And secondly, yep, I sometimes get hungry. And when I do, I try to sort out if I'm just thirsty or if I actually need more food. You can do it, but don't get too caught up in it. I think your goal is very reasonable. Give yourself and your body time to adjust!
  • Gread find on the Chalean Extreme. I do love that workout. I was trying to do CE and 30DS at the same time and Have you seen Turbo Fire? Also, my HRM says it burns 247 and I don't do the cool-down. I'm sure I'm much bigger than you, but I can't believe you're not burning at least 10 calories a minute?
  • I've done it and it's not fun. Even worse, I did 30-minutes with a personal trainer yesterday and then went home and did 3DS. When I got up to do the workout this morning I fell asleep on the exercise mat. No kidding. It was awesome and I burned 9 calories. Good luck on your workout!
  • Sadly, my Polar F11 died on Sunday, so I high-tailed it to the store and got a new Polar FT4. It doesn't have as many great tracking tools, but it keeps me working hard during my workout and that's the point. It's also a nice reminder throughout the rest of the day when I wear it as a watch because I remember the pain and…
  • You look so great! What an inspiration. :smile:
  • Well done to you! You look fantastic.
  • I'm totally not a medical professional, but I don't think your body will go into starvation mode after just one day. However, I'd try to get your calories to at least 1300. Easy: protein shake with banana, skim milk and 1 T of peanut butter and a slice of whole wheat toast. It's like breakfast for dinner. Good luck on your…
  • Thanks, Ashley. I was just looking at another thread and I think you mentioned you were doing 30 Day Shred? There's someone who's starting a group 30DS on Monday. If you search for 30 Day Shred and June 21, it should come up. Just FYI if you wanted workout company. I love the DVD myself. I actually woke up looking forward…
  • Hang in there! I've been doing pushups every time I feel the need to go to the fridge to get something to eat that I hadn't planned out on MFP. Let's just say my arms are exhausted. Believe you can do it.
  • Someone just started a 30-day shred thread to start on June 21. Sorry, don't know how to link to it or anything, but if you search using the text below, you'll be able to find it. No matter what you choose, good health and fitness to you! 30 day shred 21st of June till the 21st of July
  • I just started 30DS, so if you want a motivating workout pal, I can do that! I love the workout and I'm doing it to build a baseline for a really tough bootcamp I just signed up for. Day 1 I could do 10 pushups comfortably and now on Day 5, I can do 15. It's really the best fitness investment. Good luck!