

  • Wow that's fantastic, every penny counts. Cancer Research sort all the Gift Aid malarky out as well on that page. It really takes the hassle out of collecting money then passing it on. That's ever so kind of you. With a bit of luck I'll be well on my way to being 80lbs lighter next year then I can enter a half marathon…
  • Welcome to this fab site! It'll help you loads. Feel free to add me as a friend if you fancy some mutual support. (although you've got a lot less than me to lose you lucky thing. All the best. Cath :flowerforyou:
    in Hi Comment by cathjones88 August 2010
  • Excellent - a big pat on the back. Well done.
  • Hiya Sarah, I'm Cath from South Wales, you've made a really important step joining MFP (this coming from somone who only joined a week ago and hasn't had my first weigh in yet) It is such a motivational and inspirational place to be. I've got to lose 80lbs, so I too am on a very long road. Just think positive and before…
  • You're in the right place! I only joined a week ago and everyone on here with motivate and inspire you - it's fantastic. I've got 80lbs to lose so I'm on a very long road, but this is certainly the best support network I've ever encountered. Welcome and good luck. (feel free to add me as a friend so we may support each…
  • Welcome to MFP! I have joined less than a week ago, and I only wish I'd discovered this site years ago. You realise you're not alone and everyone will keep you motivated and inspired to keep on track (or get back onto it if you fall off - we're all human). I've got a VERY long way to go on my weight loss journey and being…
  • Thanks guys! :flowerforyou: I felt a bit silly taking my own food but the food there was soooooo delicious, not to mention fattening - I would never have controlled myself! :happy:
  • WOWEE! Fantastic, so inspiring. Well done. :smile:
  • Thanks very much, good luck to you, you're doing really well, excellent stuff.
  • Nice one Jo! I don't like chip shop curry but I do love making my own and a while ago I started substituting coconut milk or cream with 30% creme fraiche. Things like that can make a huge difference. Well done keep going, you're awesome. x
  • Thanks everyone, I've been stressing because I'm out for a meal tonight but I know where I'm going and I've planned really carefully. I've also decided that I'm going to stick to weighing at 7.30am on a Thursday morning and then only!!!! Everyone's support is really helping me battle these first few days. :happy:
  • Thanks so much! I agree, Am not going to get on the scales until next Thursday, Will be so nervous though, going to keep going though, Not going to let anything get in my way this time. :smile:
  • Thank you soooo much. :smile:
  • Thanks so much everyone, I agree the only way I'm going to succeed this time is to resign myself to the fact that I WILL have bad days, I WILL have times when I weigh in and put on weight for no reason but it's being prepared for this and not giving in as I always have in the past. I always think to myself "oh I'm just…
  • PS Jo, there may just be 2 sexy biatches looking back in the mirror if I come over and stand next to you! lol x
  • Cheers Jo, I thought if I get my *kitten* on here, I could go on my weight loss journey with you, but I've gained loads of support already from others in the same boat, and from people who have succeeded. It's fab I love it. Thanks Jo, I may just owe you a drink or two! :happy:
  • I love The Biggest Loser, very motivational! Thanks to everyone for your support, I value everyone's advice. :smile:
  • Thanks so much guys. My friend recommended it and I was unsure whether I could make in on my own without a class but looking closer I think I'll have more support here than in any slimming class. My main problem is having faith in myself and not giving up when I have a cheat! It will happen and there will be lots of ups…