No More Excuses -- Week 37

The "No More Excuses" group keeps getting bigger and bigger, yet nobody gained weight this week, GREAT JOB!!!!!!!!

It is really nice to have lots of new folks join the group, again, the more the merrier.

Top loser honors go to ATJune, she gets the dubious honor of setting our challenge this week.

Personally, I made better food choices this week and was very active, taking a day off of weighlifing because my hamstrings have been killing me from all the weedpulling we did at church on Saturday. I might go swiming later this evening instead.


So for anyone who wants to join. During your 1st week in the group, send me your starting weight, last Sunday's weight, and this week's weigh in (we do them on Sunday). All information must be sent to me by noon Central on Monday. All subsequent week's you just have to give me your current weight from Sunday by noon on Monday.

This is an open group, and we love to have new people join. If you want to join, go ahead and start posting, tell us about yourself, we have been doing this diet thing a while and may be able to answer a lot of our questions!!!!


  • smwert
    smwert Posts: 300
    Going to do better this week. I hope!!! At least holidays are over.
  • TabiHerbalifeCoach
    TabiHerbalifeCoach Posts: 691 Member
    Oh my stars I didn't even know this group existed. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE ADD ME :D

    OK so about me.

    I am 26 will be 27 in sept. This is my second round at losing weight, I was 230, and about 2 years ago hit the gym hard, and got down to 160 (no mpf) When I got to Maryland a year ago, my divorce became final, and I was really doing the single mom thing on my own, no family to speak of. I have a 4 yr old (will be five in sept, 2 days after my bday) and a 3 year old adhd son. With that, and being active duty navy, and having to go to school, I gave my self lots of excuses, I'm to tired, i'm a single mom and its to hard to do it....blah blah blah about 6 months ago i was introduced to mpf, loved it but had some medical issues that requried me to stop working out and I fell off the wagon again. I got up to 178, and now here I am. I live life without excuses, I've been going strong for threee weeks, I lost 4 pounds, lost one more than then the next day somehow gained 2 back, overnight and then I lost one, weighed in this morningat 175.2 :( So thats my story, no more excuses just get it done.
  • FunkBunny
    FunkBunny Posts: 417 Member
    I'm so glad I found this thread! I weighed mystart weight on Sunday (just by chance) an I am! My current weight is 192. I would love to join in...where do I find out the challenges and such, here on the thread or somewhere else?

    A bit about me... this is the second time I've been a mamber of MFP, but the first time I've actually been serious about success! I'm 34, married and have three wonderful kids. I'm just ready to do this for me. I quit smoking 10 weeks ago, that has been wonderful on it's own. Now I want to whip the rest of me into shape as well!

    Anything I need to do to join this group, just shoot me a message!
  • ATJune
    ATJune Posts: 89 Member
    The "No More Excuses" group keeps getting bigger and bigger, yet nobody gained weight this week, GREAT JOB!!!!!!!!

    It is really nice to have lots of new folks join the group, again, the more the merrier.

    Top loser honors go to ATJune, she gets the dubious honor of setting our challenge this week.

    YES!!!:D lol.. i hope i can still continue shedding the lbs:) Gud luck to all
  • tigermom79
    tigermom79 Posts: 740
    HEY Sassy and Funk4life!!!!!! Welcome and glad you have joined us. As Jack said, we have lots of new faces which is wonderful because your new enthusiasm is going to help boost us old-timers on this thread!!!!

    I just ordered and received a new DVD and book from Denise Austin. I can't wait to get into it. It is about a 12min a day work out. It is different every day so will let you know how it goes. to get some more work done!!!

    Again welcome to all the newbies!!!
  • justjack51
    justjack51 Posts: 340 Member
    By the way, I am officially no longer in maintenance mode. I changed my target from 189 to 175. I originally had chosen 189 because that was where the borderline BMI went into to the healthy range. I got down to 188, and still had a lot of fat around the midsection. I have been planning on dropping more weight, but since I lost all the weight in the winter months before, I figured I would do it again this winter, but now I figure that I have now tried all of my favorite foods again, and its time to hunker down and lose the rest of the weight.

    Over the weekend I had a HUGE wake up call. I had gone from a size 40 pant to a comfortable size 34. I put on my size 34 khakis on over the weekend and I could barely get them buttoned, and there was no way I was going to wear them in public being that tight.

