

  • You sound very motivated and you have a great group of friends to support you! I am a personal trainer and you don't need a gym, running/walking is great exercise and there are plenty of bodyweight exercises you can do at home as well. Welcome and I hope I will do my best to support you as well : )
  • My son is in the Army and in Afghanistan now. His being there has been causing me so much stress I have gained 10 lbs : ( I know it's not alot but I am also a fitness professional and feel like I should never have let this happen! Thanks to both you and your husband for your service. I feel confident with your level of…
  • If you like that mag you would also love Clean Eating Magazine and all of the books by Tosca Reno...
  • Well, you don't want to eat back your exercise calories to lose weight. There are definitely alot of varying opinions and approaches and none of these systems are perfect. Its great to see people all with the same goal in mind though, health : )
  • I used to own a personal training facility and we often went to you tube and searched circuit training for new ideas! You just need to make sure you try it out first and that it is safe for your participants.
    in Circuits Comment by evselc November 2011
  • I don't think you are eating too many calories. However, without knowing the balance of foods you are eating on a daily basis it is hard to say. You could be eating too much or too little of different food groups. Your calories burned is not particularly high for a week. You may want to consult with an fitness professional…
  • Did you a little more than usual on Thanksgiving? Alot of my clients gained a little this week because of that...
  • I know someone who has one and she absolutely loves it!
    in HRM Comment by evselc November 2011
  • The Polar brand is the most reliable and easiest to use. They have models from about $35 up to several hundred depending on what features you want. I would recommend at least getting one that will calculate total calories burned, average heart rate and target HR zones.
    in HRM Comment by evselc November 2011
  • My mistake, that is a flaw in the system in my opinion. It should guide you to the correct caloric intake based on your exercise. I have read about many people hitting plateaus and if you are eating 1200 cals and exercising at a high intensity 5-6 days a week for 60 min or more you need more calories.
  • If you go to your diet profile it has descriptions of how to set your activity level in regards to your lifestyle (not exercise). Below that you would enter how much you exercise. That is how your calorie level will be set based on both of those entries. So while your lifestyle (job, activities of daily living) may be…
  • If you are exercising alot you may need to increase your caloric intake. Make sure that in your settings your activity level is set correctly.
  • Check out Oxygen magazine for great exercise tips and amazing recipes to help with weight loss and muscle building.
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