

  • 1. What is your eye color?green 2. What is youre favorite season?spring 3. What is your favorite Holiday?Thanksgiving 4. Have you ever been arrested?nope 5. What are 2 things with in arms reach of you right now?phone and kindle 6. Would you rather know how you are going to die, Or know when you are going to die?when 7.…
  • I think it is actually a good thing not having a t.v. or even watching it that much. I do have a t.v. but I don't really have time to watch it also. I use to watch like 5-6 hours of t.v. a day when I was younger(I think that contributed to my weight gain) but now between school, my 4 year old, cleaning, working out ect. I…
  • Well I don't think anyone can be happy 24/7. Some people depend on different things to make them happy but I think that can be destructive because in reality they need to be happy with themselves first. What really bothers me is people who are miserable when they really have everything going for them. Do they have a kid…
  • I'm not as old as 39, I'm 30. I love Doctor Who, Star Trek, Supernatural, Buffy, and I like a lot of other Sci/Fi and horror shows, movies, and books!
  • It gets easier, the first time I did it I thought I was going to die, I'm doing really well on level 2 now! Give it about 5 days and your body will get use to it!
  • Try the Jillian Micheal's 30 day shred, I've lost inches from May to right now by doing that work out frequently.
  • Really good italian beef recipe, not the healthiest but it's delicious: 3 pounds sirloin tip roast 1 12oz bottle of whatever beer you like 1 jar sliced peppercini peppers 1 pkt dry italian good seasoning dressing on bottom of crock pot mix half beer with some seasoning and some peppercinis with some juice. Place beef on…
  • Different people have different expectations of what they want. If he wants to be that picky he will probably never find anyone that meets his standards and that will be his fault. I've dated guys like that and it really got to be a pain to just try and make myself look "perfect" for them. No one is perfect! I'm not frumpy…
  • 1. How long after meeting your SO did you knew he/she was the one? about 6 months, I knew I wanted to be with him after he kind of saw right through my attitude ( I got taken advantage of a lot before him and that kind of made me a huge b**** for a while because I was just tired of it) and told me that I was actually a…
  • They have apple and carrot snack packs, maybe those would be okay?
  • Sept. 25, found my birthday match but accidently posted my own post!
  • When I was living with my sister and her family a while back I paid rent, groceries, bills besides just mine, and cleaned up after myself at ALL times. I also watched my nephew for free. I felt that since they let me live with them I needed to chip in whatever way I possibly could. They need to start having some respect…
  • I have read a lot of these type of books and I believe that some of the Charlaine Harris books came out before the Twilight books did. I have watched and read both and like Charlaine Harris and True Blood better because they are more adult. Twilight is for teenagers. Although I'm starting to get a little upset about True…
  • MDA and Parent Project Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy. My son has Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (its one of the worst types) and these organizations do what they can to help support the families that go through this, help with the expensive equipment they need, and also research for cures or other medicine that can help the…
  • At 18, I drank heavily and did lots of drugs for about a 8 month period. While I was doing that and for about a year after I stopped, I had lots of issues similar to what you are dealing with. It's been 12 years now and I'm happy to say that it does get better as long as you don't continue with what your doing. Sometimes I…
  • A whole frozen pizza, a whole box of those thin mint girl scout cookies, a whole bag of chips or a Whopper meal everyday large sized. I am thankful I started looking at labels and stopped eating so much fast food!
  • I had it for lunch yesterday. I basically just portion out whatever I want and/ order something that has a lot of vegetables in it like Chicken Kow. I also love egg drop soup and thats only 60-70 calories a cup
  • I am so so glad my husband is not that way (he wouldn't be my husband if he was) That would drive my crazy! If you were that way to him, I'm sure he would say that you were being clingy! You honestly don't need a report about every minute of the day, your busy with your life and have a child that you have to put first!…
  • I got comments after I had my son and was walking to lose weight. They said I wouldn't lose anything just by doing that and I lost 80 pounds! It did take a while but i wasn't counting my calories at the time.
  • Bad guy-Heath Ledger's Joker Good guy (even though they both can be pretty bad)- Castiel from Supernatural and Eric Northman from True Blood
  • If a guy loves you he would remember your birthday, especially after being together for over a year! I think you should not say anything and see if he remembers. If he doesn't it's pretty inconsiderate and I would just move on! As far as helping out some guys are just lazy and don't do that! I don't know if it's because…
  • I'm into anything that is horror or sci/fi, especially vampires so count me in! I'm also extremely addicted to caffeine too! I wish we had something like a Zombie Run here, that sounds fun!
  • For it. A person can be in love with another person of the same gender. Besides, life is to short, you should do be with whoever makes you happy regardless of race, gender, ect.
  • Yes, I love food! I love to cook so I try to make healthy foods that are delicious too! Occasionally I still have a pizza, make a lasagna, or something because I still like to treat myself but I do it in moderation.
  • My husband went with his best friend to pick it out. They did a great job! Even though I knew it was going to happen eventually because we have been together for so long, my engagement was a surprise so he didn't ask me to go with. Honestly I would have been happy with a cheaper ring and he gave me the option to go pick a…
  • I'm addicted to iced tea too! Although I love to buy the bottles of lipton ice tea at the store, I just buy the tea bags and make my own. This controls my sugar because I don't add any and also saves money! Also, I have an iced tea maker and brews a big batch of tea similar to a coffee maker!
  • I loved it also and was happy that they finally did another show involving the Daleks! I am ready for the next episode, Dinosaurs on a spaceship!
  • lobster, shrimp scampi, steak, chicken marsala, stuffed cheese pizza, dark chocolate brownies, and a nice big bottle of wine.