Daily Check In Thread



  • chantels1
    chantels1 Posts: 391 Member
    What app do you use that it says last minute? That would definetly signal my brain to start coasting to a stop. Boo

    Hope your back feels better soon, a chiro could be a good idea.

    That should be the key to give it your last bit of energy! Sprint it and prove to yourself that you are stronger than your brain! I set my run double app to give updates every 3 minutes, that way at the last 3 minutes I can pick up my pace a bit and push harder knowing it's only 3 minutes!
  • rhonderoo
    rhonderoo Posts: 145 Member
    Finished W4D3 last night, now on to week 5. I'm really nervous about the longer runs, but I've been taking it slow and that has worked. And when I say slow, I mean slow... like 3.4 or 3.5...which for me is more like a shuffle than a run. :tongue: But, I'm finishing each run and to me, right now, that's all that matters...
  • grubb1019
    grubb1019 Posts: 371 Member
    Week 7 Day 2 was a killer for me too for some reason. I had done W7D1 with no problem, but for day 2 my legs felt like they didn't want to go. I went on to day 3 two days later and had no problem at all, so I'm not sure what happened. I have also completed W8D1 and D2 without a problem.
  • teamAmelia
    teamAmelia Posts: 1,247 Member
    Yesterday I attempted W7D2 but had to stop 3 times because my legs were so heavy I just couldn't get them off the ground. :grumble: Does this mean I should repeat that day? Or should I just move on to W7D3 which is the same anyway? This is the first time I have had to stop during one of the long runs. W6D3 went really well, but W7 has been a slog so far.
    Just go on to the next day. If you can't finish that day, then I'd redo it.
    And when I say slow, I mean slow... like 3.4 or 3.5...which for me is more like a shuffle than a run. tongue But, I'm finishing each run and to me, right now, that's all that matters...
    That's right. That's all that matters. A shuffle is better than just sitting down. :laugh:
  • 230137isntmyweight
    230137isntmyweight Posts: 256 Member
    What app do you use that it says last minute? That would definetly signal my brain to start coasting to a stop. Boo

    Hope your back feels better soon, a chiro could be a good idea.

    That should be the key to give it your last bit of energy! Sprint it and prove to yourself that you are stronger than your brain! I set my run double app to give updates every 3 minutes, that way at the last 3 minutes I can pick up my pace a bit and push harder knowing it's only 3 minutes!

    Nope not me, if someone tells me give them one more minute I will walk it. If I see a finish line I'll sprint for it. Mile marker and I'm like oh ok I can kick this in. But if someone tells me "one more minute and your done" I'm done then. I had a supervisor in the military who could run for miles and he used to run next to me and do that all the f'ing time. I just finaly got to the point where I would stop and stare at him till he left me alone. For him it was a power trip, he could run fast and I could run an acceptable speed for the military. He'd do it to anyone he thought he could push around. Err pisses me off just thinking about him.
  • teamAmelia
    teamAmelia Posts: 1,247 Member
    Two days ago, I finished week 2, and last night, I started practicing week 3. Ohhh my gawd. It was a combination of me not being prepared for when I was supposed to walk/run and fear that I would have to run longer at some points. For some reason, I thought that it was run/w 1.5 and r/w 3 and included the 5-minute walk. I guess I got confused when I was looking ahead in the plans yesterday (I laughed to myself, kind of hysterically, when I saw the 20-minute walk).

    During yesterday's run, I was just shocked and tired, but I didn't stop!!! LOL. I was breathing so hard. LOL, especially on my last or second to last run, which was going up a slight incline. I kept looking at my phone towards the 1.5 min-mark when I was running and saying to myself, "Please tell me to walk." and when I was walking, towards the 1.5-min mark, I was thinking, "Please don't tell me to run." :laugh: I remember towards the last or second to last run, I was so happy towards the 1.5 min-mark bc I thought that it would tell me to stop, but it didn't!!! LOL. But, I pushed through it, and that was the incline part. So, hopefully the 5-minute run will be just as easy. I certainly will have to practice this one again today before I officially start wk 3 tomorrow.

