Am I Crazy?



  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    I think you need a healthy dose of perspective. Twisting your knee, and therefore having an injury, is not a dumb excuse to skip working out. You do not need to work out every day to lose the weight. It can help with your calorie deficit but you can also cut back on your intake a little to do that. And as someone else pointed out - where are you going to be if you keep pushing it and do some sort of permanent damage. If you must work out, do some upper body things - weights, abs, punches.

    In conclusion, IMHO, yes, anyone who pushes, especially after sustaining a joint injury, is crazy. Rest, let it heal, maybe even go see a doctor if the pain's not going away...
  • XjXannX
    XjXannX Posts: 44 Member
    i'm glad you are so committed to getting healthy, but you should take it easy if you hurt yourself, it would be worse if you pushed yourself too hard and hurt yourself worse. taking a day or two off is better than having to take a while to heal from a worse injury. hope your knee feels better soon though
  • samantha1242
    samantha1242 Posts: 816 Member
    Rest your injury!!!!!
  • MinisterTom
    MinisterTom Posts: 108 Member
    Thank you all. This is the first time, I think I was happy to be called crazy. I will take it easy on the knee. (And of all things, I twisted it stepping off of a curb, not at the gym). I know there are other workouts I can do, I will just have to focus on those until my knee feels better.
  • smtillman2
    smtillman2 Posts: 756 Member
    I didn't read your post but if you have to ask I think that means you are crazy.
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    If you keep pushing it on an injury, you'll end up having to take much more time off than if you let it rest and heal up front.
  • thebigcb
    thebigcb Posts: 2,210 Member
    You are being crazy

    If you keep exercising on it, you will damage it further and prolong the injury

    Get advice off a prfessional, recover from it and then get back at it.

    Injury is a real pain but its part of getting and staying healthy.
  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    There is a difference between injury and pain. You know the difference.
  • I can see where you could say it was an excuse, based on previous experience, but hurting yourself is not an excuse. It is legitimate and needs to heal.
  • Merithyn
    Merithyn Posts: 284 Member
    First, You have had an AWESOME weight losss, so Much Kudos!!!

    Go see a Doctor! Then you'll have your best answer :smile:

    Keep in mind that even if he keeps you off it, there may be other things you can do. Stay Strong, You have come a LONG way!!!

    What this man said. :smile:

    By the way, you can still exercise with a bum knee, if you really feel like you should be doing something. Just do upper-body work while you heal.
  • SarahSmiles2004
    SarahSmiles2004 Posts: 66 Member
    You are not crazy for taking a day off, it's ok to heal back up. Trust me, I'm the queen of pushing myself too far on things. I will keep going through pain and suffering even though my doctors even tell me to slow down.

    Take a rest, don't stress it, watch your food intake and you are going to be fine. once you are starting to feel better EASE back into a workout, take it down a notch for just a little bit then when you are back to full health then go hard back at it and make sure to protect that knee, you don't want to end up in the doctors office and wind up with something worse.
  • lloydrt
    lloydrt Posts: 1,121 Member
    Your physical appearance is 80% nutritional control and 20% exercise

    think about it

    also, I messed up my back 3 days ago, stayed in bed and allowed it to recover, then went to the gym this morning at 6 and did weights, just curls and using the machines

    I did 45 mins of SLOW pain, just made sure I monitored my activity

    Went home and took a hot bath adn now Im fine............if you feel bad, go to the gym and do minimal exercise, maybe just some curls and upper body work really does make you feel in control..............I did, and I feel great, and I also have a bad case of Mountain Cedar, ie, allergies that are really dragging me down, but Im not giving in to any of the crap that got me here in the first place..........just WATCH WHAT YOU ARE EATING.....................Good luck
  • cuterbee
    cuterbee Posts: 545
    You hurt your knee. You really, really don't want to make it worse.

    If you feel a need to do something, do chair exercises, abdominal crunches, swimming (if you don't use your legs, you will really get an arm workout; don't try this if you're not a good swimmer), or anything else where your knee does not come into play. There are definitely things you can do; you just can't do things that require standing or using your legs.

