Daily Check In Thread



  • velocityc6
    velocityc6 Posts: 2,137 Member
    I've officially finished the C25K program! I ran a 5K this morning, and I'll begin the 10K trainer on Wednesday! If I can do this, anybody can! What a great program :drinker:

    Congrats on finishing
  • ybodwen
    ybodwen Posts: 340 Member
    Took me an extra week because of various chaotic things but I finished week 5! Here's to a more on-pace week 6 :)
  • thanks...already done that....moved down from 7.8 to 7.4.....7.4 feels "weird" - my legs "want to go a tiny bit faster"...If I go down to 7 I am power walking instead of jogging :(
  • dauvis
    dauvis Posts: 57
    Finished W5D3
  • raelorien
    raelorien Posts: 71 Member
    Finished W2D1! On to W2D2!
  • capnrus789
    capnrus789 Posts: 2,736 Member
    Last night, 3 minute warm up walk, ran 1:30, walked 4:30, 5 times. No sweat.

    Slowly getting back to full running after my knee injury. Man, have I missed running.
  • velocityc6
    velocityc6 Posts: 2,137 Member
    Just finished W7D2
  • jeridith
    jeridith Posts: 67 Member
    W4D2 done!!
  • ybodwen
    ybodwen Posts: 340 Member
    Just did W6D1!
  • I managed to do W5D3 as 8R, 5W, 3R, 1W, 4R

    I dont think I will make it through W6D1 next week - I was not born a runner...running 10mins nonstop is hard...let alone TWICE! but I will give it a try..
    I am already running WAY BETTER than I used to...I remember running 500metres nonstop for the 1st time in my life in October! and now I can do 1000m in 7mins...I am happy :)
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    I am 41. Yesterday, after being congratulated by a coworker for my half marathon, I found myself explaining how, before the November before last, I thought I was genetically unable to run (asthma, no fast twitch muscle fibers, shin splints, I can't remember what else but it was compelling). For the next 9 weeks, I kept waiting for the next run to be the impenetrable barrier that I couldn't pass. I ran as slowly as I could and then slowed down some more. I never found that limit. I haven't found it at 6.2 miles and I haven't found it at 13.1.

    Do not sell yourself short. Not only are you capable of a ten minute run - though it might take a couple tries for your body to figure it out - you are capable of so much more. Don't let the picture you have of yourself in your mind hold your body back from what it is equipped to achieve.
  • velocityc6
    velocityc6 Posts: 2,137 Member
    I agree. You can do it, I started C25K 7 weeks ago and although I had done a fair amount of walking over the past few years I was convinced I wasn't a runner. I now have a different mindset, today will be W7D3 and it will get it's butt kicked juts like the other days have. Running a 5K on 2/8/14 and I will finish.
  • capnrus789
    capnrus789 Posts: 2,736 Member
    3 minute warmup
    rand 1:30, walked 4:30, 5 times
    2 minute cool down
    No issues!

    Next run is Friday, increasing to 2:00 running, 4:00 walking, 5 times.
  • velocityc6
    velocityc6 Posts: 2,137 Member
    great job
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    In for more AWESOME updates!
  • velocityc6
    velocityc6 Posts: 2,137 Member
    Just completed W7D3, feeling good.
  • dauvis
    dauvis Posts: 57
    Completed W6D1
  • ybodwen
    ybodwen Posts: 340 Member
    Y'all are doing awesome!!
    Just finished W6D2- I feeeel good...
  • trainerwannabe
    trainerwannabe Posts: 28 Member
    It's great to see everyone's progress!! I just finished Week 5/Day 2 and I'm pretty pleased with myself. Although previous to this run, I had to give myself a couple of days of "self talk" before I got on the treadmill. Thankfully I was successful and will complete Week 5 on the weekend. I'm running at a 4.0 (short legs?!) and walking at a 3.2 - not fast, but I am consistent!! Currently can get through the 5K in 52:10. Keep up the good work everybody!
  • jeridith
    jeridith Posts: 67 Member
    W4D3 done! And done in the rain! My husband was mightily impressed when I didn't come back immediately because of the weather, but I told him once my shoes were on and phone strapped to my arm it was too late to turn back :)
  • babyshme
    babyshme Posts: 310 Member
    I can run for an 45 strait in the treadmill. It's the slowest 45 minutes on earth but I don't give up. I run it though. I still haven't hit the 5k mark in running but I do know I will get it one day. I know most people can walk a mile as fast as I "run" but I am ok with this. I don't let it bug me but I love the fact that I can do it.

    Now once this crappy weather lets up, I will be training to run outside. I can't run out side for nothing. I can get about a half mile in before I want to die but I know I will get to a 5k on that too.
  • brig_1_g
    brig_1_g Posts: 41 Member
    Just completed Week 5 Day 1. It was a lot easier than I thought it would be.
  • lorripie77
    lorripie77 Posts: 4 Member
    I ran a very rainy week 6 day 1 last night and found it really easy after the 20 min run of week 5 day 3! But the thought of a 25 min run at the end of this week is a bit scary ;)
  • Bluizflame
    Bluizflame Posts: 151 Member
    Finished the dreaded W5D3 yesterday! Wasnt' as bad as i thought it would be :) Although i'm only running at a 4.5 (13:20) pace.
  • jeridith
    jeridith Posts: 67 Member
    W5D1 done! :)
  • dauvis
    dauvis Posts: 57
    Completed W6D2
  • GrindingSalt
    GrindingSalt Posts: 68 Member
    W8D1 done today. My last few runs have felt disorganized because of very cold weather and bad set-ups -- this time went with my sister (who I'm doing the program with) to her Y with a great, big, open, indoor running track. Worked out hard last night and my legs were sorrrrre so it was a tough run, but I did it. Looking forward to my next two runs and then heading into 30 minutes.

    34 days and counting to my first 5K.
  • ybodwen
    ybodwen Posts: 340 Member
    Finished week 6!! Not enjoying the dread mill but it's freezing out and only getting freezinger!
    On the upside- by the time I finish 5k and then make it through 10k training it's gotta be nicer out!!
  • W4D1 :) with an extra 20 min walk at the end
  • velocityc6
    velocityc6 Posts: 2,137 Member
    W8D2, I'm almost there