switch313 Member


  • Appreciate the responses. I'll definitely monitor it - the lethargy is what I want to avoid, because what good is working out in a dedicated manner if I lay or sit around the rest of the day negating the workout.
  • I did a 10 day juice fast after watching the documentary.. not because of the health benefits but because i wanted to test my willpower. Ate nothing but "raw" food for three days leading up to it. That said I did lose 14 lbs and did keep it off but I don't know. I didn't feel angry or grouchy on it and only felt hungry the…
  • I was going to post a topic about this the other day. I just upped my calories by about 500 more than what I'm used to when I'm watching what I eat and I felt really bloated and full the first few days but it has since subsided mostly... one day i was a few hundred short of of my goal but I chalk it up to adjustments :P
  • So I tried 1:2 ratio because it fits neatly in my 36 minute run time. Boy it was a lot rougher than I thought. Did 10 mph the first four sprints but had to do 8 mph the remaining 8. It was tough for sure. Time went by a heck of a lot quicker.
  • thanks, I'll check it out
  • As someone suggested earlier, I like to have steel cut oatmeal made with vanilla almond milk.. soooo good compared to making it with water or normal milk. I also like turkey sausages eggs on whole wheat tortillas Avocado (but I love avocado anytime and anywhere.. even just plain) English muffin with cottage cheese and…
  • Hmm, yeah I'll probably up my intake a bit, i'm running a bit more lately, and lift on alternating days with Wednesday being my rest day. I don't want the weight loss to be made up of lean muscle that's why I was wondering if it's too low. I'll try adding 100 calories and seeing how that goes and just track it that way.…
  • When I started lifting weights my weight stalled for three weeks then started to drop again after, at times fairly quick (I weigh every other week or longer because I don't like seeing the fluctuation). It is water retention as far as I know - I don't know the science behind it though, I'm sure someone will chime in with…
  • I think I have been skimping on protein a bit lately, thanks for the insight kelli. Now I wonder if eating in the 1400-1800 calorie range the last almost 2 months will cause a weight gain initially if I bump up to 2400 without gradually doing it. I guess I'll just have to use trial and error.