

  • Well folks I lived. I took the advice of chivalry and maizer and adjusted my macros to include more carbs the week before. The day of I had some pasta for lunch and a couple of sandwiches and an energy drink just before. At the end of the test I was still standing although I will admit during the final ceremony the lights…
  • Thanks for the responses. The test is on the 20th, I will let you know how it goes. I am just going to treat it as a normal day off and make sure I am well hydrated. DavPul's advice makes sense, why try something new when the old stuff works. The best advice is always the simplest. Thanks again...
  • Don't you have physical therapy? Ask one of your trainers. They know you and your injury and what you can/cannot do. You also have to eat less. You have my sympathy, I tore my ACL and was out 6 months. During that time I gained weight because following my doctor's instructions limited my activity quite a bit. I also turned…
  • I found most of my pet peeves started to vanish when I bought my black Dodge Charger. In your rearview mirror it looks just like a State Patrol cruiser. Now everyone is very courteous and does their absolute best to stay out of my way. Life is good...
  • It is my experience that you don't really buy Indian food, you just rent it. I doubt that many calories really have time to get absorbed into my body during their brief tour of my digestive system.
  • I don't really see fighting as a risk other than being seen as a bully or possibly being arrested. Unless it is a criminal attack (i.e. he wants you dead, no witnesses, etc...) and is just social positioning or sport there is usually very little chance of permanent injury from a fight. The goal is to win and if things…
  • This also answers another of your questions but I am former military and work at a defense contractor so my "enviornment" probably colors my respose somewhat. It is highly important how you win, even more important than why you are fighting. The argument is really just an excuse to get to the fight in most cases. You want…
  • I HIGHLY reccomend getting it checked out. I am a martial artist and twisited my knee in a sparring match. It kind of felt like my leg just "fell apart" but I got up (after a little break) and fought for one more round before going to the emergency room. The emergency doctor X-rayed it, said it was not broken but to take…
  • I do strength training and martial arts and started taking casien before I went to bed after the martial arts sessions. It is a slower absorbing protein and by the time I wake up in the morning I don't feel quite as "beat up". My bladder also produces more that would seem physically possible in the morning but I am told…
  • I second the protein. Try casein, I use the Cytosport (tastes better to me) and mix it with 1/2 water and 1/2 milk before I go to bed. I no longer feel like I have been hit by a truck the next morning.
  • I have been doing martial arts (jiu jitsu and kick boxing) and on "off nights" and started doing strength training with weights. I was able to see increased strength, flexibility, balance, speed, and even endurance by the second week of adding the weights. My weight loss has started to level off, but the difference in the…