3 hours of maximum effort

Next week I will be testing for my black belt in Gongkwon Yusul (Korean combat MMA). It will be 2-3 hours of constant activity consisting of punching, kicking, grappling, and endurance tests. There will be a minimum of 10 separate 2 minute full contact sparring rounds with a fresh opponent in each round. All in all it will be tough but I am ready and have been training 2 hours a day, 5 days a week for the last 6 months. These last few weeks have been "easy" mainly so I don't injure myself before the test.
My question is this. What should I do and eat the day of the test to be at my "peak" when it starts (energy, endurance, mentally). I am only working a half day the day before and I am off the day of the test which is at 5 PM. I am 43 years old, 5'11", 265lbs and in pretty good shape for my age. I still have about 20-30 lbs to go but I have been intentionally eating at not much of a deficit to keep my energy up for training. I probably feel the best I have in the last couple of years with no injuries and I have the endurance to make it through.
So let me know guys, what is a good "game day" prep plan?


  • ktjdave
    ktjdave Posts: 2 Member
    Wow that sounds epic. Good luck.

    My game day plan is listening to Limp Bizkit - chocolate starfish.

    let me know how you get on.

  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    at this stage of the game i'd go with whatever i was already doing. no reason to mix it up with a new pre gametime routine when your body is already getting thru the tough workouts as it is. i'd probably taper my activity next week by training at the usual time with with less intensity and duration but the main thing is If it Ain't Broke Don't Fix it
  • Cherimoose
    Cherimoose Posts: 5,209 Member
    A normal meal a couple of hours before, and a carbohydrate + electrolyte sports beverage during the event for sustained energy.
  • koyangi
    koyangi Posts: 14
    Thanks for the responses. The test is on the 20th, I will let you know how it goes.

    I am just going to treat it as a normal day off and make sure I am well hydrated. DavPul's advice makes sense, why try something new when the old stuff works. The best advice is always the simplest.

    Thanks again...
  • chivalryder
    chivalryder Posts: 4,391 Member
    I can make two suggestions:

    Rest the day before. By rest, I mean do NOTHING. ok, you can go for a walk, but don't stress your body at all. By doing this, you will feel more refreshed and you'll have more energy on the day of so you'll be better at kicking *kitten* for longer!

    The other thing I can suggest is to carbo-load during the week prior. That way,y our glycogen stores will be packed full of energy for your muscles to use. It'll take longer for you to bonk, so it'll be easier to keep your energy levels up. Yes, you will gain weight, and the only downside is that for the first 30 minutes, your arms and legs will feel a bit slower and heavier. In the long haul, your results may be better.
  • maizerage66
    maizerage66 Posts: 367 Member
    I can make two suggestions:

    Rest the day before. By rest, I mean do NOTHING. ok, you can go for a walk, but don't stress your body at all. By doing this, you will feel more refreshed and you'll have more energy on the day of so you'll be better at kicking *kitten* for longer!

    The other thing I can suggest is to carbo-load during the week prior. That way,y our glycogen stores will be packed full of energy for your muscles to use. It'll take longer for you to bonk, so it'll be easier to keep your energy levels up. Yes, you will gain weight, and the only downside is that for the first 30 minutes, your arms and legs will feel a bit slower and heavier. In the long haul, your results may be better.

    THIS. Take it easy the day before your test to make sure you are plenty rested, and many endurance athletes have a huge carb loaded dinner the night before their big event, as well as plenty of carbs that morning.
  • koyangi
    koyangi Posts: 14
    Well folks I lived. I took the advice of chivalry and maizer and adjusted my macros to include more carbs the week before. The day of I had some pasta for lunch and a couple of sandwiches and an energy drink just before. At the end of the test I was still standing although I will admit during the final ceremony the lights started to fade in and out a little ;). Luckily the test ended about 9:30 to 10:00 PM so I could go home and just sleep afterwards. The next day the adrenaline had worn off and I felt every throw and strike I had taken. No matter though I proved the old man could hang with the younger guys. Thanks for all the encouragement and advice.