    So, I think I will be be good this week, going on vacation next week (heading to Estes Park, CO) , and hitting the diet HARD again starting on August 1st. The one thing that is better about dieting this time around in the summer is all the great produce available!!!! I am looking forward to injecting a lot more vegetables into the diet this time around.
  • tericamp
    tericamp Posts: 19
    Actually, I did gain weight. I forgot to send it to you. I gained 3 pounds (but lost 1.5 inches!). :(
  • TabiHerbalifeCoach
    TabiHerbalifeCoach Posts: 691 Member
    Ok so how does this work? Where do the challenges get posted and by when, do we also talk about the work outs we did to give each other ideas, and encouragement to keep working out....after all no more excuses right? Well here was my work out today

    50 squats - a challenge from another group 50- calories burned
    100 crunches- a challenge from another group 60 calories burned

    36 min on the treadmill- sprint

    3 min warm up 4.0
    2 min sprint 7.0
    3 min cool down 4.0
    2 min 7.0 sprint
    3 min cool down 4.0
    2 min 8.0 sprint
    3 min cool down
    90 seonds 9.0
    3 min cool down
    2 min sprint 7.0
    30 second 10.0 sprint
    3 min cool down 4.0
    2 min cool dwon 4.0

    I have an hrm it took 6 min for my heart rate to drop out of target zone so I keep the timer and the calories counting total calories for the spring 425

    and for the first time ever i drank 12 cups of water in one day!!!
  • tamelab
    tamelab Posts: 892 Member
    Evening all...Had a busy work day today. I put all my typing off until today and had a looong day, but that was totally my fault. I could have typed some over the weekend but I always procrastinate. I did some swimming in the pool today and then hubby took me to the ball field to practice for softball season coming up. He fussed at me for letting a ball drop in front of me so I decided I would shut him up. I ran up on the next one and it didn't hit anything before it hit my kneecap, OUCH! It turned purple and got huge instantly. The color is better now but still swollen. That is what I get for showing him, huh? Had a great grilled sesame chicken breast and some tomato pie for dinner, stayed pretty close to my cals today, much better than last week. All in all a pretty good day. Now off to ice my knee.

    Jack...Thanks for the chart!

    Ann...Keep me posted on the new DVD. I love the 10 to 12 minute workouts. They give me no excuses for time limitations.

    Welcome new members. Glad to have you all!
  • renaegry
    renaegry Posts: 1,256 Member
    Well today was a good day. I have ate pretty good today, cut the grass, and went for my walk/jog. I have started walking jogging for 40 mins at least 3 days a week.

    I even got some books done today.

    Thanks for the chart Jack, and welcome to all the new members.

    Hope the knee gets better Tammy, I know the feeling, last week I took a rock the size of my fist thru the back of the lawnmower. Had a black knee for a week,.

    Sassy - the winner of each week picks the challenges for the week, whether they are food, or excerise challenges. I like the 50 squats, and 100 crunches - I will try to do them tomorrow with you.
  • TabiHerbalifeCoach
    TabiHerbalifeCoach Posts: 691 Member
    Well today was a good day. I have ate pretty good today, cut the grass, and went for my walk/jog. I have started walking jogging for 40 mins at least 3 days a week.

    I even got some books done today.

    Thanks for the chart Jack, and welcome to all the new members.

    Hope the knee gets better Tammy, I know the feeling, last week I took a rock the size of my fist thru the back of the lawnmower. Had a black knee for a week,.

    Sassy - the winner of each week picks the challenges for the week, whether they are food, or excerise challenges. I like the 50 squats, and 100 crunches - I will try to do them tomorrow with you.

    I wasnt' the winner LOL- but sure i love company- the challenge is from another group i'm in- its to do those 5 days this week, the first day was easy peesy.....i'm sure that will change as the week goes on LOL

    i haven't see the challenge for this week yet is there a time/date the challenge is suppose to be set by? sorry i'm a little ocd with time lines--- the military structure ya know?
  • tigermom79
    tigermom79 Posts: 740
    Well today was a good day. I have ate pretty good today, cut the grass, and went for my walk/jog. I have started walking jogging for 40 mins at least 3 days a week.

    I even got some books done today.

    Thanks for the chart Jack, and welcome to all the new members.

    Hope the knee gets better Tammy, I know the feeling, last week I took a rock the size of my fist thru the back of the lawnmower. Had a black knee for a week,.

    Sassy - the winner of each week picks the challenges for the week, whether they are food, or excerise challenges. I like the 50 squats, and 100 crunches - I will try to do them tomorrow with you.

    I wasnt' the winner LOL- but sure i love company- the challenge is from another group i'm in- its to do those 5 days this week, the first day was easy peesy.....i'm sure that will change as the week goes on LOL

    i haven't see the challenge for this week yet is there a time/date the challenge is suppose to be set by? sorry i'm a little ocd with time lines--- the military structure ya know?

    ATJune is the winner this week, so hopefully she will get the challenge up soon!!! They usually just post it here on the thread.
  • tigermom79
    tigermom79 Posts: 740
    Morning all.....Holy Gamoly...Denise Austin can kick your butt. In 12 minutes I was sweating like a pig at butcher time!!! My word!!!! So I made it through it though.....We will see how tonight goes. Bad thing is...we are leaving to go camping tomorrow. I do have a portable DVD player that works "sometimes" don't think the ground is real conducive to aerobics where we are going.

    I am anxious to get away for a little while. Will be nice. Jack....Estes Park is gorgeous. We live quite a bit south from the south-eastern part of Colorado. Where they grow the cantaloupe and watermelon. YUMMMMMMM I can't wait for them to come out!

    Well, everyone have a splendid day and make it a healthy one!
  • hawkeye01
    hawkeye01 Posts: 162
    Morning Team,

    Thanks for the chart Jack. I guess you could say that I am also not "officially" in the maint. mode anymore either. Only because I slipped a bit over the past month and gained some back. And since I have already donated all of my old (and some new) cloths to charity, there is NO WAY I am going to buy larger cloths again.

    Welcome to all the new members!

    Have a great active week. Hawkeye
  • TabiHerbalifeCoach
    TabiHerbalifeCoach Posts: 691 Member
    Ok, well i hope to win the challenge one day- so just a few questions

    does everyone have access to an elliptical or treadmill?

    what are the challenges usually on food/water/working out?
  • hawkeye01
    hawkeye01 Posts: 162
    Ok, well i hope to win the challenge one day- so just a few questions

    does everyone have access to an elliptical or treadmill?

    what are the challenges usually on food/water/working out?
    I have access to both.

    The challenges can vary depending on the preference of the person creating them. So anything goes really as long as it makes you healthier.
  • renaegry
    renaegry Posts: 1,256 Member
    Ok, well i hope to win the challenge one day- so just a few questions

    does everyone have access to an elliptical or treadmill?

    what are the challenges usually on food/water/working out?

    I have a treadmill. I like to incorporate a nutrition one, with a excerise one - but that is just my pref. I knew you weren't the winner, I thought I would just join u on the squats and crunches - can motivate each other to see if can do every day. Keep me posted on other challenges in that group each week.
  • TabiHerbalifeCoach
    TabiHerbalifeCoach Posts: 691 Member
    Ok, well i hope to win the challenge one day- so just a few questions

    does everyone have access to an elliptical or treadmill?

    what are the challenges usually on food/water/working out?

    I have a treadmill. I like to incorporate a nutrition one, with a excerise one - but that is just my pref. I knew you weren't the winner, I thought I would just join u on the squats and crunches - can motivate each other to see if can do every day. Keep me posted on other challenges in that group each week.

    Ok sounds great- did you do your crunches and squats today, I did, the crunches were harder the squats so much. I almost hate how strong my legs are only cause nothing else in my body even comes close
  • TabiHerbalifeCoach
    TabiHerbalifeCoach Posts: 691 Member
    Hey all-- here is my work out for today- pretty much similiar to yesterday

    sprints- same as yesterday
    50 squats
    100 crunches
    and now i've joined the 100 push up challenge if anyone's interested
    so i did the test - 9 push ups
    and then day 1 week 1 level 2
    6 pu rest 60 sec 6 pu rest 60 4 pu rest 60 4 pu rest 60 as many as you can do min. of 5. I did 5

    I ate more food than i planned on today, not the worst in the world, but i did have a couple of sweets, and a fruit smoothie this morning, thats not in my normal food plan. I was planning on upping my cals from 1200 to 1600 I ate over 1700 but was still under cause of all the work out I did, I am going to try just sticking at 1600 tomorrow, should be easy enough to do just have to cut out the sweets or the smoothie.
  • renaegry
    renaegry Posts: 1,256 Member
    Ok, well i hope to win the challenge one day- so just a few questions

    does everyone have access to an elliptical or treadmill?

    what are the challenges usually on food/water/working out?

    I have a treadmill. I like to incorporate a nutrition one, with a excerise one - but that is just my pref. I knew you weren't the winner, I thought I would just join u on the squats and crunches - can motivate each other to see if can do every day. Keep me posted on other challenges in that group each week.

    Ok sounds great- did you do your crunches and squats today, I did, the crunches were harder the squats so much. I almost hate how strong my legs are only cause nothing else in my body even comes close

    Just finished crunches and squats - if it wasnt for you I honestly prob wouldnt have done them. So thank you for the modivation.