

  • Wow. Can't spell either! wait = weight
  • I officially lost nothing. But the good thing is I didn't gain anything either. My ending wait remains at 189. Oh well, hopefully I will have better luck next time.
  • 1 – I didn’t know that I would look forward to my workout days. 2 – I didn’t know that I would be so awnry when I missed a week’s worth of workouts. 3 – I didn’t know my husband would beg me to go to my workout class before coming home… 4 – I didn’t know that finishing a 5k is so cool! 5 – I didn’t know that helping…
  • I hit a deer on the way to "Toolie" (hehehe) once.... Since moving to Nashville, I haven't seen many deer... oh wait... yes I have, they look like large dogs here... :) well enough of my poor jokes. I would love to get a postcard from "Two-ill-ah"! My weight as of today is 189. Thanks!
  • Sorry about not getting my info to you this week. I am pretty sure I will have lost weight at my next weigh in since I have been sick with a stomach bug for the past week. This is the first I have been able to log in this week and so my reports are going to look really bad. I haven't kept track of anything I have eaten…
  • Actually, I did gain weight. I forgot to send it to you. I gained 3 pounds (but lost 1.5 inches!). :(
  • After my kickboxing class, I decided to go for a run when I got home. I made it almost to the top of the hill that I have never been able to run up! It was only a 10 minute run, but I am happy I made it up the hill! :) (p.s. I was already exhausted from kickboxing so I probably could have kept running if it had been a…
  • I have so had that happen to me before! The worst one was at the Y and I'm laughing thinking the people around me are wondering what this crazy woman is doing who is cracking up while being dragged by the treadmill! :laugh: I'm with you in that I won't do that again!
  • Me too! September 25th!
  • Okay! For the rest of this week, the challenge will be to add extra moves to your daily routines. For example: - Throw efficiency out the window and take multiple trips when putting laundry away (e.g. fold one item, put it away, fold another item, put it away, etc.). - If you are going upstairs make it a double by walking…
  • Thanks :) I sort of started on the 5k in 10 weeks podcast, but didn't get far with it. The past six weeks I've just been hitting it really hard at the gym (2 kickboxing classes, a sports conditioning class, one or two zumba classes, and a hip-hop class). Usually I will take 2-4 classes a week. I wasn't sure I would be able…
  • Since I'm still kind of new, I'm not positive about how the challenge thing works, but here goes: CHALLENGE -- WEEK 34 We'll call this the Firecracker challenge :) Lets do the following at least 4 days this week in addition to our regular routine (modification is okay, please don't kill yourself): Start off with 10 minutes…
  • Even though it's not hurting or uncomfortable?
  • I too am a working mom married with children (16, 6, and 2). Once I actually started going to the gym, it has been easier to schedule it into the day. We have a family membership to the YMCA and my kids are usually begging to go. I usually sign them into the child play and hang time areas where they have their own…
  • Awesome! I have been trying to eat mostly fruits and vegetables, and if I use oil it is usually EVOO (olive oil), but last week when I hadn't seen any progress on my weight, I broke down and had a burger from Backyard Burgers (mmm). I also am having a rough time giving up Coca Cola, but I haven't had any today so that's…
  • Hi! My name is Teri. I have been working out hard for the past three weeks, but not losing any weight. My clothes are fitting more loosely, so I'm losing inches, but my weight has remained constant. I have been told it's because *gasp* I'm not eating enough? Never thought that would be a reason why I wasn't losing weight.…