Here Goes!

Hi everyone! I am new to MFP and this morning I took the decision to begin my quest to lose 80lbs. I've decided to quit making excuses as there's never going to be "the right time" to start. It's going to be a long hard trail but I'm hoping everyone's support will get me through. :smile:


  • hugh_rynal
    hugh_rynal Posts: 19 Member
    Good luck with the 80lbs..........I set myself a target of 100lbs, and I've done half of that over the last 6 months and I honestly using this MFP website that has helped me stay focused.

    Cheers !!
  • tcam70455
    tcam70455 Posts: 128 Member
    Welcome. I had about the same amount to lose. It is a long road, especially when I don't think the weight is coming off fast enough. I do know that I am getting healthier and losing in a healthy way. There is great support here, and the site is very easy to use.
  • mekhala
    mekhala Posts: 123 Member
    WELCOME!!!! You will love it here!! i think i am addicted!
  • cathjones88
    Thanks so much guys. My friend recommended it and I was unsure whether I could make in on my own without a class but looking closer I think I'll have more support here than in any slimming class. My main problem is having faith in myself and not giving up when I have a cheat! It will happen and there will be lots of ups and downs, I just need to accept it's not going to happen overnight. Keep going everyone because you're going to keep me going! This may have been the best decision (or one of them) I've ever made! :happy:
  • aehenson
    aehenson Posts: 86
    You have overcome the biggest hurdle in recognizing there's never a 'right time'. Life is always going to throw good excuses at you! Good luck!
  • jumpbk
    jumpbk Posts: 3
    Welcome. I just started this week and I love this site. You will have everyone's full support. Only advise is to set an attainable goal each week and concentrate on that amount not the 80 pounds. Dont get discouraged if you dont achieve your goal just keep pressing forward. If you ever get a chance, watch The Biggest Loser" show. Lots of great tips on staying focused. Again, good luck.
  • cathjones88
    I love The Biggest Loser, very motivational! Thanks to everyone for your support, I value everyone's advice. :smile:
  • xojox
    xojox Posts: 187 Member
    the best thing i've found about this site cath, is there is no 'cheat'. Just everything in moderation, and exercise - wait til you see how many cals you can burn doing simple things!!

    I'm with ya bbs an so is every1 else on here xxxxxxx
  • cathjones88
    Cheers Jo, I thought if I get my *kitten* on here, I could go on my weight loss journey with you, but I've gained loads of support already from others in the same boat, and from people who have succeeded. It's fab I love it. Thanks Jo, I may just owe you a drink or two! :happy:
  • cathjones88
    PS Jo, there may just be 2 sexy biatches looking back in the mirror if I come over and stand next to you! lol x
  • xojox
    xojox Posts: 187 Member
    we'll do it chick!! my weight is comin off slowly like someone else said on here, but i figure its coming off and i'm enjoying my food and feeling healthy. So all is good xxxxx :flowerforyou: