apple pie, cinnamon roll and vanilla almond crunch are worth a try.
If you think you are going to get bored, try BBB 13 week challenge on page 24 of "Beyond 5/3/1" or the BBB variations starting on page 20. 5x10, 5x5, 5x3 and 5x1 at higher %.
There is no "Magic" pill. It is called hard work, consistency and dedication!
Quit crash dieting, eat healthy within your maintenance and then LIFT HEAVY!
Gives me something to shoot for when I'm his age.
Dial back your training weight 10% and start there. 155 x 10% = 15.5 155 - 15 = 140. Work back up to it. Good luck!
Walking, more body weight squats/lunges, stretching, foam rolling, just something to get the blood flowing to those sore areas.
Here, here. I second this movement.
Lower the weight and raise the reps. High rep squatting it is! :-)
K.I.S.S Keep It Simple Stupid. Nuff said. Loftearmen, I'm on your side. I would gladly take any powerlifting advice from you. Lift Big, Eat Big!
Squats, Deadlift, Lunges
You just started. Don't let the soreness win. Keep pushing forward. It will go away. Its going to be a long and painful journey. Buckle up and let soreness take a backseat.
Drop 10% of the weight and start at the new weight. 125x10%=12.50 125-12.5=112.50 start at 110 or 115 and work back up
Squats, squats and more squats.
Dave Tate's "So you think you can Squat" and "So you think you can Bench"
This^^ and eat more! Also salt water baths help.
Jim Wendler, Dave Tate, John Meadows Vincent Dizenzo or anyone at EliteFts. Sly Stallone, Jason Statham Bruce Lee
One of the DUMBEST THINGS I HAVE EVER HEARD! Its almost as dumb as overhead pressing with a baby strapped to the front of you or performing squats while standing on a balance ball. Some peoples kids. :noway:
I am going to agree with the squats, lunges and deadlift suggestions and throw another one in called the glute bridge.
You could try just some bodyweight movements to get the blood flowing. When my legs get the DOMS, I do a couple of sets of BW squats and that gets the blood pumping to the muscles and helps relieve some of the soreness.
Its not going to hurt to take a couple of days off. If you are that worried about it, do some body weight exercises to keep you going. Squats, push ups, pull ups etc. You'll make it through, don't sweat it.
Lift and lift heavy. Don't worry about the "bulking" and "cutting". As long as you get your calories in check and have a SOLID training program you should loose a little fat and build muscle. Don't be a program jumper. Find one and stick with it for 6-12 months. Starting Strength, Stronglifts, 5/3/1 are all tried and true…
When all else fails, SQUAT AND PUSH A PROWLER!
You have been working REALLY hard for the last year. When was the last time you have taken a week off and not done ANYTHING i.e. no lifting, no cardio, no anything? Instead of the most common advice like dropping more calories, why not take a week off of everything and eat your maintenance calories. Give your body and mind…
Squats, deadlift, squats, deadlift
The BEST assistance work is.....what works for you. My assistance work I do might not work for you or anybody else. Just like in the book, Don't sweat the assistance work. Worry about the main lifts. Welcome to 5/3/1!
Deftones, Judas Priest, Godsmack, Slipknot