adopt4 Member


  • A couple of things here. First of all, meds do change your body and you can gain weight without changing anything else. Hate to disagree with the majority here, but they simply haven't done their research on this. Not all doctors are informed. It can change your metabolism, slowing it down, making you burn less during…
  • Oh, that's good, pawprint, putting it on facebook like that. I can't "forget" now cuz I check the status' of my FB friends nearly every day. Been doing a lot better at not eating a bunch of junk (some lapses, but better than I'd been) and have been listening to my body about when it's hungry and when it's not. Not great…
  • I'm completely back where I started, for those of you who remember me from last year. Sigh. Stress eating, and went thru a lot of stress last year. Right now I'm not weighing myself (yet) but I am working on making healthy eating choices. I was planning on hitting the gym but I broke my foot so that's out for at least a…
  • Didn't log my food today, was very busy. Didn't eat too bad, ate some cookies after dinner that I should have skipped, but other than that, eating ok. Trying to get the kids to the dentists and eye drs and the exchange student registered for school and getting his school stuff and it's like I'm a taxi service right now. ha…
  • Morning all. I haven't been logging, which is bad, but I haven't been eating everything in sight, either. This has been a crazy week. My new volunteer thing is eating up all my time right now. exciting, but scary too. once i get a case manager hired then i don't have to do nearly as much. Got our new exchange student on…
  • Hi team, last night I went to an orientation for host families (we're hosting a foreign exchange student again, MALE this time) and somehow sitting there for a few hours really put my hips and back out. I'm dying today. I hadn't planned on going to the gym but I am hoping to get everything put back into place so I can go…
  • Hurray for Benjamin! Welcome little guy! I just wrote out this post and hit the wrong key and blam it's gone. Grrrr. Ok so I didn't post yesterday, night before last the landlord told us he's selling the house and we can buy it or move. We can't buy it yet and we don't have the money to move, we just started to catch up on…
  • guys i need your help for breakfast. I need a cereal that's not too high calorie but chewy or crunchy, like granola or grape nuts, that takes a long time to eat and something i can have more than just 1 cup of. ate my cereal this morning not realizing the cals and CRAP it was almost a whole days' worth with milk. but the…
  • new thread so we can keep the weeks straight. will start a new one on friday. starting one is easy, go to community, ,message boards, motivation and support, there's a NEW TOPIC button in the near middle upper right hand side. just make sure you put T.H.E.…
  • your landlord can get in serious trouble for not providing heat... i mean serious trouble... i hope he fixed it today and gave you some sort of compensation. guys i need your help for breakfast. I need a cereal that's not too high calorie but chewy or crunchy, like granola or grape nuts, that takes a long time to eat and…
  • Bored with my meals right now. We bought a ham and have been eating ham with stuff... but I'm bored. But I can't think of anything else to make that sounds interesting, either. Guess I'm in a food rut. And we're limited to what's in our house to make so it's not like I can go look up a cool recipe and go get the…
  • I'm here! I'm here! Got a few nudges so thought I'd better check in! After the horrible summer and stress, I gained back 22 pounds. Not good but not bad either. And like Cyndi said, mine's all in a different place - totally my lower abdomen. Weird. Feel like I'm carrying a bowling ball (well I guess I am, bowling balls are…
  • Hey friends, I've not checked in a few days, sorry. Hubby's truck broke down Fri night and so I've had the boys all weekend without much time to check my computer. Haven't been logging or drinking my water. Got a cappucino/expresso maker for my bday and have been drinking coffee instead. Umm... don't think that's on the…
  • healthymom - WOW! Congrats! How wonderful! Yes, eat for that baby! Hello everyone, I'm back, didn't have internet for a few weeks. Ugh.
  • afternoon ya'll. i just spent hours with our bills, etc trying to get out of the monthly "hole" we are in (including payday loans to get by) and figured out what we need to do to stop having the payday loans or overdraft... it should only take us about 2 1/2 mos! Whoo hoo! Then we can start working on getting out of debt…
  • welcome newbies! i was great on track in this group jan - june and then had a serious plateau that wouldn't ended (ended up being because of a medication I was taking) and then pretty much lost the spirit with traveling over the summer, and then gained back 18 of the pounds i lost. Halloween isn't helping me, all that…
  • crazyb - are you kidding me???? i cannot believe how rude some people are? i thought she was just you know, a little hurt or something about the one thing, not a totally rude person like that! it's not polite to go to someone's house and eat and eat everything in sight, particularly when you didn't provide that food! i…
  • crazybee, so sorry your friend doesn't understand. not to excuse her behavior, but is there something going on in her life where she felt that you should pay total attention to her? is she jealous of your success? is she feeling guilty that she doesn't eat right? or doesn't she understand what you were doing and that it…
  • Yesterday was the first day w/out Halloween candy or other junk being consumed. Trying very hard to get control over my life, and this is only one of the areas! Working on our finances, too, we suck at that. I need to get a parttime job to get us out of this hole so we can get even and I need to work from home, so if…
  • good for u jb! that's awesome! and way to go crazyb! i hate it when meds mess up your weight. but glad u r headache free for a whole day. wow. hubby lived with horrible headaches for 20 yrs then had a brain tumor removed (technology finally made it operable) and he's been headache free for 3 yrs. he's a different person…
  • Welcome newbies... great idea Debbie. I could certainly use a reminder buddy. Since I'm a SAHM I check my FB and stuff throughout the day... anybody wanna be my buddy for this? I joined a walk/run group locally, as well as a weight loss group, Funny that losingit had joined the same two groups without us knowing the other…
  • There's definitely cycles that everyone goes thru, I think. I think we should poke our old members who haven't been around for awhile as well as invite new ones. Nice job Kristi starting the thread. THanks for jumping in. FOrgot it was Friday, didnt' weigh but yesterday I was down 2 of the several I'd gained back. Then…
  • Well, I ate breakfast right this morning, some Nutrigrain waffles. Then for lunch had a starbucks vanilla latte, and a scone and a bagel. So thinking I'm probably over calories already... but the positive note is, at least it wasn't candy and ice cream, it was real food, even if not the best food. Sigh. Going to losingit's…
  • you kick me lorann i'll kick you....:tongue: i don't know if i need a hug or a kick in the a&&...
  • She may be lying... she may not. I mean, if you knew you were being fired the minute someone qualified walked in the door, wouldn't you do everything to try and keep your job? So the info from her is not reliable, IMO. Then again, she may be telling the truth, so you are prepared for it ahead of time. If he tells you to do…
  • how come nobody misses me when i'm gone? been going thru a rough patch, like some of u.
  • morning all. well li4g hasn't confessed our sins last night, altho she threatened to, so i will... we went to the store and ended up making caramel apples. she put mini m&ms on hers and i put half a chocolate bar, broken up, on mine. Calories were pretty high - around 500 - but the apple is good for ya, so... not as bad as…
  • welcome back hon. I'm with ya on the having problems and starting over with baby steps. I've posted all my sins, well, most of them, the forum isn't THAT long, LOL. But I'm right there with ya. Start over - YOU CAN DO THIS!!!
  • Anyone want to take bets with me on this??? LOL
  • ate a good breakfast. am trying to do housework. i have aches and pains all over though... nita, is this part of what you had? sheesh. i feel like a truck ran over me - literally. only have one boy home this morning so that will help, and the other one naps after lunch, so should be able to get thru most of the day even…