nikkoteeny Member


  • *judgment :tongue: Congrats, OP! No idea what a warrior dash is, but it looks fun and very challenging.
  • My family doctor always tells me he knows lots of people who have lost tons of weight just from taking long, daily walks, alone. P.S. If it gets your heart rate up, it's the definition of exercise. Just saying. Wikipedia also defines walking as an aerobic exercise. :)
  • "America" is generally considered short-form for United States of America. I've lived in Canada for close to 4 years now, having moved from the U.S., and I have never heard a single Canadian refer to themselves as American. In fact, if you were to refer to a Canadian as American, I have a good feeling you'd get whacked…
  • Ah, the voice of reason appears.
  • .....this is a parody post, right? lol
  • 4 cats Jinxsie - 3yo female, calico Hopkins - >1yo male medium hair, black with a little white on his neck and belly Isaac - >1yo male short hair, silver and white tabby Isabella - <1yo female looong hair, dilute calico Hard to estimate exact ages, because all but Jinxsie are rescue cats. :-)
  • One doughnut is being nice. Six is secretly trying to kill you. LOL
  • Starting weight: 210 Last week: 185.2 This week: 183.4
  • That's a purely semantic argument. The word "diet" does not mean "quick fix for short-term results." That's just the definition we, as a people obsessed with our weight, have attached to it. In reality, a "diet" is the way that you eat (i.e., "a balanced diet" or "an unbalanced diet"). So I will repeat again, there is a…
  • They're delicious with some brown sugar sprinkled on top, then warmed a bit in the microwave. :wink:
  • There is one thing that all diets that "work" have in common: they reduce your calories and increase your fitness level through exercise. You don't need a special diet plan that the media has latched onto (and I'm not intending to offend anyone on Atkins, South Beach, etc.--like I said, there's a common reason people can…
  • Definitely fact. Grapefruits really exist! :laugh: As for being a metabolism booster, I don't know. I'd really have to know more details of the study to even make an educated guess as to its merit. But I would surmise that eating 1.5 grapefruits per day could help with weight loss because if you're snacking on grapefruit,…
  • Hey, just wanted to point out, a baked potato with skin is an excellent source of potassium. A medium baked potato with skin has nearly twice the amount of potassium in it as a medium banana does. It's also a good source of fiber and Vitamin C. Just don't load it up with salt to add flavor.