What annoys you ...



  • cmcollins001
    cmcollins001 Posts: 3,472 Member
    My ex wife CONSTANTLY ...notice I said EX WIFE ...wanted to know where I was and what I was doing at all times. That is one of the million reason's im not with that crazy woman anymore. Someone needing to know where I am , what im doing or whom Im with all the time...that ANNOYS the crap outta me. You ain't my babysitter, your my gf...you dont need to know where I am 24/7.

    My EX-wife always wanting to know when I was going to be home from work with the car so she could take it out, with my paycheck and spend my money on her various boyfriends and staying out all night. Apparently our marriage interfered with her dating life so we split up. 3 1/2 of those 4 years were pretty annoying. Oh, and when her bi-polar mood swings would kick in and she was throwing the can of corn at my head because she changed her mind while I was at the store and wanted green beans instead, but wasn't able to tell me...yeah...that kinda annoyed me too.

    Her apologizing now and wanting me back...well, that...that is priceless.
  • ilovemybuggy
    ilovemybuggy Posts: 1,584 Member
    I wonder if he gets annoyed that you don't know how to spell 'irk'?

    F! That sucks, I am such a grammar nazi too, and I hate when I spell words incorrectly. Oh well, can't always be right. Thanks though, changed it.
  • ilovemybuggy
    ilovemybuggy Posts: 1,584 Member
    Not seeing anyone right now.
    So today is your lucky day.:love:
    ilovemybuggy can you change that to ilovemycliffy?
    I really NEED you to and txt me what you're doing and when will you change it.:tongue:

    Nope, sorry....i've already used the one allowed name change . :cry:
  • Gurlyknockout
    Gurlyknockout Posts: 115 Member
    Stalking and neediness. I have a child already I don’t want another to raise. MAN UP!
  • TexasTroy
    TexasTroy Posts: 477 Member
  • rossi02
    rossi02 Posts: 549 Member
    It pains me to go through a fast food drive-thru with my husband... good thing I'm not a fan of fast food (or maybe this is why I'm not). You would think he's taking his LSATs or something.. "I'll have the # 3.. no! the # 1.. wait, tell me about the ___". If we are on the road and are in too big of hurry to stop and eat, I'll tell him before we find a place to stop, "Go ahead and figure out what you want, before we get there".
  • katamus
    katamus Posts: 2,363 Member
    for starters- he's VERY needy- like if I don't text him back immediately he freaks out (mind you, I have a 2 yr old and a full time job- i'm sorry I can't exactly text 24/7 - ) AND HE ALWAYS TELLS ME HIS EVERY MOVE... 'driving.' 'at work' 'leaving work' 'lunch' 'dinner' 'gym' .....so on and so forth- I mean- cool, I don't think i'd ever have to QUESTION where he's going b/c he TELLS ME .....but I really DON'T NEED TO KNOW EVERY SECOND OF YOUR DAY.... luckily, he hasn't started with the 'taking a s^it' yet but it still urks my nerves.....

    My fiance has the exact opposite problem.. He won't answer his damn phone. Now, I'm not a needy human being. At all. It is not uncommon for me to wake up and go to work all day and not have any communication with him until I get home. That's just how it is. I'm at work.. I have nothing exciting to say.. Don't need to talk.


    Why. Why. Why. Why. Why.

    I don't call him over and over and over and over. I will text him once and if 30 minutes goes by, I'll call him. But he always forgets to take his phone off silent or he leaves it in the car or outside or whatever. It's not just me, either. His family and friends will text me asking if he's alive or not.

    I mean, maybe it's a good thing he's not so dependant on his phone. I can't go anywhere without mine..
  • drmerc
    drmerc Posts: 2,603 Member
    for starters- he's VERY needy- like if I don't text him back immediately he freaks out (mind you, I have a 2 yr old and a full time job- i'm sorry I can't exactly text 24/7 - ) AND HE ALWAYS TELLS ME HIS EVERY MOVE... 'driving.' 'at work' 'leaving work' 'lunch' 'dinner' 'gym' .....so on and so forth- I mean- cool, I don't think i'd ever have to QUESTION where he's going b/c he TELLS ME .....but I really DON'T NEED TO KNOW EVERY SECOND OF YOUR DAY.... luckily, he hasn't started with the 'taking a s^it' yet but it still urks my nerves.....

