Weight Watchers Meetings

I am strongly considering Weight Watchers Meetings. I have done weight watchers online before and usually stop logging after a few weeks. I have a similar issue with MFP, where after awhile, I don't log in at least not consistently. I have spent all of 2012 trying to lose weight. I now weight a half a pound less than I did this time last year. I can't let another year go by like this. I have always felt like I was on my own. I never had a workout partner or support in this area. My husband has stepped up, we are doing Insanity together. I do split my time between two cities because of work and so it has been hard to maintain a routine. But I can do meetings where I am according to the website. As for the diet, I need help to stay motivated and I am hoping face to face contact will be that extra help I need. Has anyone here had success with WW Meetings? If so, please share your experiences.


  • MaxineMarieM
    MaxineMarieM Posts: 50 Member

    WW is a wonderful program and the meetings do help. I lost over 200 lbs. But like anything else this is up to you and your willingness to do what it takes to get to goal and stay there . I have learned that the hard way. Once I got to goal I went to meetings for awhile and then quit as a result I have gained 20 lbs back and I am now trying to get in the same frame of mine I had when I first started WW. You said that your problem is you stop tracking, going to meetings will not be a magic pill you have to track what you eat whether it is calories or points. What going to meetings offer is support, accountability to someone else who is weighing you and good old money. If that is what you think will get you going go for it! But I will tell you even with all those reasons I listed I sat with people who did not lose anything because they didn't want to track or were not serious enough to really do it. I wish you good luck! If you would like to talk to me more about WW add me to your friend's list.
  • TyFit08
    TyFit08 Posts: 799 Member
    Thanks, that helps. I think the reason why I stop logging is because I lose motivation. Unlike WW online, MFP users do check in on you when you don't log in, but it's very easy to ignore emails. I am hoping facing real people will be the support I need to stay on track.
  • Aquableu
    Aquableu Posts: 1 Member
    I've been going to WW meetings for a year now and have lost 25 lbs so far. The accountability of showing up and seeing the same faces (getting thinner) each week definitely makes a difference for my success. They've done some neat things with their program too that really gets you to look at your habits and how your lifestyle is part of your success (or getting in the way of). I started tracking here on MFP because a colleague and I want to support each other, as she's not a WW member, and it allows me to track my sugar consumption that I can't do so much on WW.

    You have my vote, find a meeting that you like and you'll stick with it.
  • ChaleGirl
    ChaleGirl Posts: 270 Member
    You sound like me!
    I lost weight this year, put it back on and now I'm in exactly the same position as I was last year
    I've decided that I'm going to do this once and for all
    I joined slimming world last week
    Hopefully this will be what I need
    I feel like a drug addict lol!
    Good Luck :)
  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,488 Member
    Depends on the leader - but I had much better success at WW meetings than WW online. I had a really great leader but then due to my schedule I had to switch to a different leader who wasn't as fabulous, and then I went to WW online and finally dropped off and gained all the weight back. Then I finally went back to the online and didn't lose a thing so now I'm here and losing. But a great leader CAN make a huge difference in my opinion.
  • TyFit08
    TyFit08 Posts: 799 Member
    Thanks guys. I'm going to go for it. MFP is great, but I can use all the help that I can get. I did lose about 15lbs this year, but gained it all back. My goal is to lose 50. The funny thing is I gained that weight in less than a year, but I have been trying to lose it for two years now with no success.
  • kodibear123
    kodibear123 Posts: 185 Member
    I love WW. I am a lifetime member, and have been for over 7 years, and my e-tools are free now. I find that if I go to meetings (free also) I am inspired to stay on track. Also as a lifetime member I can offer insight for the members trying to lose weight. I really enjoy MFP for more detailed information about my lifestyle and the community is fantastic. Just remember on WW you don't have to buy any of their processed products, I don't. One valuable lesson that WW taught me is that you don't have to be "perfect". I would encourage you to try Weight Watcher's as I feel you would learn a great deal to keep the weight off. Losing weight in my opinion is pretty easy. Keeping it off for over 7 years is another matter and requires much work and dedication. WW gave me the tools I needed to accomplish long term lifestyle changes. BTW-I eat natural, whole foods and really stay away from processed foods and that ultimately got me to lean, athletic shape. Best wishes and add me as a friend if I can help you out.
  • CM9178
    CM9178 Posts: 1,265 Member
    I don't go to meetings anymore, but I do go every week for them to weigh me. When I don't go, I think of them asking me next time where I've been (they always ask me if I miss a week!). That being said, you have to make yourself go. Nobody is going to force you to go the meetings just like nobody is going to force you to continue logging on MFP. If you lose motivation (it happens to all of us), you need to find things that will motivate you again. It is all up to you - if you really keep your mind in check - it will work - whether it is a WW meeting or anything else.
  • TyFit08
    TyFit08 Posts: 799 Member
    I wanted to start WW Meetings last week and buy the monthly pass. But I'm having a hard time. I split my time between NYC and Toronto. I contacted WW and was told I could go to meetings in both countries. Since I'm in Toronto until mid January I was going to join here, but I don't have a Canadian credit card. I may have to wait or borrow a card from someone until I get back to the States. At least I have been logging on MFP for the last week, so if I can keep that up through the holidays until I can join WW, I am still on the right track.
  • chayoxela
    I loved Weight Watchers and was successful on it. The support of meetings is great, but I echo whoever said to find a good leader - the right one makes a huge difference!

