Haven't lost a lb in the past week, discouraged :(

I started Mfp less than two months ago, and managed to lose 13 lbs off my 155 lbs, 5"4 frame. Im now down to 142 and I'm 19 years old. I haven't lost any weight in the past week, and it's been discouraging :( I'm supposed to get my period soon, so I'm hoping it's just because of that haha

Does anyone have any suggestions? I left my food diary open, but today's entry hasn't been completed yet since I'm having Chinese food for lunch

I consider what I eat healthy, but any input helps! Mfp sets me up to 1400kcal a day, any more is because of exercise. I usually manage between 1200-1300 kcal a day, so my net would be about 900-1000. I'm satisfied with what I eat, and I like to eat little meals and snacks throughout the day. However, on days when I work, I only get a 1/2 break to eat on an 8 hour shift so I don't eat as much as I would like to.

I power walk on the treadmill almost every dayvfor about 45 minutes, and then stretches/ crunches after.

Any advice? :) thanks!


  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    Weight loss is not linear
  • lilpoindexter
    lilpoindexter Posts: 1,122 Member
    I got sick of the cardio at the gym, (and perhaps my body got used to it, too) when I was plateauing a month ago...so I started walking, and riding a bike...it seems to be working. perhaps mixing up the cardio is in order?
  • ladyraven68
    ladyraven68 Posts: 2,003 Member
    I started Mfp less than two months ago, and managed to lose 13 lbs off my 155 lbs, 5"4 frame. Im now down to 142 and I'm 19 years old. I haven't lost any weight in the past week, and it's been discouraging :( I'm supposed to get my period soon, so I'm hoping it's just because of that haha

    Does anyone have any suggestions? I left my food diary open, but today's entry hasn't been completed yet since I'm having Chinese food for lunch

    I consider what I eat healthy, but any input helps! Mfp sets me up to 1400kcal a day, any more is because of exercise. I usually manage between 1200-1300 kcal a day, so my net would be about 900-1000. I'm satisfied with what I eat, and I like to eat little meals and snacks throughout the day. However, on days when I work, I only get a 1/2 break to eat on an 8 hour shift so I don't eat as much as I would like to.

    I power walk on the treadmill almost every dayvfor about 45 minutes, and then stretches/ crunches after.

    Any advice? :) thanks!

    Ignore this week, and look at the bigger picture - you have lost 13lbs in 8 weeks, that's great!

    You aren't ging to lose the same every week, and as long as the overall trend is downwards that's all that matters.

    Don't let one week put you off. Keep at it, you're doing great.
  • dietstokes
    dietstokes Posts: 216 Member
    First off, its only been a week. Your body is not always going to lose every week. I know that can be discouraging, but keep with it. If after a few more weeks you don't see a loss, then you can try switching it up a bit. I did not look at your diary, but when my weight loss was stalled, or was cycling the same 4 pounds, I switched to lower carb (around 50-80) and I saw a sustained weight loss. It was actually good for me anyway, as I was in a carb rut and this forced me to make new things for lunches and dinners. Good luck.
  • czuniga03
    czuniga03 Posts: 99
    Switch up your cardio..your body gets used to it when you do the same thing repeatedly. I go between elliptical, bike, treadmill, and classes like zumba. Also I would and strength training as well! Don't give up just because the scale hasn't moved try going by measurements instead.
  • LaLouve_RK
    LaLouve_RK Posts: 899 Member
    I had a trainer that once said to me, eat at least one crappy meal (pizza etc...) per week, or you'll stop loosing at one point... still wonder if it's true...
  • alexis831
    alexis831 Posts: 469 Member
    I had a trainer that once said to me, eat at least one crappy meal (pizza etc...) per week, or you'll stop loosing at one point... still wonder if it's true...

    Yes! Your body does need a break. I always did. The body for life program where Sunday's or whatever day is off. Meaning no exercizing or diet. It helps your body to not only have a break from it all but it also helps not put you into starvation mode if you are on a low calorie diet. I sometimes pig out too much so I put a 2k limit on what I eat that day. It also helps me maintain. Whatever I crave or see during the week that I want say... I can wait till Sunday!
  • takechances
    I know about discouraging. Last week for 5 days straight, I was up at 5:45am every morning for the Navy Seal workout. That involved running 2 miles, over 100 push ups, a ridiculous amount of jumping jacks, and much *cringe* much more. After that, I had a mix of drills out on a black tar mat (100+ degrees), mountain challenge, several obstacle courses, and evening athletics, after which we would march for about an hour. After that, I would get back to my bedroom at about 9pm and spend the next two hours cleaning.
    I was incredibly excited to step on the scale the next morning I got home. I ran to it, stepped on, and... I gained .3 pounds.
    I sat on my couch and cried for half an hour. A few days later, I revisited the scale and it read that I lost 4.4 pounds.