    My fiance has the exact opposite problem.. He won't answer his damn phone. Now, I'm not a needy human being. At all. It is not uncommon for me to wake up and go to work all day and not have any communication with him until I get home. That's just how it is. I'm at work.. I have nothing exciting to say.. Don't need to talk.


    Why. Why. Why. Why. Why.

    I don't call him over and over and over and over. I will text him once and if 30 minutes goes by, I'll call him. But he always forgets to take his phone off silent or he leaves it in the car or outside or whatever. It's not just me, either. His family and friends will text me asking if he's alive or not.

    I mean, maybe it's a good thing he's not so dependant on his phone. I can't go anywhere without mine..

    Maybe he is busy with his girlfriend
  • vbrent07
    I am so so glad my husband is not that way (he wouldn't be my husband if he was) That would drive my crazy! If you were that way to him, I'm sure he would say that you were being clingy! You honestly don't need a report about every minute of the day, your busy with your life and have a child that you have to put first! It's good that he's a nice person but that doesn't mean anything if he keeps annoying you with his millions of text messages each day! If you were dating I'm sure you would find an increase in them!!!
    One of the things I find annoying is that when i am busy I'm expected to drop everything for my husband when he wants to talk to me but I can't talk to him when he's busy! I do have a list of other things and I'm sure he does with me since we have been with each other for 8 years and know each others habits and flaws. If I couldn't deal with them though I wouldn't be with him!
  • Cliffslosinit
    Cliffslosinit Posts: 5,044 Member
    Not seeing anyone right now.
    So today is your lucky day.:love:
    ilovemybuggy can you change that to ilovemycliffy?
    I really NEED you to and txt me what you're doing and when will you change it.:tongue:

    Nope, sorry....i've already used the one allowed name change . :cry:

    Okay I will be fine...."just breathe". Hurry txt me..No wait, "hold me!"
    I need to call my Mom and tell her!
  • Shannonpurple
    Shannonpurple Posts: 268 Member
    I don't do needy.

    And apparently I make guys feel insecure because they always turn needy on me.

    I hear about girls who are texting every few seconds. Girls who are constantly calling. Girls who are constantly updating their SO's but not me. I tend to be a little TOO quiet... and then I get these guys who have to text me every second and check in ALL THE TIME and I dump them before the second date because I can't tolerate it. At all.

    So ... where ARE the needy girls? Really? Because all I ever see are needy guys. :P

    I am a Needy GF... but my BF travels alot like he will be gone for up to 2 months at a time so when he is home I expect him to make up for all the lost time. We work together we drive to work together and we live together, we also snowborad, bike, run, hike, and relax together.
  • Spartan_Maker
    Spartan_Maker Posts: 683 Member
    Neediness is a turn-off. Quite honestly, however, in past relationships, it bothered me far less if she was especially smart and attractive. In those cases, I viewed it as her being attentive rather than needy. I get the sense that you're really not attracted to him and that you don't find him particularly interesting.

    If you're not really serious with the guy and he's telling you his every move -- that's weird. You certainly can't be blamed for thinking it's strange.
  • katamus
    katamus Posts: 2,363 Member
    for starters- he's VERY needy- like if I don't text him back immediately he freaks out (mind you, I have a 2 yr old and a full time job- i'm sorry I can't exactly text 24/7 - ) AND HE ALWAYS TELLS ME HIS EVERY MOVE... 'driving.' 'at work' 'leaving work' 'lunch' 'dinner' 'gym' .....so on and so forth- I mean- cool, I don't think i'd ever have to QUESTION where he's going b/c he TELLS ME .....but I really DON'T NEED TO KNOW EVERY SECOND OF YOUR DAY.... luckily, he hasn't started with the 'taking a s^it' yet but it still urks my nerves.....

