

  • I've gained back about 6lbs and I was really upset, but I know it'll come off as soon as I can make my own meals at uni again and start walking everywhere/zumba/swimming regularly. I've been doing 30DS so some of the weight might be muscle I dunno. My thighs have got pretty muscley after all.
  • Well I am dreading weighing myself because I have done exactly the same thing. Last time I looked I had lost about 6lbs and I'm worrying that I've put it all back on. I said I wouldn't go over the top with snacks and because all the food was out I just couldn't help myself. I've just thrown myself back into exercising-30DS…
  • Day 3 level 1 and I'm pretty sore, especially in my calves and bum-but that's a good thing :D ! Although it did help my strained shoulder muscles from carrying heavy bags-I did that and went swimming and they seem to be much better today which is great!
  • If you're looking for light reading I reckon these are good: the shopaholic series, the magicians (by Lev Grossman-it's like a really good, creepy harry potter for adults), anything by Neil Gaiman is great, the hunger games. I also like Lolita-despite being controversial it's really beautiful writing and one of the only…
  • At the moment, I think I'm feeling quite a lot like you-it seems that people aren't very supportive and they just put up with me when they choose to, or when it's convenient for them. I've fallen out with all of my housemates and am coming home to a hostile, catty environment which doesn't help I try and "live" for myself…
  • I just have peanut butter or just light butter spread on wholemeal toast-usually the 45 cal stuff. I know I'll burn it all off in the day anyway and it gives me protein which I lack unless I have quorn that day. Aaand tis tasty :)
  • That's what I thought, but I'd rather estimate lower than higher. Until I get a HRM I'm underestimating calorie loss! Not giving myself any excuses to overeat! haha
  • Just over 400 for 60 minutes
  • I have the same problem and I've been putting it down as "aerobics, dance, modern twist" or something like that.
  • Sitting (very proudly) today in UK size 12 jeans-think I've stretched them a bit though so I'm around a 14. Size on top is still around 16/18-can't really help it though if you know what I mean!!! :s hopefully losing more weight will reduce them. Dress size: 16-I went into a shop yesterday and the 18 was too big..which was…
  • Yeahh I have absolutely no talent for dancing whatsoever (to the point my family laugh at me when I try) but I love zumba and I'm finding it easier and easier to get the moves first time. I also go on my own sometimes-i feel that comfortable going :) give it a try you'll probably love it and want to go back!