Thoughts on Zumba?

I have been looking into Zumba and it looks fun but I'm not very fit yet and I don't know much about it. Is it fun? Is it hard for beginners? Any tips? Other thoughts?


  • PunkyRachel
    PunkyRachel Posts: 1,959 Member
    Just do it! Personally, my friends tried to get me to do zumba with them for almost 2-3 years before I ever went. I kept saying I don't dance or some other excuse. Then I finally did it and loved it. It is so much fun. Prices will vary but where I live the average is about $5 per class. I would check out local churches and see if anyone holds free zumba. That is how I am able to do it, a local church holds Zumba 3x week. I'm very poor and am glad I found out about the free zumba classes.
  • SwampWitch666
    SwampWitch666 Posts: 110 Member
    I've always wondered as well. I've never really been much of a dancer, but it looks like fun.

    I've heard that's it's a rip-off, though... too expensive for the faulty claims and all that. I don't know for sure, though.
  • Bluizflame
    Bluizflame Posts: 151 Member
    I <3 Zumba!! I have 0 coordination, and i'm sure i look like an idiot doing it haha But it's sooooo much fun! There's an older guy that comes to class every day. He just sways back and forth for the most part and moves his arms around. Every level of fitness can do it. Just keep your body moving, and do the steps you can :)

    *Edit* My gym has classes all the time, so i don't have to pay any extra for doing it. Not sure what prices are outside of gym's.
  • PunkyRachel
    PunkyRachel Posts: 1,959 Member
    I've been doing zumba for about 2 years, and I still miss up on some moves. the trick is to just keep moving, even if all you do is march in place. Arm movements help burn extra calories along with yelling, laughing and clapping. Make sure you have a water bottle with you, you will sweat buckets!
  • sistrsprkl
    sistrsprkl Posts: 1,010 Member
    I've been doing it on Xbox One and really love it! It's pretty easy and a good way to get your heart rate up. Good luck!
  • gpollis
    gpollis Posts: 38 Member
    zumba is fun for me ,lost 60 pounds since 2011
  • MamaC77
    MamaC77 Posts: 104 Member
    The good thing about Zumba is that nobody cares how you look or how uncoordinated you are. Personally I love it. Its fun and not the same thing over and over again. I'd way prefer to dance to some fun music than run on a treadmill for an hour. You burn lots of calories (not as many as some people claim so be careful when you log it). The main thing is that you get what you put in. If you go all out and move the whole time you will burn more. Where I live you can go to a rec center and pay a drop in fee for a class. Try it out and see for yourself. Relax and have a good time. There are so many classes everywhere now so it should be pretty easy to find a class. I leave the class sweating every time. Im sure there are people who don't think that it is worth it but I know quite a few people who have lost large amounts of weight doing Zumba 3-4 times a week. It really is a great cardio workout if you just go for it. Try it out and have a good time.
  • I use the Zumba game for Xbox and love it! It kicks my butt but I love being able to use it to switch up workouts or do it at night when I worked out in the morning. And I really love getting to do it at home. I find I do it harder because I know nobody is judging my moves! It really is fun though and is not at all about being a good dancer. Just give it your all and enjoy the burn!
  • Arranna1212
    Arranna1212 Posts: 143 Member
    I started taking Zumba classes and I have like.. NO dancing coordination at all! I LOVE LOVE LOVE them! Im a heavy person and before I started working out, I had little to no exercise at all. At my first class I got about 80% of the steps and man did I sweat like crazy! Don't worry about other people looking at you dance either, because everyone has their own interpretation of the dance anyways. So as long as you're move your arms, taking your steps, and swinging your hips, you are good to go!
  • mochapygmy
    mochapygmy Posts: 2,123 Member
    I'm not very fit yet and I've been to a few Zumba classes. I don't always keep up with the choreography changes but I'm always moving/flailing around. The first class I took was a 7am Saturday morning class, I arrived sleep deprived and wondering why I, who can't walk in a straight line was going to try a "dance" class then the music was pumping and I was having fun in no time. Check out a class and see what you think.
  • Psysix
    Psysix Posts: 53 Member
    Thank you everyone for your replies. It's very motivating. =)
  • cdlmaw1
    cdlmaw1 Posts: 5 Member
    I tried it on xbox and I felt like I was just wayyy to out of shape to do it for more than 5 minutes so I started walking with Leslie Sansone on youtube.
  • Groovyca2022
    Groovyca2022 Posts: 21,378 Member
    Love's fun. Just keep moving easy cal burn.
  • I love Zumba. I prefer doing classes over doing it at home. I bought a DVD set and I don't care for it. Maybe it's me but I feel like I get a better workout in a class.
  • I tried it on xbox and I felt like I was just wayyy to out of shape to do it for more than 5 minutes so I started walking with Leslie Sansone on youtube.

