Greeting from South Africa!

Hallo Everyone,

I'm a very excited to be part of this community. I am 34years old, and I cant believe how I continue to abuse my body. I have been through this journey before, not once not twice, but many times. However this is a battle I will continue to fight tirelessly till the day I die. I am 1.63m tall and as of today weighing 99.9kg. I hoping and will work as hard as I can to get down to at least 63kg by this time next year. Last year I lost a whopping 17kg and due to the pressures of life, an ankle injury gained almost all of it this year..I gained 10kg to be specific.

I have been unemployed since Sept 2008, I guess its only now its beginning to take a toll on me, esp because I have no support system at all from family. It is by the grace God that I am still alive to tell the tale and all thanks to my 2best friends for their friendship.

I am an emotional eater, I am hoping this community to help me not eat my problems. I also cant afford the gym, so I will be running that fat off :-). I am hoping you will also give me some advice on how to burn more calories without going to the gym..When I was 17kg lighter, running was my main activity. With a half marathon being the longest distance I ever ran. Now I can hardly run for 2min with out wanting to catch my breath. How did I get here?


  • evselc
    evselc Posts: 15
    You sound very motivated and you have a great group of friends to support you! I am a personal trainer and you don't need a gym, running/walking is great exercise and there are plenty of bodyweight exercises you can do at home as well. Welcome and I hope I will do my best to support you as well : )
  • CallmeSbo
    CallmeSbo Posts: 611 Member
    Thank you very much Evselc for your kind words....This is a battle I will not loose. My health comes 1st no matter what hardships I may experience.