    Off to practice again! Happy training to you all! :smile:

    ETA my stats for W3D1 (practice): I didn't include my wu/cd this time bc I just walked those and was really slow for the cd.
    1.24 miles in 18 mins @ 14:28 min/mile - Fastest: 12:01 mile/min - Longest: .25 miles. <
    (A quarter of a mile in 3 minutes=1 mile in 12 minutes :cry: Three wks ago, I would not be doing that.).
  • Rindy12
    Rindy12 Posts: 215 Member
    Yesterday I finished week 6, which hardly seems possible! I was reading through some of the posts about week 7 thinking that's a couple weeks away, then I realized, no I start that tomorrow :laugh:

    1.70 miles, 23 min, 12:56 min/mile 4.63 mph

    Including warm up and cool down
    2.30 miles, 32 min, 13:54 min/mile
  • Fasa77
    Fasa77 Posts: 4 Member
    I finished week 1 day 3 today! Now to keep the momentum next week!
  • teamAmelia
    teamAmelia Posts: 1,247 Member
    Practiced wk3 again this morning and did much better. I don't know if it's the new route that I tried (GPS off a bit??) or maybe I was not sleepy like I was last night, or just actually prepared for when and how long I'd run, but here are my stats:

    w/ wu and cd:
    1.90 miles @ 14:42 min/mile

    w/o wu and cd:
    1.29 miles @ 13:52 min/mile - Longest: .25 - Fastest: 11:03 min/mile

    The first 3-min run was not bad, but the second one, I had to push myself. Officially start wk 3 tomorrow.

    Ran 5k this morning for the virtual 5k challenge: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/1080026-virtual-5k-august-23-25-2013

    Run time: 33:03 (2 seconds faster than my first official 5k earlier this month!)
    Pace: 10:36 min/mile
    Virtual 5k. That sounds like fun.
    Nice stats!
  • chantels1
    chantels1 Posts: 391 Member
    Just ran my first 5k today!!! Super happy! It wasn't an official race, just did it on my own to see if I could!!! I ran 3.16 miles in 34:23 minutes!!! And an additional .93 miles in my warm up/cool down!

    My average pace was 5.5 mph for the 3.16 miles. and I am very happy with that pace considering it's my first 5k. It was best case scenario as I didn't have to push the baby in the stroller, and the weather was perfect, as well as I was well rested from not exercising yesterday! It was my best run of the week, as W7D1 and W7D2 were both killer runs I struggled with. This was was not a struggle at all and I probably could have run longer. I did walk for 10 minutes after my run too.

    To set a goal and reach it is the best! I feel AMAZING!
  • chantels1
    chantels1 Posts: 391 Member
    Yesterday I finished week 6, which hardly seems possible! I was reading through some of the posts about week 7 thinking that's a couple weeks away, then I realized, no I start that tomorrow :laugh:

    1.70 miles, 23 min, 12:56 min/mile 4.63 mph

    Including warm up and cool down
    2.30 miles, 32 min, 13:54 min/mile

    I just finished W7D3 today! I struggled with the first 2 days (although my times don't show it. I was fast, but started off fatigued and ran too fast, so it was really hard). Today, Day 3, was super easy as I was not fatigued before the run, and all the stars lined up perfectly, and I did not run too fast! So I kept running after the 25 minutes and actually did my first 5K in 34:23! ;-) Happy day! You can do it!
  • pinkstp
    pinkstp Posts: 220 Member
    Great job chantels ;)

    Nice job the rest of you too!

    @Rhonderoo - slow and steady wins the race ;) I started out going too fast and wound up with mad shin splints! Your speed will come later, just focus on finishing!

    Re: knee issues - I have them too and I'm not really sure how to help :( You can google kinesiology taping for knees and try a few of those out and see if it helps? My knees haven't been too bad at the pace I'm running now (4.5 mph) but I also have a really whacky gait due to leg issues in general.

    Just finished W6D3! Woohoo! That wasn't as horrible as I thought it was going to be (broken record alert). I use the C25K free app (Run for the Cure?) and that's the one where she tells me 1 minute left. It's not horrible because I'm treadmill running so I don't really slow down but I have to fight the urge to feel myself giving in, for sure! The best part is that lately I have been breathing a lot better so I don't feel like I need to slow down :) 22 minutes is a LONG time for me!!
  • chantels1
    chantels1 Posts: 391 Member
    Great job chantels ;)

    Nice job the rest of you too!

    @Rhonderoo - slow and steady wins the race ;) I started out going too fast and wound up with mad shin splints! Your speed will come later, just focus on finishing!

    Re: knee issues - I have them too and I'm not really sure how to help :( You can google kinesiology taping for knees and try a few of those out and see if it helps? My knees haven't been too bad at the pace I'm running now (4.5 mph) but I also have a really whacky gait due to leg issues in general.