    You should be able to purchase your monthly pass online, print out the temporary card, and take it with you to your meeting wherever you are if you cannot purchase at the meeting for some reason.
  • now_or_never12
    now_or_never12 Posts: 849 Member
    I wanted to start WW Meetings last week and buy the monthly pass. But I'm having a hard time. I split my time between NYC and Toronto. I contacted WW and was told I could go to meetings in both countries. Since I'm in Toronto until mid January I was going to join here, but I don't have a Canadian credit card. I may have to wait or borrow a card from someone until I get back to the States. At least I have been logging on MFP for the last week, so if I can keep that up through the holidays until I can join WW, I am still on the right track.

    If you need to have a Cdn credit card get one of the VISA/MasterCard gift cards. You can buy them in so many stores in Toronto. It does work out to be cheaper if you join in the US though.
  • BonaFideUK
    BonaFideUK Posts: 313 Member
    Its probably a waste of time doing Insanity if you're out of shape, you'll spend most of the workout time with your hands on your knees catching your breath.
  • TyFit08
    TyFit08 Posts: 799 Member
    Its probably a waste of time doing Insanity if you're out of shape, you'll spend most of the workout time with your hands on your knees catching your breath.

    Excuse me, Didn't your mother ever teach you if you don't have anything good to say, then keep your mouth shut. Wanting to lose weight doesn't mean I am out of shape. Do you see my pic I'm not obese and I have exercised since I was a teenager. I probably can out workout you. I have done Insanity not once but three times. My problem is not endurance, it is consistency. I was a 4 or a 6 my entire adult life until 2 years ago when I started to gain weight. Now 'm a 12 or 14. I am also 5'10 so even at my heaviest I am still only a few lbs above a healthy BMI, but in a healthy BF percentage. So before you decide what is a waste of time for me, maybe you should stop wasting your time with snarky comments. Oh and my husband and are on in week 2 of Insanity and going strong. I'm sure with his support I won't skip as many workouts.
  • pkdarlin
    pkdarlin Posts: 149 Member
  • cappri
    cappri Posts: 1,089 Member
    I wanted to start WW Meetings last week and buy the monthly pass. But I'm having a hard time. I split my time between NYC and Toronto. I contacted WW and was told I could go to meetings in both countries. Since I'm in Toronto until mid January I was going to join here, but I don't have a Canadian credit card. I may have to wait or borrow a card from someone until I get back to the States. At least I have been logging on MFP for the last week, so if I can keep that up through the holidays until I can join WW, I am still on the right track.

    You can purchase your monthly pass online, then you just print out your temporary card until they send you one in the mail. I love WW! I just recently started attending meetings, I've been doing online since February, but I want to hit Lifetime in meetings and get free etools!