Why I wont do the Heart Rate program on the treadmill anymor

jrich1 Posts: 2,408 Member
Since its Friday was thinking about working out since I am going to night and last weekend I was on the treadmill and wanted to try the HR mode which basically makes you speed up etc till you reach a certain HR you set, well when I do it myself on 0 incline my HR gets into the 170's plus, so I figure 150 would be a good range to start, well after the 2 min warmup the incline increases and it speeds up, well my HR did go up but not enough so the incline kept going up and up, I was concentrating on not falling off so I didnt change it, well the incline went to 7 which was so steep I couldnt go as fast so my HR started dropping because I was slowing down, then it said OH YEAH (the treadmill) and went to about 3,5mph with a 10 incline, I could barely go and hit the stop button.
I think I will try it flat next time :)


  • keith0373
    keith0373 Posts: 2,154 Member
    I highly recommend using some sort of incline when walking or running on a treadmill. It burns a ton more calories than flat, even if you have to go a little slower. Try 2-2.5 mph at a 8-10 degree incline to start. You will be amazed at how much time it saves you to reach calorie goals.

    I did 37.5 minutes at 4mph and 10-15 incline during lunch today and burned over 500 calories. I vary the incline to use different muscles. I would not recommend that as a starting point. i live on a mountain so every walk i take is on an incline or decline.
  • tericamp
    tericamp Posts: 19
    I have so had that happen to me before! The worst one was at the Y and I'm laughing thinking the people around me are wondering what this crazy woman is doing who is cracking up while being dragged by the treadmill! :laugh: I'm with you in that I won't do that again!
  • jrich1
    jrich1 Posts: 2,408 Member
    I highly recommend using some sort of incline when walking or running on a treadmill. It burns a ton more calories than flat, even if you have to go a little slower. Try 2-2.5 mph at a 8-10 degree incline to start. You will be amazed at how much time it saves you to reach calorie goals.

    I did 37.5 minutes at 4mph and 10-15 incline during lunch today and burned over 500 calories. I vary the incline to use different muscles. I would not recommend that as a starting point. i live on a mountain so every walk i take is on an incline or decline.

    I started running a mile or two at 0 incline just to see if I could, I havent really done much on the treadmill till recently when my loss is allowing to run, I hear people say do at least a 1% incline to simulate running outside
  • keith0373
    keith0373 Posts: 2,154 Member
    I just use it as a time and distance saving measure. I try to keep my lunch workouts under 40 minutes.

    For me @ 178

    4 mph for 37.5 minutes with 0 incline 233 Calories

    4 mph for 37.5 minutes with 10 incline 471 Calories

    4 mph for 37.5 minutes with 15 incline 616 Calories

    Here is a good calculator. Most of them are calibrated for men's increased muscle mass, so subtract 10-20% if you are female.