    Just finished W6D3! Woohoo! That wasn't as horrible as I thought it was going to be (broken record alert). I use the C25K free app (Run for the Cure?) and that's the one where she tells me 1 minute left. It's not horrible because I'm treadmill running so I don't really slow down but I have to fight the urge to feel myself giving in, for sure! The best part is that lately I have been breathing a lot better so I don't feel like I need to slow down :) 22 minutes is a LONG time for me!!

    Yahoo!!! You finished! Great job!
  • grubb1019
    grubb1019 Posts: 371 Member
    Finished Week8 Day3 today. I was a lot slower because I knew I was going to keep running after the 28 minutes in an attempt to go 5K. I ran another 10 minutes or so and managed to run 4K in 38 minutes, I had to walk the last kilometer. I was sad I couldn't run the whole 5K, but keep reminding myself that 8 weeks ago I couldn't run 1/4 of a mile, I've came a long way! I'm sure the heat didn't help, I couldn't go first thing this morning like usual, it was early afternoon and 88 degrees.
  • GlitterrMagpie
    GlitterrMagpie Posts: 302 Member
    Just ran my first 5k today!!! Super happy! It wasn't an official race, just did it on my own to see if I could!!! I ran 3.16 miles in 34:23 minutes!!! And an additional .93 miles in my warm up/cool down!

    My average pace was 5.5 mph for the 3.16 miles. and I am very happy with that pace considering it's my first 5k. It was best case scenario as I didn't have to push the baby in the stroller, and the weather was perfect, as well as I was well rested from not exercising yesterday! It was my best run of the week, as W7D1 and W7D2 were both killer runs I struggled with. This was was not a struggle at all and I probably could have run longer. I did walk for 10 minutes after my run too.

    To set a goal and reach it is the best! I feel AMAZING!

    Woooo! Well done! Amazing achievement.
  • NickeeCoco
    NickeeCoco Posts: 130
    W9D3 is DONE! Not only am I, a person with rheumatoid arthritis and asthma now able to run for thirty minutes without falling over, but I learned three very important things along the way: Self Confidence, Self Respect, and Discipline. I'm glad I made the choice to do this.
  • chantels1
    chantels1 Posts: 391 Member
    Finished Week8 Day3 today. I was a lot slower because I knew I was going to keep running after the 28 minutes in an attempt to go 5K. I ran another 10 minutes or so and managed to run 4K in 38 minutes, I had to walk the last kilometer. I was sad I couldn't run the whole 5K, but keep reminding myself that 8 weeks ago I couldn't run 1/4 of a mile, I've came a long way! I'm sure the heat didn't help, I couldn't go first thing this morning like usual, it was early afternoon and 88 degrees.

    I don't think I could have done it in 88 degree weather either!!! God job getting in what you could!
  • chantels1
    chantels1 Posts: 391 Member
    W9D3 is DONE! Not only am I, a person with rheumatoid arthritis and asthma now able to run for thirty minutes without falling over, but I learned three very important things along the way: Self Confidence, Self Respect, and Discipline. I'm glad I made the choice to do this.

    Wow, that is an accomplishment!!! Congrats on your graduation today!!! I have a friend with arthritis and she can't hardly move, so it must have been difficult for you!!!
  • NickeeCoco
    NickeeCoco Posts: 130
    Wow, that is an accomplishment!!! Congrats on your graduation today!!! I have a friend with arthritis and she can't hardly move, so it must have been difficult for you!!!

    Thank you! I won't say it was always easy. I won't say there wasn't pain, but I had a lot of help from Aleve, Arthrotec (a prescription anti-inflammatory), heating pads, and a large dose of determination. :) It helps that I've had this all of my life. I don't know any different, so living with a certain amount of pain is just how life is for me. I've learned to live with it and work with what I've got. Not to mention that staying active with RA is important. It helps build joint stability, and muscle strength that help offset some of the problems RA cause.
  • Rindy12
    Rindy12 Posts: 215 Member
    Just ran my first 5k today!!! Super happy! It wasn't an official race, just did it on my own to see if I could!!! I ran 3.16 miles in 34:23 minutes!!! And an additional .93 miles in my warm up/cool down!

    My average pace was 5.5 mph for the 3.16 miles. and I am very happy with that pace considering it's my first 5k. It was best case scenario as I didn't have to push the baby in the stroller, and the weather was perfect, as well as I was well rested from not exercising yesterday! It was my best run of the week, as W7D1 and W7D2 were both killer runs I struggled with. This was was not a struggle at all and I probably could have run longer. I did walk for 10 minutes after my run too.

    To set a goal and reach it is the best! I feel AMAZING!

    That's an awesome run!!