    My fiance has the exact opposite problem.. He won't answer his damn phone. Now, I'm not a needy human being. At all. It is not uncommon for me to wake up and go to work all day and not have any communication with him until I get home. That's just how it is. I'm at work.. I have nothing exciting to say.. Don't need to talk.


    Why. Why. Why. Why. Why.

    I don't call him over and over and over and over. I will text him once and if 30 minutes goes by, I'll call him. But he always forgets to take his phone off silent or he leaves it in the car or outside or whatever. It's not just me, either. His family and friends will text me asking if he's alive or not.

    I mean, maybe it's a good thing he's not so dependant on his phone. I can't go anywhere without mine..

    Maybe he is busy with his girlfriend

    But I'm the only one allowed to have girlfriends.
  • ilovemybuggy
    ilovemybuggy Posts: 1,584 Member
    Oh no, i'm attracted to him! I just don't like needy people. My son is two- he's the only one allowed to be needy!!
  • legs_n_bacon
    legs_n_bacon Posts: 478 Member
    I wonder if he gets annoyed that you don't know how to spell 'irk'?

    F! That sucks, I am such a grammar nazi too, and I hate when I spell words incorrectly. Oh well, can't always be right. Thanks though, changed it.

  • jenbit
    jenbit Posts: 4,289 Member
    Well no So for me but the guy I'm dating seems to have a punctuality problem. I hate being late. So if he tell me he will be there to pick me up at 10 Im ready before 950. He is usually atleast 15 min late. So I have just started mentally adding 10-20 minutes to whatever times he tells me he is picking me up lol..

    I dont do needy men I also dont like jealous men. I have alot of platonic male friends and you have to be able to handle that if you want to date me
  • allenaceattorney
    What annoys me:

    When people use the abbreviation DH or DW to refer to their spouse. "Oh hey honey I love you enough to call you dear but not enough to write the whole thing out"

    Comments on cooking sites. "OMG this scampi is so good! I just made a few little changes: used beef instead of shrimp, added some tomato sauce and oregano, and served it over angel hair pasta. YUM!!!!!!"

    On a similar note: Rachel Ray. "OMG these delish sammies with EVOO are totally yummo!"

    People who refuse to let you change lanes on the highway. "What's that? He's turning on his turn signal? BETTER SPEED UP DERP"

    People who make get video game facts wrong. "LIEK MY BOYFRIEND PLAYS GAMES ALL THE TIME, HE PLAYS MADDEN ON HIS PLAYSTATION 360."

    Oh you meant things about my significant other. Nope, can't think of a thing.
  • Gurlyknockout
    Gurlyknockout Posts: 115 Member
    Neediness is a turn-off. Quite honestly, however, in past relationships, it bothered me far less if she was especially smart and attractive. In those cases, I viewed it as her being attentive rather than needy. I get the sense that you're really not attracted to him and that you don't find him particularly interesting.

    If you're not really serious with the guy and he's telling you his every move -- that's weird. You certainly can't be blamed for thinking it's strange.

    Good point. Never thought of that, in that way.
  • ilovemybuggy
    ilovemybuggy Posts: 1,584 Member
    I mean, seriously....god forbid he texts me and by 5 minutes from that text I still haven't responded "night" is what I get.. then when I say "I was driving" or "I was giving my son a bath" he's like 'Oh, well I just figured you didn't want to talk to me' Ummm dude- chill, it was FIVE FREAKIN MINUTES.
  • agriffiths73
    agriffiths73 Posts: 108 Member
    Towels, when wet, don't belong on the bed/floor - the same applies to your clothes. Pick them up, put them away or on the radiator....please. Put the used tea bag in the bin, put the foil top from the milk in the bin, clean the work top when you have spilled something, don't leave stuff all over the damn house, then moan at me because I haven't moved one pair of shoes from near the door (that were surrounded by 5 pairs of yours).
    Oh - and if you say you'll cook dinner as I've been away all day, please actually cook it for both of us, not just you.