    Oh, and go see your doctor and make sure you haven't torn something.
  • koyangi
    koyangi Posts: 14
    I HIGHLY reccomend getting it checked out. I am a martial artist and twisited my knee in a sparring match. It kind of felt like my leg just "fell apart" but I got up (after a little break) and fought for one more round before going to the emergency room. The emergency doctor X-rayed it, said it was not broken but to take it easy for a week or two and see a sports medicine doctor if it did not improve. I took a week off and the swelling went down and I started to ease into training again. I felt fine except a few times my leg would just "pop" and I would fall down. I could get up and continue so I thought it was just a torn meniscus, no big deal, minor surgery but it would not get any worse until then. There was a round of belt testing coming up and my wife made me go see the sports doctor to make sure I would not hurt myself further during the sparring. The doctor felt the knee and said it did not feel too bad and I was probably OK for the tests. Just to be sure, he wanted an MRI. I went back to his office for the results and left in a full leg brace with surgery scheduled in two days for my completely torn ACL. Everyone I knew was stunned, it did not seem like I was hurt that bad at all. Luckily I had done no damage to my MCL or meniscus despite training injured for a couple of weeks and was smart enough not try any squats or deadlifts during that time (I knew I was hurt, I just wanted to get one more round of testing in before surgery). I am kind of a big guy (5'11" 255 lbs) and my muscles held my knee together through normal activity but if I would have tried to throw someone in my weight class it would have ended tragically. Looking at your profile picture you are not the first choice for the top of the pyramid at cheerleading camp, so your leg musculature may be hiding a worse injury. It is worth a co-pay to find out.
  • JenMarie8781
    JenMarie8781 Posts: 377 Member
    I totally understand where you are coming from. I went from 368 to 261 (lost 107) and I was doing SO good... no excuses! Just doing what I had to do! Then I got pregnant and started putting some weight back on and I'm totally beating myself up. Everyone tells me "Relax! You're pregnant!" But I can't help feeling guilty and being mad at myself for slipping. So although you are a man and you have no idea about pregnancy... it's kind of the same situation. LOL. You're injured... you're not making excuses. You need to take a little time off to let your knee heal so you don't do more damage!
  • kingkoopaluv
    kingkoopaluv Posts: 147 Member
    I tweaked my MCL on sunday and i saw an orthopedic today and he said minimum 4weeks no exercising. No running no elliptical no soccer no yoga. I understand you want to workout but get yourself better or you will be in worse shape.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,309 Member
    Thank you all. This is the first time, I think I was happy to be called crazy. I will take it easy on the knee. (And of all things, I twisted it stepping off of a curb, not at the gym). I know there are other workouts I can do, I will just have to focus on those until my knee feels better.

    I broke a Metatarsal (sp?) bone in my foot stepping off the curb at my apartment....that I step off three times a day. I was unable to exercise for months...couldn't really even walk without pain. So I know how frustrating that is :laugh:

    Welcome to the Human Clutzy Race.
  • eckabad
    eckabad Posts: 49
    TAKE CARE OF YOUR KNEE!!! I'm telling you. I'm only 22 and I already have a bum knee (*which makes you walk subconciously... which jacks up your back too!) please, take some time off, and take care of your knee!
  • ajs03
    ajs03 Posts: 32
    Take a Break! You need to let it heal or it will take you backwards even more. Rest for a few days & see how it feels. Start out slow & work your way back up. Resting it now & taking a few days off is a much better option to continuing to push it & causing damage that may require surgery or something. Try lifting free weights (like arm curls) or doing sit-ups or maybe even playing on the Wii (doing bowling or golf).
    Best of luck!
  • Chibea
    Chibea Posts: 363 Member
    I totally understand your need to keep going. I have this issue with fear of slacking and losing my momentum. I just re-injured my foot by walking too long...plantar really hurts and I know I need to rest it, but I am just getting started on this site and do not want to take a break!!! The thing is that the injury is caused by my overweight -ness and I need to exercise to take care of that problem. Other forms of exercise aren't available due to finances so I am going out to walk my walk a bit more slowly....