Do any other ladies experience this?

You know when you get your monthly gift and you want to just eat everything in sight and its so hard not to because you have a terrible case of the munchies? please tell me I'm not the only one that gets like this lol. I don't know how to avoid it how do you do it?

also anybody else get extremely bloated while on their menstrual cycle? I do, and i hate it makes me feel so fat, whats the best way to keep the bloat down? thanks! sorry if this is too much info lol.


  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    nope. nobody else. ever. just you...

    .......stuffs cookie in face........
  • NaomiJFoster
    NaomiJFoster Posts: 1,450 Member
    I have always craved salt at the time (and the whole week before). Now though, the last few years....for the first 2 or 3 days, I find that I can't seem to eat enough. I'm famished! Staving! It's a perimenopause thing I'm sure, my periods are much heavier and crazier now than they were when I was younger. Clearly, my body needs nourishment to sustain itself through the heaviest days when I'm losing so much blood. I try to make sure to get lots of iron and protein. But still. Yeah, I could eat all day long on those first couple days.

    The best way to keep the bloat away is to try to limit sodium intake for a couple days before, when you know you're about to start. And also, make sure that you increase your fiber intake. The uterus is located smack in between the bladder and the bowel, so they all effect each other. If you don't have any blood pressure issues, you can take a diuretic. But really...just accept the fact that we ALL gain a few pounds of water retention on those days.
  • NaomiJFoster
    NaomiJFoster Posts: 1,450 Member
    nope. nobody else. ever. just you...

    .......stuffs cookie in face........

    Hee hee!
  • chayoxela
    I typically feel like that, but this month I've been cutting down on what I'd call empty carbs (white flours, sugar, etc) and i didn't really experience that bottomless pit sensation at all. Might not be due to the change in my eating habits, but it definitely felt good not to be craving those treats non-stop!
  • Cranktastic
    Cranktastic Posts: 1,517 Member
  • xFitnessFlirt
    I have always craved salt at the time (and the whole week before). Now though, the last few years....for the first 2 or 3 days, I find that I can't seem to eat enough. I'm famished! Staving! It's a perimenopause thing I'm sure, my periods are much heavier and crazier now than they were when I was younger. Clearly, my body needs nourishment to sustain itself through the heaviest days when I'm losing so much blood. I try to make sure to get lots of iron and protein. But still. Yeah, I could eat all day long on those first couple days.

    The best way to keep the bloat away is to try to limit sodium intake for a couple days before, when you know you're about to start. And also, make sure that you increase your fiber intake. The uterus is located smack in between the bladder and the bowel, so they all effect each other. If you don't have any blood pressure issues, you can take a diuretic. But really...just accept the fact that we ALL gain a few pounds of water retention on those days.

    thanks, for now on i'll try watchin my sodium before i start
  • Umeboshi
    Umeboshi Posts: 1,637 Member
    I bloat and eat everything in sight. @_@
  • annepage
    annepage Posts: 585 Member
    You know when you get your monthly gift and you want to just eat everything in sight and its so hard not to because you have a terrible case of the munchies? please tell me I'm not the only one that gets like this lol. I don't know how to avoid it how do you do it?

    also anybody else get extremely bloated while on their menstrual cycle? I do, and i hate it makes me feel so fat, whats the best way to keep the bloat down? thanks! sorry if this is too much info lol.

    Nope, you are definitely not alone. I can generally tell when it's going to happen by that "endless hunger" feeling I get that lasts a few days. It's hard to avoid, but maybe munching on healthier options might help? Maybe low calorie snacks or recipes, like low calorie brownie recipes or whatever it is you usually crave during that time. The bright side is that if you can keep things in check during that time of the month, you might find a little more weight loss that week. Whether it be water or from burning more calories, I do not know. It's the one positive about it I suppose. That or you might be able to indulge a little more than usual and not gain that much because of the calorie burn. :)
  • likearadiowave
    likearadiowave Posts: 445 Member
    I never understood why it's considered a "monthly gift". Because I kind of want to shoot that gift giver in the face.
  • zentha1384
    zentha1384 Posts: 323 Member
    I did until I started Birth Control
  • med2017
    med2017 Posts: 192 Member
    i dont really crave anything then. if hungry, drink water ;)
  • WrenStory
    Drink water, run and don't stuff your face. No bloat, no overeating you'll regret later. It's really not all that hard. I always eat more I just don't overdo it. Eating more is fine... you need a few more extra calories and some treats aren't going to kill anyone. It's just a matter of knowing when to stop.
  • StephCoff1969
    Yes.. I usually crave sweet n salty.... Think chocolate covered pretzels... I could easily have had stock in the company.... LOL...
  • NaomiJFoster
    NaomiJFoster Posts: 1,450 Member
    I never understood why it's considered a "monthly gift". Because I kind of want to shoot that gift giver in the face.

    It's a sarcastic title, lol. Add a sneer to your voice when you say it and roll your eyes.
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    I always end up baking bread. I don't normally care about bread, but I just love fresh, warm home baked bread at that time...I still stay within my calories, or just go slightly over, but it doesn't seem to impact my weight - just my temporarily bloated waistline! :laugh:
  • NaomiJFoster
    NaomiJFoster Posts: 1,450 Member
    Your body really does need some extra nourishment on those days. It is expending quite a bit of energy to make the whole menstruation thing happen, and you lose a lot of iron as you bleed which makes you feel tired. Just like when you're ill, you have to eat to get healthy again. You do need some extra calories on your heavy days, it's not to be treated like just any other ordinary day. It's good to add in some snacks Just think about what those snacks are and choose wisely.

    I find that a handful of almonds and a glass of milk will help me get from breakfast to lunch without going crazy.
  • MattAllan
  • xFitnessFlirt
    I did until I started Birth Control

    I'm on BC too but i still bloat and get the munches at the time.
  • xFitnessFlirt
    I always end up baking bread. I don't normally care about bread, but I just love fresh, warm home baked bread at that time...I still stay within my calories, or just go slightly over, but it doesn't seem to impact my weight - just my temporarily bloated waistline! :laugh:

    thanks, good to know it wont completely impact my weight
  • xFitnessFlirt
    Your body really does need some extra nourishment on those days. It is expending quite a bit of energy to make the whole menstruation thing happen, and you lose a lot of iron as you bleed which makes you feel tired. Just like when you're ill, you have to eat to get healthy again. You do need some extra calories on your heavy days, it's not to be treated like just any other ordinary day. It's good to add in some snacks Just think about what those snacks are and choose wisely.

    I find that a handful of almonds and a glass of milk will help me get from breakfast to lunch without going crazy.

    thats good, but i usually crave sweet things like candy and brownies at my time lol, but i guess since u need more cals its ok to have a bit lol