

  • I have had weight issues my entire life. About 4 years ago I lost about 70 pounds and was very happy with my size. I had two c-sections (and two BIG babies 9.8 lbs and 8.15 lbs) and was left with a big roll of skin. I had loose skin on my arms and legs but the more I exercised the better it got... My stomach never changed.…
  • I walk on the treadmill at an incline and I feel it in the rear area... I think after a while it will even out as your body lets go of other areas of fat. Great job on the weight loss! Keep it up! :flowerforyou:
  • I do a bit of modifying and reducing... LOVE pizza so I make my own with thin crust and light on the cheese so it isn't as unhealthy... LOVE ice cream.... I still have it... just less of it. I can't go without ice cream etc. I want to learn to eat healthy for life... not just until I loose weight so I figure i need to…
  • http://www.bedbathandbeyond.com/product.asp?SKU=120813&RN=444& We have this one and I love it! It goes up to 400.
  • 1. What part of your body do you have the most confidence in? Hmmm my eyes 2. What part of your personality do you have the most confidence in? My kindness 3. What is one thing you do to boost your self esteem (ex: wear red lipstick, meet a goal, etc.)? get dressed nicely and wear make-up (I'm a stay at home mom to two…
  • I try not to judge people in any situation.... I don't know what their personal situation is and what is going on in their life so I hate to label them. I do get a little upset when I see adults who allow their very young children to become obese... It is up to the parents to keep them healthy and eating junk all the time…
  • Awe, how sweet (pun not intended... LOL). I'm a baker but everything I make has tons of calories... LOL Here is a website I found: http://www.delish.com/recipes/cooking-recipes/low-calorie-cookie-recipes Have fun and if you try any of them out please let me know how they turn out. Lisa
  • hmmm, the shout didn't work... I guess I'll try the goo gone or grease lightening... Thanks again for the tips!
    in OT vent Comment by fchopin42 July 2010
  • Unfortunately my husband doesn't do laundry.... I guess I'm nice enough to do it for him so he should have the courtesy to check his pockets when he takes his clothes off at night.... Thanks for all the suggestions... I bought some shout greasy stains spray and just tried it... the clothes are in the wash again... I really…
    in OT vent Comment by fchopin42 July 2010
  • thanks for the suggestion! I'll have to try it... Do you apply and then rewash and dry? Thanks a lot! Lisa
    in OT vent Comment by fchopin42 July 2010
  • Welcome! I'm on my second week. I think watching caloric intake and exercising is the key to healthy living. :smile: I'm always happy to hear people quit doing all those "quick fix" type diets... they really don't last. I had my thyroid removed last year due to thyroid cancer and put on 40 pounds before my endo could…
  • Breakfast is my favorite meal of the day..... I almost always have the following: Bran Flakes 3 tbsp of Dietary Snack mix (a mixture of sunflower seeds, pepita's, almonds, cashews, and raisans--for some reason I can't spell that today lol) vanilla soy milk It's delicious! and very filling. :-) Lisa
  • thank you so much everyone! I'm still nervous but at least I have some great ideas. LOVE the gum idea... I love to chew gum and that helps a lot. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! :flowerforyou: Lisa
  • thanks everyone!
  • 5'3"ish... 164 size 12/14.... when I was 117 I was in a 2/4
    in sizes Comment by fchopin42 June 2010
  • today I had 70... MFP says 52... I exercise 4-5 days a week... Thank you for all the replies!!! :-) Lisa
  • WOW! You look awesome! Great job!
  • OMG what a jerk! Some people are just dumb.... I'm sorry you had to hear that... especially from family. I think you look spectacular! *hugs* Lisa
  • Thank you everyone! I'm already feeling better..... I plan to take this day by day and allow some treats here and there. Thank you again for all the encouragement! (and for not thinking I'm silly for posting about two days LOL) Have a wonderful day! Lisa
  • wow! Thanks everyone! I didn't expect replies already! LOL innocence, thank you for your suggestion on honey. I do like honey in my tea... being a southern girl I have to have my iced tea. LOL I use a lot of splenda too. I just wish I could pass up the candy/cake/cookies... ugh! Kimberly, Thank you! Vwalley, Wow, three…
    in new here Comment by fchopin42 June 2010