Military wife trying to loose weight alone - new here

I'm living in korea with my husband and havent really met any girls that are willing to go to the gym with me and i'd rather not go alone. I'm having trouble staying motivated. apparently gaining weight isnt enough of a motivation, plus i'm on medication that makes you gain weight so that makes it extra hard. I'd love to have some friends to help keep me motivated.:flowerforyou:


  • Ashley_NIcole90
    Oh and i forgot to mention my husband weighs 130lbs, and can eat whatever he wants and not gain a thing...
  • mysi019
    mysi019 Posts: 55
    I hear ya, my boyfriend drives by the gym and looses weight. I drive by mcdonalds and gain weight. Welcome to the site. I have only been on here for a day, but it seems like a great place to help get motivated and to hear about others dealing with the same things. It cant go to the gym with you in Korea but hopefully it will help you realize your not alone.
  • sngnyrslp
    sngnyrslp Posts: 315 Member
    Don't worry - you're not alone anymore! this site is full of inspiring and motivational people and fantastic tools to help make weight loss, fitness, and healthy living totally attainable goals. Feel free to add me if you're looking for friends, and welcome to the site! :D
  • shell_83
    shell_83 Posts: 16
    I know what your talking about.... My husband and I are stationed in Germany. I have like two friends that are willing to go to the gym but one is another soldier so she's out durring the day. I find it too hard to bring my kids with me to the gym, so I got a treadmill and put it in our tiny room and im on that 6 days a week. I was put on meds twice now that make me gain weight and im just now taking myself serious and doing something about it. If you need any Army wife support im here. welcome to the site.
  • cathjones88
    Welcome to MFP! I have joined less than a week ago, and I only wish I'd discovered this site years ago. You realise you're not alone and everyone will keep you motivated and inspired to keep on track (or get back onto it if you fall off - we're all human). I've got a VERY long way to go on my weight loss journey and being on here is just the thing I need to help. Add me as a friend if you want and good luck. PS Korea? Wow! :flowerforyou:
  • mlagena
    mlagena Posts: 154 Member
    Hey there! Welcome to the site! I know how you're feeling! We're stationed in England and I haven't met anyone at all! lol My husband is about 60+ lbs lighter than myself and loses weight in a snap, so It's a little daunting.
    This site is a great support network and has tons of information! It's a great place! Feel free to add me, if you want!
  • xojox
    xojox Posts: 187 Member
    welcome to the site!! i will send a friend request now :flowerforyou:

    Its not easy getting to the gym - i have 3 children and never seem to get the time. Have you tried working out at home?

    I know it seems a simple solution but some workout is better than no workout I hope we can all help you xxxx
  • flyingspatulas
    flyingspatulas Posts: 97 Member
    Welcome! It's hard to lose weight when you're alone, but this is a great place to get help and support! :)
  • Ashley_NIcole90
    thanks guys, and yes it is hard. i try working out at home by using videos and running up and down the stairs in our appartment but its the motivation during the day that i fail at every time. thank you all for your suppot. :)