bigandysrunning Member


  • Here' my deal. I am slowly working my way off of MFP. I suspect I will always use it as a tool, but I don;t think it's realistic for me to think I will count calories for the rest of my life. I am trying to make this a lifestyle change, and I feel like if I always rely on the app, it's just using a crutch. This is for me,…
  • ...let's see if it worked this time around. 318 pounds v. 205 pounds
  • OK, maybe I'm deficient here but I can't for the life of me figure out how to get my pictures into the message... if you are so inclined, click here and it will take you to the most recent side by side picture page of my weight loss/ running blog...
  • one quote that has always stuck with me is from the movie The Shawshank Redemption: "Get Busy Living or Get Busy Dying...That's Goddamn Right" outside of that, the chair one you mentioned before is frickin' hysterical
  • I have recently run into the same situations. I run outside a lot and do not hae the luxury of a locker, and I want my phone on me for a number of reasons. It's there for me in case I ever run into an emergency where I would need it, and I will also runs some apps in the background while I'm running (like nike plus, may my…
  • I use 2 product, both from Nathan. I use a handheld water bottle (quick draw, I believe) It's got a hand strap and a little pocket that hold my ID, car key, wedding band all nicely. I also use a Nathan 5K running belt, which is a sporty way of saying "fanny pack" yes, it's low profile, made of neoprene and basically…
  • OK, here's my opinion on the topic. I feel like I can share a little bit since I have VERY close circumstances to yours. I started to lose weight/ get fit last Nov, and my exercise of choice has been running. You are starting from a point much better than I did, but the point to my story is that it took me from then till…
  • Smoothie baby, every damn day. Unoriginal yes, but it's super healthy and really delicious. I do: 1/4 cup of pomegranate Juice 1/4 cup of 0% fat french vanilla yogurt 1/4 cup of organic whole milk (yes, whole milk, but we're only talking 38 cals since it's only a quarter cup) 1/4 cup fresh blueberries 1/4 cup fresh…
  • 6'3" Big guy here. I started back in November of 2011. In the past 9 months, I've managed to drop 120 pounds and transition into a guy who couldn't run for 30 seconds into training for my first (and second) Half Marathons this fall. (started at 328, down to 208 now) Believe me, you can do it. I'm just a regular guy who was…
  • Hey Shana, I was in the same boat as you. I'm 35, and I started at 330 pounds. I have dropped 110 pounds total, and I attribute this website/ app to have played a HUGE part of that loss. It took me approx 7 months to lose the weight, but I coupled the counting calories (changing what I ate) along with exercise. (I started…
  • I am a current member of Planet Fitness,and yes, they are a bit different to say the least. I actually asked about the No Scale in the locker room thing, and I was told firmly that this is a judgement free zone, and they don't have scales because that would go against their whole Judgement Free philosophy. While I can…
  • seriously, you look fantastic. I have a similar story, I am down 110 pounds and have very similar results, stats-wise (bmi, etc.) It's an amazing feeling and you should be SO PROUD! I started out on this because my daughter was born a few months prior and I knew something needed to be done. I have actually been keeping a…
  • hey all, i'm a fellow wordpress user.
  • My name is bigandysrunning. My nickname has always been Big Andy (even before I got just took on a whole new meaning once I gained all the weight). Since every variation of Big Andy that I could think of was already claimed I decided to go with the address of my blog. My story goes like this: One day I got…