Bluizflame Member


  • I'm pretty sure I burned well over 1k calories doing the Spartan Super this past weekend lol
  • I agree on this one. I LOVE me some Reeces PB cups! When i saw Quest made one i thought it would be delicious like their Cookie Dough and Oreo. OMG i needed to drink sooooo much water just to be able to finish them!
  • You can kinda see the "strings" as they get lifted to the air. Or at least the way their shoulders & back look gives it away
  • I want to be able to track my calorie burn as accurately as i can. Which is why I'd like to wear my BodyMedia.
  • The dumping syndrome is for patients that had the actual surgery. Besides stapling your stomach so it's only very tiny, they also remove a certain amount of you small intestines that help with the process of sugar/carbs. I believe the OP is just getting the sleeve. which is just a rubber band filled w/ saline that…
  • i jump rope on occasion. i use to LOVE jump rope when i was a kid. Did double dutch and all that sort of fancy stuff! Now, my boobs bounce, and after 2 kids i have to wear a pad because pee myself once in awhile if i had a lot of water earlier lol
  • Photobucket was being difficult, so i changed programs. Pictures work!
  • I got the 'speed bump' above the belly when i had my 2nd child also. I call it a "B" belly, cuz that's what the 2 bumps look like w/ my waist in the middle. I've lost 60lbs almost, and i still have the annoying B! The weight is dropping everywhere BUT my stomach area :( I figure it has to disappear from there eventually. I…
  • The most "extra exercise calories" i've gotten in a day was 1231. That was doing 1 hour of a spin class, 30min of CxWorkx, and 1 hour of Body Combat. By "extra exercise calories" i mean over what i have my settings already on MFP, which is set at "lightly active". The calorie calculation was done by my Body Media, not by…
  • I'm using both devices mainly because my fiance has the FitBit and we have a friendly step competition going on w/ the device. He doesn't have a BodyMedia. But I guess it's silly to have both synced with MFP, I just never disconnected my FitBit account when i got the BodyMedia last month. I've had the FitBit since Nov '12,…
  • Jan 28th - Feb 7th, Feb 11th, 17th -19th are just gone. It seems totally random, yet i'm not sure what is causing it :(
  • I LOVE mine!! I got the Link off of Ebay for $179usd and that included a year subscription. I like that i can sync it to my phone, and that it sync's to MFP. It tracks any exercise I do pretty accurate. I've tested it w/ HRM and they're REALLY close :D I bought a couple skins for mine, and a black armband. I don't really…
  • spagettio's sound good! lol The only fruit i had at home were strawberries & Raspberries, both had seeds so not really that good for me cuz they can get 'stuck' in the hole. I don't really buy low fat stuff. Although the Greek Yogurt is 0% from Trader Joe's. The cottage cheese is 1.5%, i get it for the 14g of protein a…
  • Quest Nutrition Bars have around 17g of Fiber, and they're REALLY good!
  • They have pasta made from Quinoa
  • I've had my fitbit for 16months (lost one a month ago and got a new one last week) Add me if you want!
  • The Subway's around here are open 24/7...I just found out they have pizza.... I know where i'm going for lunch @ 3a!!
  • My diary's open, add me if you'd like
  • I've never seen the Video's, but I LOVE the classes at my gym!!
  • I was just gonna post about this! lol I work at a daycare, so my weakness here are graham and animal crackers! Just for today: I will walk by the opened package of Graham Crackers and not eat one!
  • I personally like the Orowheat - Multi-grain Sandwich Thins...or Papa Pita Thinwich - Multi-Grain With Flax Seeds. They're both 100 calories for "2" slices. Saves me from always having to eat open faced when i don't have enough calories for a full sammich.
  • I <3 Zumba!! I have 0 coordination, and i'm sure i look like an idiot doing it haha But it's sooooo much fun! There's an older guy that comes to class every day. He just sways back and forth for the most part and moves his arms around. Every level of fitness can do it. Just keep your body moving, and do the steps you can…
  • This is so ridiculous!
  • My son is 14 now, but he was a HUGE wiggles fan when he was younger. He stopped watching it a little before Greg left. I took him to a couple concerts too. It was one of the only programs he would actually pay attention to. We had all of the VHS tapes and CD's, up to Wiggly Gremlins. I actually enjoyed the shows and music…
  • CVHLGYY5P I have unlimited invites with 1st & 5th box free
  • I just bought a pair of Ryka Transition. I read a bunch of reviews before i actually bought them. They just came in today, so i'm going to try them out tomorrow. But from what i read they're awesome for things like Zumba :)
  • My knees have been hurting lately. I believe a lot of it was from doing Squats wrong. I wasn't leaning back into it, my knees were going over my toes. I also run on the treadmill. My chiropractor has me icing my knee's after every workout to help. I must be completely weird...My knees actually hurt when i'm on the…
  • The pic is bigger than i thought it would be lol But here's my fancy band! lol
  • I purchased a black band and some "skins" for the body media from their website. I got a few of their breast cancer awareness ones, and a couple other fun ones. I don't mind wearing it when i'm out and about at work, store, or whatever. I have a few people ask me what it is, but i'm not embarrassed by it at all. I'm sure…
  • Finished the dreaded W5D3 yesterday! Wasnt' as bad as i thought it would be :) Although i'm only running at a 4.5 (13:20) pace.