    I felt like this too. I kept stopping and thinking "wow this is the beginner level? My god!" But every time got easier and after only four times I am able to get through the whole thing and actually focus on doing the moves to the (semi) fullest.
  • swissmish
    swissmish Posts: 183 Member
    Love's fantastic! For me t is an easy calorie burn and really gets me sweating (to the point that I still have sweat dripping off me during the cool down and driving home). It doesn't really matter whether or not you have a dance background or not. Or even any coordination for that matter. Everyone starts somewhere and no one is really watching you and judging how well you do the moves or not (okay well maybe I do just a bit). But definitely give it a try and do not feel discouraged after the first class if you can't get the moves right. Keep at it and it will become easier with each and every class.
  • alisonlynn1976
    alisonlynn1976 Posts: 929 Member
    I think it's fun, but so easy for me that I don't think it burns all that many calories.
  • indrani1947
    indrani1947 Posts: 178 Member
    Love it, no matter your fitness level or age you can burn calories in an enjoyable fun way it keeps me motivated and I miss it when I cannot go :)
  • Lozzer135
    Lozzer135 Posts: 12 Member
    Do it. It's really good fun - everyone is so busy concentrating on not falling over they won't notice if you're going the wrong way!! Happy, feel good music, motivating and fun plus it's good exercise - what's not to like?
  • I personally can't stand it. Though I love to dance, I'm more of a run fast and lift heavy kind of person. I do however see how Zumba appeals to people who don't nessesarily like exercise (or even do and just want to mix it up). Anyone can do it...and it makes working out fun. Definitely give it a go!

    My experience: an instructor can make or break your love for Zumba. I had a really crappy one recently (think Prancersize-ish), but I've had really high energy, awesome ones, too. Just isn't my thing.
  • sigalsirkin
    sigalsirkin Posts: 59 Member
    Don't wait to start Zumba. Anyone can start, does not matter what your fitness level is. You do not have to do high impact moves, you can start with following the moves but doing it low impact and as you get fitter you can put more effort into the moves. Zumba is such fun, it's like going to a dance party. I never have to force myself to go, I love it so much and if I miss it, I get really disappointed. Even if you don't have a lot of coordination, the more you do it, the better you get at it. Don't think about it, just do it! Good luck and have fun.
  • margannmks
    margannmks Posts: 424 Member
    I just started twice a week theres a class after my boot camp, i like it im not very good but getting better, the teacher definetly makes or breaks it. I already do bc 5 days so i enjoy the less painful zumba more fun than work.
  • Arranna1212
    Arranna1212 Posts: 143 Member
    I personally can't stand it. Though I love to dance, I'm more of a run fast and lift heavy kind of person. I do however see how Zumba appeals to people who don't nessesarily like exercise (or even do and just want to mix it up). Anyone can do it...and it makes working out fun. Definitely give it a go!

    My experience: an instructor can make or break your love for Zumba. I had a really crappy one recently (think Prancersize-ish), but I've had really high energy, awesome ones, too. Just isn't my thing.

    So true on the instructor part. I've heard about instructors singling people out and making fun of them because they couldn't make the steps! I love my instructor though, she teaches multiple classes there including ballet for toddlers. i'm pretty sure to be a good Zumba instructor you need to be a nice, energetic person.
  • knittnponder
    knittnponder Posts: 1,953 Member
    I did a you tube zumba video for free at home to try it out before going.
  • bribrijean234
    bribrijean234 Posts: 90 Member
    I've was a dancer for the majority of my life, heard about Zumba and decided to give it a go. I tried a couple classes but got bored very quickly with the instructors/classes offered near me. That's when I discovered Zumba for the wii. I have to say if you have a video game system like wii or xbox - buy a game! You can learn at your own pace and the games even have step by step tutorials if needed. The key is to keep moving - if you miss the steps or can't keep up, just keep going, you'll improve with practice. If it's just too much going on to keep up, try getting the footwork down first. Add the arms in when you feel comfortable. I've been playing since the first game and now I'm hooked on Core and World Party. I pick up the steps super quick but I still miss steps and make mistakes - but so what. I'm having fun and getting a great workout. :)

    One note: don't trust the calorie burn that MFP gives you for doing Zumba, it's a bit overstated. If you have a HRM go by that, or give yourself some leeway and don't eat all of the calories back that it gives you. I'd say 50% is safe, and you can probably even go a little higher than that.
  • Fiercely_Me
    Fiercely_Me Posts: 481 Member
    I personally can't stand it. Though I love to dance, I'm more of a run fast and lift heavy kind of person. I do however see how Zumba appeals to people who don't nessesarily like exercise (or even do and just want to mix it up). Anyone can do it...and it makes working out fun. Definitely give it a go!

    My experience: an instructor can make or break your love for Zumba. I had a really crappy one recently (think Prancersize-ish), but I've had really high energy, awesome ones, too. Just isn't my thing.

    So true on the instructor part. I've heard about instructors singling people out and making fun of them because they couldn't make the steps! I love my instructor though, she teaches multiple classes there including ballet for toddlers. i'm pretty sure to be a good Zumba instructor you need to be a nice, energetic person.

    As a zumba/group X instructor, that disgusts me. They should've been reported and fired immediately. I do agree that there will be instructors that are not going to be as energetic or as friendly as others, but that type of behavior derails the whole purpose of group exercise, and therefore, should not be tolerated. Fortunately they're in a minority because most Zumba instructors are awesome and really go out of their way to encourage participants as much as possible.

    I would definitely recommend trying Zumba, because it is fun and you really do get a good workout. It breaks up the monotony of traditional exercise.