

  • My friend was on that because she was going to get lap band, shes over 100 pounds more than you. She could only eat 1,000 calories a day. She ended up losing her insurance and stopped the diet and gained all of that back. While I think this diet does work short term, once you start back on a regular diet without these…
  • I think you can do better. Whats going to happen if you get married then pregnant and gain weight right back? A person should love you for who you are regardless of what you weigh. My husband was with me when I was 90 pounds more then what I am today and still would if I was that same size. If you want to lose weight do it…
  • Honestly I would just go to a doctor and get their opinion. Maybe your frame is smaller so that weight is fine for you. I'm 5'6 but I'm no where near 95 lbs I'm 174 and a larger frame. I could stand to lose a little more but my doctor doesn't see it as a problem since I use to be 265. I'm sure doctors take many…
  • I've lost 90 pounds and I have no loose, hanging skin besides a little from my stomach from being pregnant. I actually do toning along with cardio and I think that is one of the big reasons I don't have it
  • I would just start walking first and then gradually increase the impact and type of exercise. I've been going to the fitness blender website for a few weeks and they have many different levels, if you want try a few of there low impact ones on days you cant walk or if you want something different besides walking each day…
  • I don't think that it matters at all and it's not gross, some people are hairy while others aren't. My son is 6 and already has a hairy back because he's on steroids for muscular dystrophy. I do have to say that a long time ago when I was a kid, I made fun of someone because of back hair. That wasn't because I was shallow,…
  • My kid made me grow up and changed my life for the better. He has a disability and it's very hard at times but I wouldn't change it for the world. Yes it is so worth it!
  • This happened to me at clinicals recently and I ended up fainting. I ate breakfast at 5 am but the incident happened at 12 , right before I was going to eat. I'm a healthy person I was just a little dehydrated and waited to long to eat. Do you work somewhere where you are constantly on your feet and walking or have you…
  • 6 years ago 265 5'7 and pregnant, now 174 and I haven't shrunk
  • The 30 day shred has helped me with toning, especially with my arms and legs. I lost about 5 pounds on it too. I also lowered my calorie intake and did other activities during the week like walking. For a while my body hasn't been losing scale weight, it's losing inches but it's probably different for everyone. I have been…
  • The closest I have ever been to losing that much that quickly was 8 pounds in 2 weeks. That was done when I was heavier though and could burn more with exercise. I guess depending on your body it is possible just make sure your getting enough nutrition
  • Love Doctor who, David Tennant is my favorite doctor! I have been watching it since 2007 but have seen some of the older versions. The first episode I watched was the weeping angels one with Martha Jones and that has been my favorite episode ever since. Daleks are my favorite bad guys!
  • To me coke zero tastes a lot better than diet coke! I only have like 1 can a week though cause I get sick if I have to much artifical sugar and to much of the fizz in any soda hurts my stomach. I really don't think that substitute sugars will hurt if you. My son has a type of muscular dystrophy and the doctor would rather…
    in Diet coke Comment by vbrent07 July 2013
  • Instead of losing weight to "get even" with someone you should just do it for yourself! I can somewhat see how it could help though because I use exercise to relieve stress. And someone you hate may cause you a lot of stress. But in the long run it's not healthy to use that as motivation. Do things to make yourself a…
  • I had a George Foreman grill about 8 years ago but I really didn't like how it cooked things. Food would stick to it a lot. I've had better luck with a grill pan. Some of the pans are cheaper too!
  • From what I understand about carbs from a nutrition course I had to take is that there are two kinds: refined (things like white bread and pasta) and complex (whole grains, wheat ect) Your body needs carbs for energy but it needs less refined because that mainly turns into sugar. Try things like brown rice, whole…
  • Although I have a special needs son and understand where this mom is coming from, I could understand why the owner would be upset if his tantrum was upsetting other guests. I personally don't think a kid belongs in a spa. However, instead of yelling at the mother, which probably made the boy cry more, the owner should have…
  • I really like Jillian Micheal's kickbox fastfix.
  • Around 5 years ago I had an appointment to see the eye doctor. A few months before that I just had a kid, I could fit in my regular clothes but they were still a little tight. Well everyone was laughing and I couldn't figure out why until I got home and realized that there was a rip on the butt of my pants (it showed part…
  • I have to have mayo with my tuna salad but I use that light olive oil mayo (only about a TBS though) and add onion and celery
  • I got a good danskin one at walmart for about $15
  • I'm really sorry about your friend. 5 years ago I lost my grandpa that raised me to congestive heart failure. He was very overweight and he liked to sit and watch tv ALL day. He had a double by pass on his heart like 8 years ago and his Dr told him to eat right and move more but he never did. Instead he would eat twice as…
  • Losing weight without the help of diet pills may take a little longer but it is a lot healthier! Besides most of that stuff causes nasty anal leakage ect and who wants that!
  • I only like it in s things: homeade salsa and the rice from a Chipotle burrito bowl! I can't believe they put that on a salad, that would overpower the whole thing!
  • I usually like to go outside and exercise but since it's so cold I have dvds. I rotate Turbo Jam, 30 day shred, and Biggest loser cardio max. If I get bored with them I will borrow Zumba or something else from one of my friends. I do have a coupon for a gym for free week but I haven't had the time to use it yet!
  • wet socks food stuck in teeth ignorant people who stare at your disabled kid because they don't understand that some kids may look totally normal when they are not
  • I have lost 80 pounds without MFP and that took me 3-4 years. It is hard for me to stick with a diet so I usually just have patience and try my best and eventually it does pay off! With MFP I have lost 12 pounds since this summer, but I have been losing more inches now.
  • I started watching what I eat and exercising more because I lost my grandma to congestive heart failure on one side and my grandpa to the same thing on the other side of my family. I also can end up getting Cardiomyapathy at any time because I am a carrier for Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy so I try to do what is best for my…
  • Since I love to cook, I do both. I wouldn't want to eat a rubber tire or mounds of grease that will clog my arteries, so I usually try to find something healthy to eat that also tastes good! I do believe that food was made for us to enjoy but only in moderation.