    You should be so, so proud of yourself that you've lost this much! The human body is weird. Maybe you were retaining water. Maybe your clothes were heavy.
    Whatever it was, pay little attention and get back on the scale in a week.
    Best of luck!
  • jcperkns
    jcperkns Posts: 109
    Don't worry, it's only been a week! I would suggest changing up your exercise and upping your calories to NET 1200, not 900-1000. I did that in the beginning and sure I lost weight then I got to a point where i was gaining and losing the same 2lbs but once I started to net at least 1200 I began to lose 1-2lbs a week consistently. Good luck!
  • coconutgrl908
    Thanks for the advice, I'll try making my net calories 1200 because that seems to be the most logical advice so far. It just feels counter productive, since I'm satisfied with what I eat now.. I guess I just need to play around and see what works :)

    I've been swimming almost everyday the past week, so hopefully I'm losing a little fat while gaining some muscle and that's why the scale hasn't budged ;) hopefully ha!
  • iWaffle
    iWaffle Posts: 2,208 Member
    Ignore this week, and look at the bigger picture - you have lost 13lbs in 8 weeks, that's great!

    You aren't ging to lose the same every week, and as long as the overall trend is downwards that's all that matters.

    Don't let one week put you off. Keep at it, you're doing great.

    Exactly. You'll have weeks were you don't lose a pound and weeks where you gain a pound along with weeks that you lose 2 pounds. Just look at the general trend. I weigh myself every single day and it fluctuates up and down 2-3 pounds. If you don't weigh daily you might have weighed in on one of your high days.

    I just keep track of the lows and use that as a basis for where I'm at. What's the general trend? Now if you spend 3-4 weeks flat with no new low then I would say you need to change something but just one week? It's nothing to worry about.
  • InnerFatGirl
    InnerFatGirl Posts: 2,687 Member
    It happens, sweetie. Every other week, I don't lose any weight.

    I know it's frustrating, but hang in there. You can also eat more calories in one day and then go back to normal. I find that helps kick start it for me.

    Just stay holding on!
  • dnunny
    dnunny Posts: 125
    That was me, last week. I did increase my calories a little bit. I lost this week. 13lbs in 8 weeks is AWESOME! Your Navy Seals workout sounds like it was not only worked your body, but also your mind. YOU DID IT! Most would have stopped. Think about those NSV--to me, they are what is keeping me on track.
  • Lady_Bane
    Lady_Bane Posts: 720 Member
    Dont be....I have been stuck at 136 for about a month and a half...just keep on it.
  • onyxgirl17
    onyxgirl17 Posts: 1,721 Member
    Mine hasn't been linear either but has been average about a pound a week. I gained 1 lb one week and lost 3 the next so it's definitely not linear.

    We want immediate results of our hard work but because of water weight fluctuations it doesn't always show immediately. I'm focusing more on how my clothes are fitting and taking pictures from week to week to help see a difference.

    Good luck on your journey.
  • chikkenlikken
    chikkenlikken Posts: 24 Member
    AMEN to that! :) (Referring to ACG67's comment about weight loss not being linear!)
  • chikkenlikken
    chikkenlikken Posts: 24 Member
    I know exactly how you feel! During my pre-baby days, I used to work out a lot. In fact, some of my biggest weight loss days were after I upped my calories and taken a few days off (I was weight training at the time). So, hang in there. Be patient. That is the hardest part!
  • Twiztedbeing
    Twiztedbeing Posts: 389
    Dont be....I have been stuck at 136 for about a month and a half...just keep on it.

    You do look great though.
  • coconutgrl908
    I finally went down to 141.5 yesterday.... Then 142 again today -_- should I change my eating habits in any way? I have my food diary open, and I usually eat 1200-1300 kcal a day and then power walk 300 kcal off. I try to reach 100% for my calcium and iron intakes, and try to get more protein and less carbs than what Mfp suggests :)

    Thanks guys!

    Eta: also, I drink two cups of water with breakfast #1, another cup with breakfast #2, another cup with lunch, a 20z bottle during the afternoon, and a glass or two at dinner. So I'm getting enough water, I believe.. I drink green tea or sleepy time with splenda on occasion if I'm snacky in the late evening. And I get between 6-7 hours of sleep a night, usually seven. :)
  • Lady_Bane
    Lady_Bane Posts: 720 Member