chikkenlikken Member


  • All of that hard work has paid off! I'm so happy for you! Thanks for sharing with us! You look awesome!
  • Hi Marcillene, I have a one year old, and she LOVES vegetable soup. It has tomatoes, onions, celery, carrots, corn, green peas, zucchini, and chicken broth. Just throw whatever he likes in a pot and simmer until done. Vegetable soup is nutritious, delicious, and very forgiving to make! You can even add some macaroni! Hope…
  • I agree with most people who have responded! Don't even worry about making it "healthy". I'm sorry, but birthday cake isn't good for you, I don't care how healthy you try to make it. I know how you feel, though, because cake decorating is my hobby! Just make the birthday cake without any alterations. Enjoy a big, fat piece…
  • Personally, I like to mix a packet of instant oatmeal with some greek yogurt. It's not cooked, just raw. I really like it! But that's just me! :)
  • Hi there, You have experienced something called "orthostatic hypotension." It is rather common. When you stand up, blood rushes to your legs because of gravity. This causes a drop in your blood pressure, especially in the upper body (ie, your brain!) That is why you see spots and get dizzy. It can be caused by a lot of…
  • I refuse to live without chocolate! I keep a bag of Hershey's Kisses (Special Dark) in the freezer. When I want chocolate, I usually have one or two kisses with coffee after dinner. Freezing them makes them melt a little bit more slowly, so that I can enjoy them a little longer. Plus, they are twenty calories each! Don't…
  • I don't eat breakfast half of the time. If I'm not hungry, then I don't eat. I'm still losing weight, too! Actually, there's new evidence that eating breakfast may make you consume more calories over the day. Check it out. It's called intermittent fasting. Everyone's different, though! That's just me!
  • 5'8" and aiming for 135-140
  • At the beginning, don't concentrate on how much you can lift. You should only worry about lifting correctly with proper form for the first few weeks. If you are unsure where to begin, I'm sure you can have one of the trainers at the gym to customize a program for you and show you how to lift correctly. If you lift…
  • Scales are EVIL! They can be such dirty liars! :smile:
  • Your body is telling you to take a few days off. Also, eat if you are hungry. When you get back to working out, you will probably see that you have made some increases in performance. While weight training, I always increased my lifts after taking a few days of rest.
  • I used to weight train in the past, so I can only speak from my own experience. But I do know this: Weight training burns a BUTTLOAD of calories! Weight training will burn more than cardio, IMHO. Weightlifting IS aerobic! If anyone doesn't believe it, try squatting your max! Much better aerobic workout than any treadmill…
  • I drink black coffee several times a day, and I am not giving it up! Coffee is why I get up in the morning!
  • I know exactly how you feel! During my pre-baby days, I used to work out a lot. In fact, some of my biggest weight loss days were after I upped my calories and taken a few days off (I was weight training at the time). So, hang in there. Be patient. That is the hardest part!
  • AMEN to that! :) (Referring to ACG67's comment about weight loss not being linear!)
  • You don't have to track calories. It works for some people, but not everyone. You just do what works for YOU! More power to you!
  • I'm in the same boat as you are! Just keep at it. I know it's hard to find time. I work out to exercise videos while my daughter is napping. However, just like Twiztedbeing said, your diet is critical to success. Eat healthy and work out whenever you can. It WILL pay off eventually. I keep telling myself that! Whenever…
  • "Discipline is remembering what you want." --David Campbell Just thought I would send you an inspirational quote that helps me when I'm feeling like giving in! I'm right there with ya!
  • Girl, pregnancy DOES change everything! I've been skinny my ENTIRE life, until I got pregnant! I packed on 50 lbs, and a year later, I'm still trying to get rid of it! (I didn't watch what I ate, though) Your body will let you know when you need to eat. Eat when you are hungry. I think the the key is a matter of WHAT you…
  • I think the scale is like a pot of boiling water. If you watch it constantly, it won't ever do what you want! I just find it to be a big discouragement, so I've decided to start weighing myself weekly instead of daily. As long as your clothes are looser, just keep doing what you're doing. I know it's hard to keep telling…
  • Hi Sarah. Welcome to the site. I've only recently started using MFP on a daily basis. I had a daughter one year ago, and I also had preeclampsia and was on bedrest for several weeks. My experience was nowhere as complicated as yours, but I do have some understanding of what you went through. I'm still trying to get rid of…
  • Girl, you are one bad-*kitten*! Great job, you inspire me!
  • 30musha30, You go girl! You look great!