

  • I was a pescatarian for about 6 years, while living in CA and having access to lots of great fish, as well as good vegetarian options at most restaurants. Then I moved to Texas, where vegetarian meals at a lot of restaurants tend to consist of breaded and fried veggies and/or corn and potatoes. I decided I was much better…
  • I loved Weight Watchers and was successful on it. The support of meetings is great, but I echo whoever said to find a good leader - the right one makes a huge difference! You should be able to purchase your monthly pass online, print out the temporary card, and take it with you to your meeting wherever you are if you…
  • I typically feel like that, but this month I've been cutting down on what I'd call empty carbs (white flours, sugar, etc) and i didn't really experience that bottomless pit sensation at all. Might not be due to the change in my eating habits, but it definitely felt good not to be craving those treats non-stop!
  • What keeps you motivated? Wanting to be able to keep up with my 4-year-old; looking at recent pics; knowing that I'm worth it When doing cardio how to you keep from getting bored? I listen to music or books on my ipod, pick a machine in front of a tv with a show I like, or have even been known to read a magazine or book…
  • I agree with this. Go to a real running store and have them watch you run, test your stride, etc. They'll generally suggest about 3 different shoes. Try them on. Run on the treadmill with them. Figure out which ones are best for you. If you can, buy them there. If you can't, make a careful note of the exact show, then go…
  • I second the overnight oats suggestion. peanut butter and jelly sandwiches freeze wonderfully - we make a batch on the weekend and they are easy to grab throughout the week when we are in a rush to get out the door (they dry out in the fridge, but if you freeze them, they taste fresh after they have about 1/2 hour to…
  • salted chicken from the local Chinese place. But if I were cooking, I'd have tofu shiritaki w/ teriyaki sauce and sauteed veggies.
  • I love tea, and we drink it a lot here. Almost any kind is good. Someone gave me a box of Tazo white tea with cucumber and I didn't think I'd like it but it's great iced - very refreshing on a hot day! I also like iced mint tea in the summer, and a mix of mint and chamomile to relax before bedtime. For green tea, I haven't…
    in TEA Comment by chayoxela July 2012
  • I completely understand this - just make sure that you are comparing realistically. day-to-day fluctuations are normal, and part of life. hour-to-hour fluctuations shouldn't be considered at all in terms of weight loss (food, liquid, excretion all affect this). you really have to look at the big picture, but realizing…
  • Like many, I weigh in the morning, before food and coffee. I write it down every day, but my official weigh-in day is Friday. I like to see the fluctuations, especially if for some reason I'm up on Friday - it would (and did!) drive me crazy when I weighed once a week, had a great week, and gained or maintained on my…
  • This was a great article!
  • I count anything that's a liquid toward my water count, but I consider it a liquid count ;-) That includes, for me, tea, water, milk, juice, etc.
  • like onions, some other veggies caramelize nicely. carrots, sweet potatoes come immediately to mind - you could cook, mash, and spread on a sandwich (we do this with apples and bananas instead of jelly, but I don't see why it wouldn't work with carrots or sweet potatoes.
  • - make frittata with it (dice and saute with onion and any other vegetables you want to add, bet a few eggs, pout the eggs over the veggies, and slide into the oven at 350 until the eggs on top are set) - dice it up with other veggies and add to red sauce for pasta - grill it - make ratatouille (if you've also got…
  • applesauce, yogurt, baby food, pudding, jello, protein shakes, smoothies, instant oatmeal made with plenty of liquid, hard candy (keeps your mouth busy so you don't feel like you need to be chewing on something)
  • Is that price significantly different from the price of other gyms in your town, just because it has childcare? We go to the Y and to 24-Hour Fitness. Both have free childcare for members and the monthly fee is significantly less than $70 a month. But it varies by area. We are in North Texas.
  • I make a latte, but don't add any sweetener. Then I add my protein powder to it, pour the whole thing over ice, and have a tasty iced coffee that provides me with lots of protein.
  • I'm with you, and would really like to get 10 pounds off. At the point, I'll decide if I want to go lower. No specific advice without knowing more about your eating and exercise, but I can definitely say that you are not alone!
  • I shop in bulk all the time. However, I'm not typically buying the huge Costco pack of individual serving sizes of anything. When I buy in bulk, I'm either buying huge packages of things like rice, beans, etc, or I'm shopping the bulk bins at my local Sprouts. For me, a never-ending supply of good healthy food is not a bad…
  • When I was cooking for one (about 3 years ago), my budget was a little less than that, and I always had the following on my grocery list: brown rice whole wheat pasta oatmeal whole wheat bread dried beans peanut butter skim milk good cheese yogurt chicken,fish, tofu, veggie burgers (whatever was on sale) lots of fruit and…