Day 4 on MFP

cami78 Posts: 42 Member
Hey there I'm new here. Happy I found this site!
I'm struggling a bit today as I am at home minding the kids. Hopefully I can run to the gym later as being stuck at home makes me go the the cupboards every 5 min :(
Wishing everybody a good day!


  • sunshine79
    sunshine79 Posts: 758 Member
    Weekends are the hardest but you will be fine. Each time you're tempted to go eat have a glass of water instead. Kepp up the great work and use the site as much as possible as it's a great support network.:glasses:
  • cami78
    cami78 Posts: 42 Member
    Thanks Sunshine! weekends are the hardest indeed...
  • shmilla
    shmilla Posts: 19
    Hang in there! I've been doing pushups every time I feel the need to go to the fridge to get something to eat that I hadn't planned out on MFP. Let's just say my arms are exhausted. Believe you can do it.