OMG! This is sooooo difficult!



  • heatherherring15
    heatherherring15 Posts: 22 Member
    Haha, I am a weighing addict too! It is just part of my daily routine. If I don't do it I get out of the habit and then get mad at myself when I finally do get the nerve to step on the beast. I probably be need to post a sign on my bathroom mirror "No weigh ins until Monday!" or something like that. I probably would just ignore it though!
  • thedove34
    thedove34 Posts: 28 Member
    I once took a hammer to mine!!! I went out 2 days later and bought a new one! Hey.. the effort was there right?
  • craiglannigan
    craiglannigan Posts: 9 Member
    Good morning all .... thank you all for the advice and some of your funny stories. Started the day and avoided the scales ... Let's go!!!
  • linziepinzie
    linziepinzie Posts: 2 Member
    I'm a daily weight checker too. I even binned my bathroom scales in a bid to stop myself....but then I relied on my wii fit board!
    I would really like to only check weight once a week, so you (hopefully) get a buzz when you've lost some weight.
  • azziria
    azziria Posts: 33 Member
    If you really can't stay away from the scales, how about you accept that, stand on them every day if you must, but stop stressing about it.

    Make yourself a chart and stick it somewhere you can see it when you weigh yourself (or shortly afterwards) and plot your weight on it ONCE A WEEK, same day each week. That way, even if you're seeing a daily fluctuation, you'll also be able to see that your overall trend is (hopefully!) downwards, and that should help keep the whole thing in perspective. You might even find that eventually you don't need to stand on the scales every day :)
  • kelr0110
    kelr0110 Posts: 213 Member
    Good morning all .... thank you all for the advice and some of your funny stories. Started the day and avoided the scales ... Let's go!!!

    My friend is a scale addict too...I think it fluctuates way too much to weigh every day. I like the thought of kicking *kitten* all week on the program then it is an anticipated"reward" to be able to get on the scale once a week and see that number go down :-)

    So congrats on not hopping on today lol. Wean off it if you have to, I also had to hide mine at one point. It makes for a more sane journey!
  • chikkenlikken
    chikkenlikken Posts: 24 Member
    I think the scale is like a pot of boiling water. If you watch it constantly, it won't ever do what you want! I just find it to be a big discouragement, so I've decided to start weighing myself weekly instead of daily. As long as your clothes are looser, just keep doing what you're doing. I know it's hard to keep telling yourself that! Just know that you're not the only scaleaholic out there!
  • Meadows18
    Meadows18 Posts: 206 Member
    Sorry. No advice. I can't stop weighing daily either.

    But, I do record my weight in 1 weeks time. Usually it is down, but sometimes I plateau. Good Luck with the scale; sometimes it is a good friend and sometimes an enemy.
  • gettinfit4god
    gettinfit4god Posts: 63 Member
    I only weigh myself when I'm sure I've lost weight no lows only highs works for me

    I weigh myself once a week (on Friday), but even that has proved to affect me negatively. I find that I eat really well and exercise like crazy Wednesday and Thursday, but not so well the other days of the week. Then not only am I choosing bad foods to eat but I overdo it on the 2 days before and go into the weekend completely exhausted! I really like this idea! I'm going to give it a shot!
  • junemiller
    junemiller Posts: 16 Member
    Hello all. Looking for some sage advice. I've been quietly plodding along, looking out for sneaky calories and avoiding them and increasing my exercise. Problem is I can't stop weighing myself every morning ... and I'm all over the place ... up then down then up again etc. How do I keep away from the scales lol? I need some motivational friends with a good sense of humour!!! Good luck everyone!
    I weigh every morning but I don't count a pound as lost until it's been gone for a couple of days (or a week). Then I feel confident that it's gone for good and I log it.
  • francesco77
    francesco77 Posts: 4 Member
    Sounds VERY familiar. It's all good. Separate the need to get it right every minute of the day to getting right over the long term.
    Got a plan? Good? Stick to it, be patient, and when the wheels try amd fall off, take stock and get back on track.
    I gotta say this site makes it a helluva lot easier to manage, so enjoy the journey and don't torture yourself!

    PS: Weigh yourself as often as you want - just don't let it affect daily fluctuations dictate your long term plan.
  • briznik
    briznik Posts: 32 Member
    I got rid of my scales ankd use the ones at the gym. Two benefits,

    1. I no longer weigh daily,
    2. If I want to weigh in I have to go to the gym!
  • MrsSexton2013
    MrsSexton2013 Posts: 98 Member
    I can't stay off the damn scale either, and I'm seriously about to remove it from my house! LOL
  • When I stop weighing that's when I gain I'm back on the scale daily. If your up a lb and know you haven't overeaten then don't worry. I don't recommend not weighing especially if your a true foodie like me! And if you are you know it! Good Luck
  • doug4018
    doug4018 Posts: 130
    I do the same thing, get up, pee get on the scale. I look at it as educational, and understanding how what I eat and exercise causes normal fluctuations. Although it can be a big downer if you've had a gain, I try to analyze it and figure out if I did anything "wrong" the previous day so I can learn from it, and make necessary changes. Sometimes I have a gain and have done nothing wrong, then I may show a loss of 3 lbs. There are so many variables to affect the number.

    I don't think weighing daily is the enemy it's our minds and how we think....I battle this on a daily basis and when I have gains, I have to negate the negativity my mind starts creating over it. It's a battle for sure.
  • KathleenGreenfield
    KathleenGreenfield Posts: 22 Member
    Oh No!!! Weigh yourself once a week not everyday !
  • callikia
    callikia Posts: 226 Member
    Hello all. Looking for some sage advice. I've been quietly plodding along, looking out for sneaky calories and avoiding them and increasing my exercise. Problem is I can't stop weighing myself every morning ... and I'm all over the place ... up then down then up again etc. How do I keep away from the scales lol? I need some motivational friends with a good sense of humour!!! Good luck everyone!

    1) Grab sledgehammer.
    2) Brace yourself. Bend those knees to form a stable foundation.
    3) Ensure you have proper grip.
    4) Swing!

    ;) I weigh almost daily as well, but I try to remember that my body doesn't work on the 24 hour clock that I'm a slave to. The trick is only logging my weight once a week on the same day so I can see the progress that way. The rest is just me being overly obsessive. :)
  • KathleenGreenfield
    KathleenGreenfield Posts: 22 Member
    I threw mine out ! I weigh in on the scales in the pharmacy everyweek now and i get a print out to prove i've lost !! then again this is only my 2nd week :laugh:
  • MorganLeighRN
    MorganLeighRN Posts: 411 Member
    I used to weigh myself everyday, sometimes twice or more, but now I only do it once a week-usually on Mondays. Try putting the scale in a closet so you can't see it every time you walk by it.
  • dynasmom
    dynasmom Posts: 3
    I started about the end of June and have lost 10lbs so far, but at a stand still right now, I do not like being hungry all the time, but am suffering through.